My grandfather was sent to SIberia as well as other to. I wonder if they crossed paths.
Taking antiques out of PolandA friend of mine is ready to relocate to the UK and wanted to take some of his furniture and paintings.
He's been told that if the item is pre-1953 then he needs to get a valuer to inspect the item and then has to pay 25% of the item value just to take the piece out of the country !! I understand why they don't want to lose "Polish heritage" but this seems a bit excessive !
I told him to ask them if they give him his money back if he decides to move back to Poland one day ! :D
Hello, Yes, antiques, fine art dealing in Poland is still a headache. I do understand why is that, Polish heritage is a big taboo. Every time you take lets say violin out of the country you must prove that it is not stradivari... hopefully it will change soon as we are EU and Schengen Area country...
Retro Items What Polish LikeWhat would you think was polish retro and in big demand? There's a bit of a fashion for old PRL stuff, I think.
Definitely retro clothing, shoes, hair styles and make-up. False eyelashes have made a comeback nowadays. I also noticed lots of oldies music being played in Warsaw and Lublin.
What's old is new again ;)