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muslim community in poland

JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
13 Nov 2008 /  #211
Or just watch the South Park episode. Hilarious and educational.

it's not that one where everyone buries their heads in sand cos they're scared of muslim extremists?
Krakowianka  1 | 243  
13 Nov 2008 /  #212
Why must Poland or any other country accept you or learn to like you? You say if someone respects you, you will give them double the respect back. Maybe you should re-read some of your posts. Calling

very sh8t people

after people are simply replying to your posts and comments doesnt seem appropriate.

Isn't it a mystery that muslims aren't wanted or appreciated in sooo many countries, yet so many other nationalities do not face the same bias you do? Perhaps it has something to do with the way you act? So if you are demanding Poland or UK or whatever other country to change to accomodate you, perhaps you are the ones that should change and learn to live in your new surroundings and stop complaining and playing the race card.
gtd  3 | 639  
13 Nov 2008 /  #213
Isn't it a mystery that muslims aren't wanted or appreciated in sooo many countries, yet so many other nationalities do not face the same bias you do? Perhaps it has something to do with the way you act?

Ding ding ding....winner.
13 Nov 2008 /  #214
I am the guest. I just demand honesty and decency

We also want thing but some one calling recist atc......how you feel ???
ash was ask simple question why you ppl DIG more.....
espana  17 | 951  
13 Nov 2008 /  #215
Ding ding ding....winner.

that not fair for ash786
he is english and in his own country people called him a paki
in pakistan his cousin called him english .

can he win ? NO
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
13 Nov 2008 /  #216
We also want thing but some one calling recist atc......how you feel ???

only espana called you a racist, and he's Spanish not Polish
espana  17 | 951  
13 Nov 2008 /  #217
only espana called you a racist

i did to ash786 , and i think he is , like everybody else :)
13 Nov 2008 /  #218
espana i think you did your self buddy..
before you say anything make sure twis !!!
espana  17 | 951  
13 Nov 2008 /  #219
espana i think you did

ok i did :) so?

i didnt know there is a plague in this thread :(
13 Nov 2008 /  #220
email me your address.... i will bring flower for you, maciej@wp.pl
pingwin  2 | 117  
13 Nov 2008 /  #221
hey guess what??am back..having read thru some of the trhreads you know it makes my stomach turn..in earleir threads you people are calling me a paki,muslim terrorist and everything else you can think of and then you are quoting martin luther king(a black man)and gandhi(an indian) you people are such hyprocrites.

Hey ash before you go on tooten your horn read my post again. I am not comparing you to anything. I simply stated that we need to stop this back and forth hate of one another. The men I metioned stood for peace. As for the black man I was speaking about my own personal experience and battle.

My suggestion to you is to take a DEEP breath before you start attacking anyone without reading the posts carefully.
IronsE11  2 | 441  
13 Nov 2008 /  #222
It's funny how so many Poles feel qualified to comment on the Muslim way of life. I was under the impression that there aren't many Muslims in Poland? If so, how do you all know so much about Muslims?

I'm from a part of East London with a great number of Muslims, Poles and South Africans. There are a large number of Muslims who play cricket at my local club who I am friends with. There are also a number of South Africans who play there, although I am yet to come across a Pole. To be honest with you, I think it's pretty disgusting that the Poles who come to East London don't integrate properly by engaging in the English tradition of cricket. How dare they.

The majority of you who bang on about integration make me laugh. Most Muslims are decent family people who get on with their lives much like any other nationality or religious group. When Polish people in London live together in tight knit communities, shop at Polish shops, socialise with other Poles and speak Polish to each other then that is ok? But when 'dirty Paki Muslims' do it then they are the sort of scum that we don't want in the country?

Labelling all Muslims is extremists is just plain ignorant, bit then you'd know that if you actually knew any Muslims personally.
asmaani  - | 28  
13 Nov 2008 /  #223
yeah so to what extend you want muslims to assimilate?
want us to change the way we dress. isn't it my own business how I dress?
want us to eat pork? drink alcohol? isn't it my own business what I choose to eat or drink?
what else?
whatever Ash would do he will never become Polish and no matter how hard he would like to assimilate still some people will refuse to call him English. rite? Asian, Paki, whatever. so what's the point anyway?

so looks like some people would like muslims to get rid of our culture, religion, sense of community but they would never give anything in return. whatever Ash does he will remain 'Paki' for some people.

another thing is- what kind of boredom makes some of you use every opportunity to insult islam. I admit this is something hard to understand. you use the language Goering would be proud of. take Der Sturmer read it and replace the word 'Jew' with 'muslim'- and looks like we have it. this is just sick.
southern  73 | 7059  
13 Nov 2008 /  #224
The funniest thing I heard yesterday from an Iraqi:''All these dirty Arabs,I hate them.Muslims,away.''That's because he is orthodox.
IronsE11  2 | 441  
13 Nov 2008 /  #225
what kind of boredom makes some of you use every opportunity to insult islam.

It's not boredom, it's plain ignorance. We could just as easily be discussing the extreme, backward homophobic stance of the Pope and the Catholic Church but what would be the fun in that?
gtd  3 | 639  
13 Nov 2008 /  #226
yeah so to what extend you want muslims to assimilate?

How about NOT asking us to change our rules and customs because it bothers you. YOU are the guest. The London Police were giving grief because of flyers that had a puppy on them (a Police mascot) because the muslim community was all upset at the 'filthy' animals image being around.

Nobody wants to make you eat something you dont want...just dont expect us to accommodate you...if you want it that way stay where it is already like that. If you want is the Western way go there...but stop trying to change the West into your kingdom.
IronsE11  2 | 441  
13 Nov 2008 /  #227
How about NOT asking us to change our rules and customs because it bothers you. YOU are the guest. The London Police were giving grief because of flyers that had a puppy on them (a Police mascot) because the muslim community was all upset at the 'filthy' animals image being around.

1. I bet you'll find the percentage of Muslims in the UK who actually complained about it was tiny. Most of them didn't give a flying f*ck.

2. They are British citizens (NOT GUESTS) with as much right to comment on a public poster as any other British citizen.

The Jerry Springer musical and The Life of Brian were widely condemned by Christians, frankly, I don't see what business they had commenting on them.
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
13 Nov 2008 /  #228
want us to eat pork? drink alcohol? isn't it my own business what I choose to eat or drink?

of course it is your business, but please don't go working at tescos and then claim you were not aware you will have to handle alcohol and pork, and sue them for all the fecking 'distress' it caused you. bunch of bloody spongers and time wasters.
asmaani  - | 28  
13 Nov 2008 /  #229
hey I myself am Polish, native Polish, all my ancestors were Polish, well some Ukrainian to be honest. I live in Poland- what do you want me to be? I am not a guest. I am at home, but after reading such posts and realising how much people hate islam, and hate me only because I am muslim makes me wonder...

what kind of important tradition was that police puppet? please explain.

in my personal opinion though it has gone too far- police should never even pay attention to such claims. I think people who made them are nuts.
gtd  3 | 639  
13 Nov 2008 /  #230
. They are British citizens (NOT GUESTS) with as much right to comment on a public poster as any other British citizen

And they were pandered to and the posters removed...for a MINORITY or people who were bothered and for a reason specific to their culture. That is shaping your host land to fit you not the other way around. And not all were citizens.
IronsE11  2 | 441  
13 Nov 2008 /  #231
but please don't go working at tescos and then claim you were not aware you will have to handle alcohol and pork, and sue them for all the fecking 'distress' it caused you.

Or work for an airline with a strict no jewellery policy, then complain that you can't where your crucifix to work?

Picking out examples where someone has made a grievance due to religion is hardly a good indication of how 2 million people in the UK live their lives.
asmaani  - | 28  
13 Nov 2008 /  #232
of course it is your business, but please don't go working at tescos and then claim you were not aware you will have to handle alcohol and pork, and sue them for all the fecking 'distress' it caused you. bunch of bloody spongers and time wasters.

I have no intention neither in working at tescos nor in coming to UK. happy now?
gtd  3 | 639  
13 Nov 2008 /  #233
of course it is your business, but please don't go working at tescos and then claim you were not aware you will have to handle alcohol and pork, and sue them for all the fecking 'distress' it caused you. bunch of bloody spongers and time wasters.

Exactly...this is the kind of ridiculous thing that goes on everywhere....taxi drivers refusing to take people from pubs etc etc. Don't try and force your beliefs on the majority and indigenous culture and expect them to be happy about it.
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
13 Nov 2008 /  #234
police should never even pay attention to such claims. I think people who made them are nuts.

you tell that to the police cos those people sue and win thousands if not millions of pounds in UK
asmaani  - | 28  
13 Nov 2008 /  #235
Don't try and force your beliefs on the majority and indigenous culture and expect them to be happy about it.

but the other way is perfectly ok? it's ok to force beliefs, or rather lack of beliefs on a minority?

btw- If I were a taxi driver I would think twice on taking a drunk person into my cab- regardless of religion. I am scared of drunk people.
IronsE11  2 | 441  
13 Nov 2008 /  #236
And they were pandered to and the posters removed...for a MINORITY or people who were bothered and for a reason specific to their culture.

I didn't say I agreed with the decision did I. Only that they had a right to complain, that they were British citizens, and that most of them probably didn't even care about it.

That is shaping your host land to fit you not the other way around

I don't understand the concept of this host land! British Muslims are not guests in Britain, they have the same rights as anyone else! Their culture is as British as my culture! It's like me saying that Black American culture should be ignored as the whites were their first. Once you are a citizen of a country you have as much right to shape it as any other citizen! Let's not forget that India Pakistan and Bangladesh were 'shaped' by white Brits.
gtd  3 | 639  
13 Nov 2008 /  #237
British Muslims are not guests in Britain, they have the same rights as anyone else! Their culture is as British as my culture!


WHen you try to force a religious paradigm on a country...that includes telling those NOT of that religion how they can act...there is a problem.

Black people in the USA are not trying to make whites into 'blacks' or making them remove posters of animals. Islam's goal is to convert all to Islam...and they often see it as fine to use force.
mafketis  38 | 11149  
13 Nov 2008 /  #238
The London Police were giving grief because of flyers that had a puppy on them (a Police mascot) because the muslim community was all upset at the 'filthy' animals image being around.
If you want is the Western way go there...but stop trying to change the West into your kingdom.

IIRC the fuss with the puppy was raised by one or two obnoxious loudmouths and then carried on by PC non-Muslims. Most Muslims quite sensibly didn't care.

As for the second point. The problem is that Christianity and Islam are both expansionist religions. Part of what this means is that they only thrive when believers have a feeling that their number is growing. The collapse of Christianity in much of Western Europe pretty closely coincides with the idea of not trying to convert the world. Believing Muslims don't want the same thing to happen to their religion.

Interestingly the number of believers doesn't actually have to expand as long as current believers feel like the number is expanding (in other words perceptions are more important than reality). US Christianity (much more robust than European versions) maintains an illusion of continual expansion by (basically) converting and reconverting the same people over and over again and this is not unheard of in some Muslim circles too (as is making it difficult or dangerous for Muslims to convert to other religions). Another tactic when Muslims are in the minority (practised in a lot of western Europe) is to self-segregate as much as possible and whenever possible get the majority to grant them concessions.
Filios1  8 | 1336  
13 Nov 2008 /  #239
whites were their first

What about the Indians?
gtd  3 | 639  
13 Nov 2008 /  #240
IRC the fuss with the puppy was raised by one or two obnoxious loudmouths and then carried on by PC non-Muslims. Most Muslims quite sensibly didn't care.

Then they should have spoken out and told the nutters to get bent. Rather the UK govt bends over backwards for the nutters. Muslims are responsible for their religion and need to police it.

re your second issue...I don't agree with any religion imposing itself on others...but Christians are not blowing people up and chopping off heads...past atrocities of Christianity are noted but the problem NOW is Islam.

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