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muslim community in poland

tomek  - | 134  
18 Nov 2008 /  #391
ash786 if you let your fishstinking face be seen around here your mother would not recognize you again, and not only due to my cum concealing her burqa-fence
OP ash786  
18 Nov 2008 /  #392

tomek you poles are not that diffrent to english really....afew beers and ur hard as nails.the beer wears off and u leave a massive trail..this polish bird of mine..says she wont even spit on a pole again..they crap in bed,all they wanna do is lick....is it really like that tomek???you love lickin...dont you know what that tool between ur legs is for...if uv got one???LICKETY LICK.......
tomek  - | 134  
18 Nov 2008 /  #393

You must have gotten yourself one of the rubbish polish turkeys, you call it a bird? So she's been licked often when she wanted to feel it hard?

No man should have get told this, but I'll do it for you:
If an ugly Pole got himself one of those ugly ones, sometimes he might be hard from seeing some nice one on the streets and he would give it hard to the ugly one at home, but most often he would not feel that hot at home and to be a nice guy he'll give her a licking.

An ugly arab like you of course sees every nonarab woman as a MonaLisa. If you're happy and she is as ugly as I imagine she is, no do not tell me she's pretty, coz I told you, you can't judge, take her with you and leave for Marroc or Pakistan or whatever.
Lotnik767  3 | 145  
18 Nov 2008 /  #394
You never made love or had sex Ash786 you probably are a control freak. All Muslim men are abusive because they are insecure about their man hood because they can’t hold it for long time they splash with in seconds and get soft within a minute. Muslim women love white dick and Polish dick and your woman is men just look at her. You know you will never be with her!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
18 Nov 2008 /  #395
This is how hate happens!

I don't approve religion, race, mixing its wrong in the long run.

no this is how hate happens.. you dont approve of someone else's relationship..

which has nothing to do with you..
18 Nov 2008 /  #396
And give it up - some Poles would like Muslims in their country most wouldn't - you've been let in into the western european countries by industrialists who saw in you a cheap labourforce - we would prefer Ukrainians.
Lotnik767  3 | 145  
18 Nov 2008 /  #397
But lady it is bad for you in the long run I know, I see it every day and I don't approve it!!
espana  17 | 951  
18 Nov 2008 /  #398
this polish bird of mine

poor polish lady .....paki !!!!

18 Nov 2008 /  #399
You never made love or had sex Ash786 you probably are a control freak. All Muslim men are abusive because they are insecure about their man hood because they can’t hold it for long time they splash with in seconds and get soft within a minute. Muslim women love white dick and Polish dick and your woman is men just look at her. You know you will never be with her!!!!!!!!!!!!!

how come you know so much about Muslim men ?
southern  73 | 7059  
18 Nov 2008 /  #400
this polish bird of mine

Your blow up plastic doll has the shape of a bird?
Lotnik767  3 | 145  
18 Nov 2008 /  #401
I know Muslim women that have been with Muslim men and then they meat me!! That is how I know!!
18 Nov 2008 /  #402
or, so now it is about sex not about terrorism and religion. Sorry, it is about men who can get women. So we have had all those arguments thinking that it was political, economical and it appears that it is after all who can get the woman:).

Male egos screwing up the world again. COngratulations.
Lotnik767  3 | 145  
18 Nov 2008 /  #403
The first thing that Muslim women do when they come to US with their husbands is they file for divorce and go for white or black man!
southern  73 | 7059  
18 Nov 2008 /  #404
I know Muslim women that have been with Muslim men and then they meat me!!

Probably muslim men use hijab around their penis ashamed of their small dimensions.
OP ash786  
18 Nov 2008 /  #405
You must have gotten yourself one of the rubbish polish turkeys, you call it a bird? So she's been licked often when she wanted to feel it hard?

nah pal..believe me this gal is hot...and now she found a real man,not some one just gonna lick,and you say shes nasty thats what she only get lick,what does that say about you people if thats the case??how diffrent d8cks bin there and then you go stick ur tongue in...you f8ckin animals...

because they can’t hold it for long time

you must have tried afew muslims or asians atleast since you know so much...now u r a official memeber of the club..i will not disrespect u..kurva.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
18 Nov 2008 /  #406
Male egos screwing up the world again. COngratulations.


yeah.. congrats idiots..youve won the award ...

now.. lets go over the lesson again.. WOMEN ARE NOT POPERTY!!!
18 Nov 2008 /  #407
so guys, it all boils down to the size and performance then. The end.
Lotnik767  3 | 145  
18 Nov 2008 /  #408
Then you have just addmited that I'm right and to your weakneses أنت غبي الأبله
southern  73 | 7059  
18 Nov 2008 /  #409
Muslims are more used to licking because they use to lick goats' pusssy.
18 Nov 2008 /  #410
what a bunch of racists, homophobes and sexists... this thread should be closed a long time ago...
18 Nov 2008 /  #411

for some they are, especially when they don't have one;).

14 pages and still going strong
tomek  - | 134  
18 Nov 2008 /  #412
If you're good or not in bed, this has nothing to do with where you come from - in my experience among my friends there are even more dissapointing ones among the muslims, coz they have restrictions from familyhomes and feel frustrated. And the only good fvckers among them are the brutal dumb ones who are in charge of their families at a very early age, dominating their father and stuff.

I have nothing against you, nothing that works ;) I would not approve drastic measures, like beating and killing. I just will never like yourkind and will allways show you that. I stopped buying from yourkind, though I got used to Döner and Falafel. I buy spanish olives only ;) Nobody need yourkind here. And you should be happy that some people are that honest.
wildrover  98 | 4430  
18 Nov 2008 /  #413
if you got balls pal al tell you where or you tell me where and i swear i would love you to do something

A beheading...suicide bomb....?
Lotnik767  3 | 145  
18 Nov 2008 /  #414
No ladies this is not the way we see you at lees I don’t! This is just some man being bored and typing stupid crap! You Woman are like goddesses and deserve love and respect and not being treated like property or cattle. At the end of this its just shits and giggles to me, what people say or write, but some people get angry over stupid things like this.
tomek  - | 134  
18 Nov 2008 /  #415

Doing the physical jobs mostly of course there are some who are especially potent in bed. But there are also those like ash786 who saw a polish hottie doing a Erasmus-semester at his university, where he is due to his father who beaten him through the exams, and now likes to portray himself as the guy who does her. Nah I believe he's just jerking off to the typing of these messages.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
18 Nov 2008 /  #417
stopped buying from yourkind, though I got used to Döner and Falafel. I buy spanish olives only ;) Nobody need yourkind here. And you should be happy that some people are that honest.

our kind is white ya fruit cake!!

I dont sell olives!! and I dont really buy the green ones either..

Doing the physical jobs mostly of course there are some who are especially potent in bed.

so this is a admission of guilt that you pretty much use women and test them to see what they are like in bed instead of just marrying one and keeping your morals in check...

makes me sick that some men can run around and call women names like hoars when they are the biggest sluts of the earth.. its ok for them to do ten chicks in a 2 month period, but if a woman has sex she is bad..

why dont ya put a label on yourselfs!!
tomek  - | 134  
18 Nov 2008 /  #418
so this is a admission of guilt that you pretty much use women and test them to see what they are like in bed instead of just marrying one and keeping your morals in check...

I'm a good catholic. I stick to my woman, respect her and do not betray her. Show me a catholic girl who does not study first before getting children. What do you demand?
18 Nov 2008 /  #419
CASE CLOSED! - Pleaseeee ....
wildrover  98 | 4430  
18 Nov 2008 /  #420
Yeah...i think we just about said all there is to say on this one.....time it was put in the abuse section...or maybe we could start up a...do you want a fight thread...?

Archives - 2005-2009 / Life / muslim community in polandArchived