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What kind of horses are popular in Poland?

Regina  1 | 3  
2 Mar 2009 /  #1
I was wondering about the kind of horses that are popular in Poland. I knew a breeder in Oklahoma City, that had an Arabian that had Polish bloodlines. He said the Polish Arabians were taller than the Egyptian Arabians.
2 Mar 2009 /  #2
Here try .Korona.com Its a website dedicated to Polish Arabians. What little I remember is that before a Polish Arab stallion can be allowed to be put in the National Registry Stud Book (If it still exists) it had to prove itself on the racetrack. I thought the opposite was true of the P.A.s, that they were a tad shorter and rounder. Maybe things have changed. But I do know that P.A.s are not as popular in US as Egyptian Arabs, more for publicity reasons than anything else. Nothing wrong with them.

Personally, if anyone has info on the types of horses the Hussars rode I would dearly love to hear about such information. I want to write a book involving the Hussars.

Regina, you own horses of your own? If so what kinds?

Regina, you have to put a www infront of the .Korona. This website won't let me put the entire "outside link" on for spamming reasons.
krysia  23 | 3058  
2 Mar 2009 /  #3
The husars probably had friesian horses.
Anglo-arabians, arabians, wielkopolski, śląski, małopolski, huculski, konik Polski and the thoroughbred are most popular in Poland.
OP Regina  1 | 3  
2 Mar 2009 /  #4
Thanks for the reply. One of them is 2/3 quarter horse and 1/3 throughobred. The other one is 1/2 Arabian and 1/2 quarter horse. They are not anything fancy, but, they are dependable. I heard of the Hussar's from my mother. She said they were wonderful to look at. I have been online to look for books on the "Hussars". So far, I have found only one in the American bookstore. I am sure there are more, but I just did a quick look and haven't had the time to look more throughly.

Are the friesians from Spain?
osiol  55 | 3921  
3 Mar 2009 /  #5
Przewalski looks like a good Polish name, both for a kind of horse and for a species of Ligularia (I couldn't resist mentioning a herbaceous perennial too). But this is actually a species or subspecies of wild horse (Equus ferus) found in Central Asia.
krysia  23 | 3058  
3 Mar 2009 /  #6
Are the friesians from Spain?

They from Holland, originated in Friesland, a province of the Netherlands.
During the middle Ages the ancestors of the Friesians were in great demand as war horses throughout Europe. They were very strong and able to carry knights and their fat asses in shiny armor
plk123  8 | 4119  
3 Mar 2009 /  #7
I knew a breeder in Oklahoma City, that had an Arabian that had Polish bloodlines. He said the Polish Arabians were taller than the Egyptian Arabians.

poland has had the best arabians stock in the world.. not sure now but i doubt much has changed.

But this is actually a species or subspecies of wild horse (Equus ferus) found in Central Asia

are you thinking of the tarpans? they are actually Equus ferus ferus
g60edition  6 | 174  
3 Mar 2009 /  #8
Hopefully medium rare with black pepper sauce and seasonal veg :-)
puercoespin  - | 129  
25 May 2009 /  #9
the most popular are warmbloods..polish, german and dutch. good for jumping, dressage and combined driving

some of them are from Poland..
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
7 Jun 2009 /  #10
An unconfirmed rumour circulatuing for ages is that Russified Polish explorer Przewalski sired an illegitimate son with the Georgian washerwoman who gave birth to the future Stalin!
pawian  224 | 27151  
7 Jun 2009 /  #11
I talked about it with a Russian expert and she said it is nonsense
But they both did look alike:




1jola  14 | 1875  
10 Jun 2009 /  #12
The Polish Hussars, who were the best fighting unit known at that time in the world, definitaly didn't use Fressian horses. Krysia, you are hundreds of years off. Do some reaserch.

BTW, if weren't for fat ass knights, you would have been called Kirsten or Olga, silly girl.
Domino  1 | 14  
22 Jun 2009 /  #13
Regina: Looking around internet. Here is a place, Janow Podlaski, the national stud farm in Poland. I didn't realize it still existed but it does. Also go look up an article in Canadian Arabian Horse news (add your w's prefix here) .canadianarabian.com/index.php?page=krzysztatowicz

I don't know how to make these jump links work so you may need to cut and paste. The article was written in 1972, but it should give you some idea of what the breeding of Polish Arabs went through. You can link directly from that article to the Janow Podlaski site.

A friend of mine from Poland who is an avid horsewoman said cross country/ fox chasing type riding was quite popular when she lived there.
krysia  23 | 3058  
16 Jul 2009 /  #14
The Polish Hussars, who were the best fighting unit known at that time in the world, definitaly didn't use Fressian horses. Krysia, you are hundreds of years off. Do some reaserch.

I did. If you read my post again, I didn't say those were Friesian horses, but their ancestors. And you spelled Friesian wrong, silly boy.
Crow  154 | 9463  
16 Jul 2009 /  #15
What kind of horses are popular in Poland?

EU, eventualy
pawian  224 | 27151  
17 Jul 2009 /  #16
I was wondering about the kind of horses that are popular in Poland.

Green horses....
1jola  14 | 1875  
17 Jul 2009 /  #17
I did. If you read my post again, I didn't say those were Friesian horses, but their ancestors.

I read your dumb post correctly the first time.

The husars probably had friesian horses.

And you spelled Friesian wrong, silly boy.

This is rich from a person who can't distinguish Hussars from Husars and doesn't know what a verb is.

They from Holland,

Arien  2 | 710  
17 Jul 2009 /  #18
Who's trying to degrade Fresians? They're the strongest working horses in the world! (Okay, maybe not the fastest!) So enlighten me, what's so dumb about historical facts? Hey, we've got our pride too you know!


..besides, if you mess with Krysia, you're going to have to mess with me!
krysia  23 | 3058  
17 Jul 2009 /  #19
I read your dumb post correctly the first time.

If it was dumb then why did you read it?
Let's have a race, I'll ride my Friesian and you can ride your dumb horse.
If you even know how to ride.
1jola  14 | 1875  
17 Jul 2009 /  #20
Who's trying to degrade Fresians? They're the strongest working horses in the world!

Huh? The valors and shortcomings of Fresians haven't been discussed.

Hey, we've got our pride too you know!

Good for you. Are you Dutch or a Fresian?

So enlighten me, what's so dumb about historical facts?

Which historical facts are you referring to? I hope not this nonsense:

The husars probably had friesian horses.

The word "probably" is key. The girl has no clue about Polish cavalary, military history, but its cute that her daddy bought her a pony.

Let's have a race, I'll ride my Friesian and you can ride your dumb horse.
If you even know how to ride.

I ride well enough, thank you. While my thoroughbred in not at the track anymore, I'm sure he could canter past your galloping Fresian.

Do a little research, and come back with what you have learned about Hussars' horses. Wio!
puercoespin  - | 129  
18 Jul 2009 /  #21
combine driving horses are the best

tiboldi and kavango

  • kavangoaringtibald.jpg

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