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What does a Ipod cost in Poland?

Simmy 3 | 24  
7 Aug 2008 /  #1
My old one is broken, so I was thinking of buying a new one. But I am wondering if the price is the same as here in Norway, of if its cheaper in Poland.

I dont need a 80 gig Ipod or anything. Just arounde 8 gig with a screen would be nice.. Can anyone tell me what this would cost in Poland? And where it is cheapest?

Ipod nano is what I am most intrested in =)
Zgubiony 15 | 1276  
7 Aug 2008 /  #2
Electronics tend to be more expensive in Poland. I think you'll be looking at 700-800 zł
OP Simmy 3 | 24  
7 Aug 2008 /  #3
Ipod nano 4GIG costs 480PLN and a 8GIG costs 640PLN inNorway.. So it cant be that expensive

edit: 8 gig costs 619PL.. Took 1 hour to finde the price on the polish apple store =P
7 Aug 2008 /  #4
Took 1 hour to finde the price on the polish apple store =P

good on you. I looked at it too and I gave up after 5 minutes. LOL and I read Polish.
dnz 17 | 710  
7 Aug 2008 /  #5
About the same as a small house, Try the us site the exchange rate is in your favour.
Zgubiony 15 | 1276  
7 Aug 2008 /  #6
I wouldn't buy it there..period.
7 Aug 2008 /  #7
s 619PL..

this is bloody expensive, it is almost 300 Canadian dollars and in Canada you would pay 200. What a rip off.
OP Simmy 3 | 24  
7 Aug 2008 /  #8
Yep it sucks =( But I really want one too. I saw they go for arounde 100USD on ebay, but Ive never used ebay, and I dont know who to trust on there =P

I am also moving to Poznan in about 2 weeks, so its kindeof hard to order anything when you dont know when it will arrive.
Zgubiony 15 | 1276  
7 Aug 2008 /  #9
Just go to media markt in Poznan and buy a different MP3....does it have to be iPod? Also, when you're there try
OP Simmy 3 | 24  
7 Aug 2008 /  #10
I'll look arounde to see what I can finde. Ipods are nice becouse they are easy to use and you can connect it to Itunes.
Zgubiony 15 | 1276  
7 Aug 2008 /  #11
You won't have a problem finding one, but will be a bit more expensive for the nano.
OP Simmy 3 | 24  
8 Aug 2008 /  #12
I bought a new Ipod Nano 8 gig here in Norway today instead =D
sledz 23 | 2247  
8 Aug 2008 /  #13
I bought a Ipod nano for about a $100 I think its only 4 gigs though, thats all I really need:)

but Ive never used ebay, and I dont know who to trust on there

Ebay is safe, I bought a bunch of stuff off there:)
8 Aug 2008 /  #14 is the place to go to find out the best prices for things in Poland.
HelenaWojtczak 28 | 177  
9 Aug 2008 /  #15
but Ive never used ebay, and I dont know who to trust on there

I've just completed my 1,244th transaction on ebay. More than half of those were purchases. I buy everything on Ebay from clothes to electronics, my iPod, my computer, stationery, presents, jewellery, printer and cartridges, map of Poland (!), books etc etc i tak dalej ...
OP Simmy 3 | 24  
9 Aug 2008 /  #16
In Norway you have to pay taxes (24%) on the items you buy in other countries if the price is over 100PLN... Thats why its often not worth buying things online here =(

Is there some kinde of limit like this in Poland too?
Arise_St_George 9 | 419  
9 Aug 2008 /  #17
I'm after an Itouch but I'm hanging on for a newer model as I don't really need it until June next year. 6-8hr flight to the U.S.
9 Aug 2008 /  #18
In Norway you have to pay taxes (24%) on the items you buy in other countries if the price is over 100PLN... Thats why its often not worth buying things online here =(

Is there some kinde of limit like this in Poland too?

Yes. The limit is EUR 22 for purchases and EUR 44 for gifts.

But one of the joys of ebay is that you can almost always convince the seller to declare a value far lower than the true value of the item (EUR 19 is a good one) and thus get the item imported without being nailed for tax. I generally frown on people avoiding paying tax but as the government has already taken 41% of the cash my employer pays me before I can spend it, I tend to object to them then taking another 22% of everything I spend too. Paying 63% of your income in tax is one thing when you live in a country like Sweden where the health care, roads, government services, education, social services, social support, etc, etc are superb. But paying it in Poland, where pretty much everything the government is in any way involved is utterly sh!t, is a joke.
lowfunk99 10 | 397  
9 Aug 2008 /  #19
Try they have some great buys on ipods.
clouddancer - | 25  
9 Aug 2008 /  #20
Is there some kinde of limit like this in Poland too?

Yes. The limit is EUR 22 for purchases and EUR 44 for gifts.

But this limit applies only to purchases made outside of EU. Inside EU the limits are much more reasonable, if there are any at all. I'm happily buying things worth a few hundreds EUR on and never worrying about any additional costs.
Arise_St_George 9 | 419  
9 Aug 2008 /  #21
You can get a refurbished Ipod touch for £139 from the apple website
11 Aug 2008 /  #22
Inside EU the limits are much more reasonable, if there are any at all.

There aren't any!

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