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muslim community in poland

OP ash786  
18 Nov 2008 /  #361
Do you realise what you have written? No I don't doubt that M15 and the monarchy didn't engineer the plot to murder Diana. In fact I'm pretty

why is it so impossible for you to believe...what???you believe the driver was drunk and on prescription drugs???LOLsomebody working for A-LIST people is gonna turn up for work pissed out of his head??OH and nobody notices while hes stood around for a couple of hours chatting to people that hes had a bit too much tonight..WAKE UP MAN...the driver wasnt drunk...BUT YOU DEFINATLEY ARE..
espana  17 | 951  
18 Nov 2008 /  #362

the paki is crazy :)

IronsE11  2 | 441  
18 Nov 2008 /  #363
Quite the clown aren't you. Ok let's entertain your theory... so what if the driver wasn't drunk? Does that prove that it was all a conspiracy? Your theory is perfect with the little exception of having little or no evidence to support it.

As I have already stated, why would you believe the ramblings of a dishonest, grief-stricken, senile sex pest.
OP ash786  
18 Nov 2008 /  #364
the paki is crazy :)

the paki is right pal...you f8ck off back to poland where you belong...
Spade  1 | 81  
18 Nov 2008 /  #365

Why can't You discuss it without using upper case and calling him drunk? while he is very polite to You.
OP ash786  
18 Nov 2008 /  #366
Your theory is perfect with the little exception of having little or no evidence

you know i swear by my religion soon you people are gonna find out the truth cos you cant hide behind lies forever and if am still around i will laugh my head off looking at your faces..everything you people try to question is brushed off as propaganda or conspiracy by your governments and you believe it..honestly it makes me feel so sorry for you people cos i know whats coming....
IronsE11  2 | 441  
18 Nov 2008 /  #367
All because I don't believe the ramblings of a dishonest, grief-stricken, senile sex pest. He's a Muslim by the way ;)

I don't believe all of the propoganda fed to me by the British/American/whatever government, but by the same token I don't believe every single conspiracy theory, unless there is some compelling evidence to back it up.

It's people like you that breed some of the anti-Islam sentiment evident on this thread. It's a shame because I have so many Muslim friends who would view you as a disgrace to their religion.
tomek  - | 134  
18 Nov 2008 /  #368
... Edit ... (itsa wortheless)
IronsE11  2 | 441  
18 Nov 2008 /  #369
"No!" to Islam in Poland!

Nothing like a constructive argument.

F*ck it why not...

"No!" to Poles in London!

... Edit ... (itsa wortheless)

Too late ;)
espana  17 | 951  
18 Nov 2008 /  #370
"No!" to Poles in London!

edit this now!!!............ troll ....but anyway who are you ? a second class citizens like mr asssssssh786 hole
my dog is more british than you two
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
18 Nov 2008 /  #371
you people

You say that continuously! Which to me sounds quite racist, which in turn makes you a hypocrite because your g/f is white and Polish. Some may call me a racist but at least I live my life accordingly to my beliefs, you however apparently do not! HYPOCRITE!
IronsE11  2 | 441  
18 Nov 2008 /  #372
edit this now!!!............ troll ....but anyway who are you ? a second class citizens like mr asssssssh786 hole
my dog is more british than you two

espana in not understanding a post shocker... It was said with tongue firmly placed in cheek, but I suspect you know that anyway babes ;)

And what is your obsession with me not being English/British?
OP ash786  
18 Nov 2008 /  #373
edit this now!!!............

espana why you hiding behind a name like espana thinkin everybody will think your spanish...your a vermin from poland and that spray is vermin spray so yes you made a good investment there....now go kill yourself and will say it was a muslim who killeda RAT...
tomek  - | 134  
18 Nov 2008 /  #374
Too late ;)

Soo happy somebody snaped it. I follow the discussion, and somehow I hopped it might have ended, but if it does not, why not feed the fire? But then again... I dunno...

I just do not like muslims, I do not like their values, I do not like how they look at others, I do not like their language, the pronouncaition and stuff. I do not like many other peoples, but muslims are on top of the list for at least two other reasons I have to tell here:

- the dumb among them have problems realizing the place god gave them in this life
- they are becoming too f8cking many around here. And I do not support drastic measures, but some day something will be done about that.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
18 Nov 2008 /  #375
because your g/f is white and Polish.

I dont believe that. He smells like someone who have been here before. He has got a perverted moslem agenda here. And thats something he probably takes into many forums.

ShelleyS... there is nothing to be proud of being a racist and a hipocrat or non-hipocrat. Racism is a plague of the modern world...the best we can do is just to get rid of it....the second best is to try to get rid of it....the third best is to acknowledge that it is a plague.

BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
18 Nov 2008 /  #376
i guess you could substitue polish for muslim

but whatever

at least arabs have decent food
Lotnik767  3 | 145  
18 Nov 2008 /  #377

This is how hate happens! It starts by the immigrants!! Every one should go back home and concentrate on their own life. British people like Americans would not survive with out immigrants! Muslims should be with Muslims, Catholics with Catholics, Jews with Jews; Lutherans with Lutherans, Buda’s with Buda’s, so that way we will avoid confrontation and war. I hate seeing Polish women with Muslims and Muslim woman with Polish men, I don't approve religion, race, mixing its wrong in the long run.
IronsE11  2 | 441  
18 Nov 2008 /  #378
What would you say to someone who said the following:

I just do not like Poles, I do not like their values, I do not like how they look at others, I do not like their language, the pronouncaition and stuff. I do not like many other peoples, but Poles are on top of the list for at least two other reasons I have to tell here:

- the dumb among them have problems realizing the place god gave them in this live
- they are becoming too f8cking many around here. And I do not support drastic measures, but some day something will be done about that.

Do you realise how stupid your argument is? I very much doubt you have ever had any kind of personal rrelationship with a Muslim person, so how are you in a position to judge an entire culture based on your prejudices?

guess you could substitue polish for muslim

You beat me to it.
tomek  - | 134  
18 Nov 2008 /  #379
You mean we Poles dislike Muslims for they are like us and we regard them as competitors? Nice theory, I gotta give it a thaught .....
southern  73 | 7059  
18 Nov 2008 /  #380
and a hipocrat or non-hipocrat

Shelley is for sure a non-hipocrat.Unless you believe she is a doctor(for souls).

you know i swear by my religion soon you people are gonna find out the truth

Yes,Ma'm today I found Allah under my bed.
OP ash786  
18 Nov 2008 /  #381
And I do not support drastic measures, but some day something will be done about that.

if you got balls pal al tell you where or you tell me where and i swear i would love you to do something about it...but you wont...cos your *************...
mafketis  38 | 11137  
18 Nov 2008 /  #382
jean chales demenezes killed in cold blood in london,murdered..if that had turned out to be an innocent young muslim going to work

He was a muslim? First time I've heard that claim, do you have any evidence?
tomek  - | 134  
18 Nov 2008 /  #383
Do you realise how stupid your argument is? I very much doubt you have ever had any kind of personal rrelationship with a Muslim person, so how are you in a position to judge an entire culture based on your prejudices?

I got some Muslim persons I have contact with, the ones I call my friends are not religious the ones who are religious I tend to argue with about different issues, like the Armenian one, with a turkish guy I know ... So I knom my muslims ...
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
18 Nov 2008 /  #384
You mean we Poles dislike Muslims for they are like us and we regard them as competitors?


thats not what i meant at all

but you obviously fall into the dumb polak category

so i wouldnt expect you to understand
southern  73 | 7059  
18 Nov 2008 /  #385
if you got balls pal

His balls are inside your mouth.
tomek  - | 134  
18 Nov 2008 /  #386
if you got balls pal al tell you where or you tell me where and i swear i would love you to do something about it...but you wont...cos your *************...

There we have it. Lets meet in Sansibar you prick
southern  73 | 7059  
18 Nov 2008 /  #387
I just do not like muslims, I do not like their values, I do not like how they look at others, I do not like their language, the pronouncaition and stuff.

I also don't like their smell.
OP ash786  
18 Nov 2008 /  #388
His balls are inside your mouth.

southern i will take one muslim ball and feed your mother and the other i will feed tomek mother,.,and then you can call me motherfeeder...LOL
tomek  - | 134  
18 Nov 2008 /  #389
And I do not support drastic measures, but some day something will be done about that.

What I ment about that is when you look at the situation in Germany, where the Police has to negotiate with muslim families about giving one of their relatives out to the state control for a crime done by this individual, and the Police has to offer accommodations for it, something will happed some day.

I do not mean that they will be packed on trains and off they are...
southern  73 | 7059  
18 Nov 2008 /  #390
southern i will take one muslim ball

One remained after explosion?

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