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9 Nov 2007 /  #721
Yes I have been to Africa..several times....and several countries.

American youth are materialistic yes...does that make it ok here? Also I'd rate poles higher on the gimme list.

Screaming?? Surely you jest....a tad bit of exaggeration.

Justysia dear..and I am flattered at your cyber wrote to me first if you recall....the name is a random made up name...but how witty of you.

And lastly...My fiancee agrees and we will be out of this place as soon as we can arrange it :)

Puzzler 9 | 1,088  
9 Nov 2007 /  #722
The Poles are the most racist people I have ever lived around.

- And to me the Americans are the most racist Polonophobes I've ever encountered in my life. Your shameless racist post - a bunch of absurd generalisations - is another piece of evidence in this respect.

The Americans have been conditioned to be Polonophobic for centuries, by their toxic media and other ultraracist scum. They seem more Polonophobic than the Germans under Hitler.

In fact, I haven't seen more psychopathic and hypocritical creatures than Americans.

I lived in that dump for ten years, so I know what I'm talking about. Never again America and Americans!

I hate Poland

- Hate for hate. I actually am going to translate your hate propaganda into Polish and post it on Polish websites. This should help raise the Polish awareness as to who the Americans really are as regards Poland. Many Poles still have a positive perception of America. I shall try to help them get rid of any illusions in this respect.

You know, practically nobody, not only here in Europe, but in the whole wide world, likes and respects Americans. That's the reason why American creeps like you feel inadequate and attempt to lift their self-esteem by cowardly bashing the Poles, right?

PS. How many Iraqi people have the Americans murdered recently? Isn't the killing of somebody, only because he belongs to a particular nation, the worst form of racism?
slick77 - | 127  
9 Nov 2007 /  #723
The Poles are the most racist people I have ever lived around.

Not all people are the same coop. You are making generalizations and that makes you pretty much a racist.

SOME Poles are racist. Yes. All Poles are racist. NO.
SOME Americans are racist. Yes. All Americans are racist. NO.
Eurola 4 | 1,902  
9 Nov 2007 /  #724
SOME Americans are racist. Yes. All Americans are racist. NO.

This goes for you puzzy too. I'm sorry to hear you had such a bad experience in America.
I guess, I'm lucky. Or, maybe it's my personality.
Puzzler 9 | 1,088  
9 Nov 2007 /  #725
hey admin y can't i hate immagrents?

- Yes indeed, why not hate your own mamma, daddie, sis and brotha?

Another authentic new 'Brit'?

A potential supporter for the BNP and ajgraham's pub whining bunch?

Or, maybe it's my personality

- I met many Poles in America who chose not to see the ubiquitous Polonophobia there. They just shut down their perception. As they say in Polish: Pluja mu w twarz a on mowi:'Deszcz pada.' ('They spit into his face and he says: Oh, it's raining.')

I hope you're not one of them?

If you're not, then you're lucky twice.
Eurola 4 | 1,902  
10 Nov 2007 /  #726
Puzz, I'm lucky twice :)
Puzzler 9 | 1,088  
10 Nov 2007 /  #727

- You're relatively new to this forum, and perhaps to this crazy world outside Poland, child. I hope the experience won't make you bitter.

All the best.

Quoting: Eurola

Puzz, I'm lucky twice :)

- Then I'm happy for you. I hope your good double-luck will last long.

By the way, Eurola, have you thought about going back to Poland? I cannot imagine why an intelligent and patriotic Polish person, such as yourself, should want to live in America?
Eurola 4 | 1,902  
10 Nov 2007 /  #728
Puzzler, I have nothing left in Poland to come back to...besides some family. I'd have to start from zero just like I started in the US many, many years ago as a very young chick.

Nobody 'gave" me anything and I did not expect any. I'm well established with a great, well paid job...I feel at home. I plan on visiting my family (a brother and a sister) and cousins this spring ( a car trip to Paris is planned too).

Of course Poland is my country of birth and I have many great memories from there growing up, but as I spent my young, inexperienced and innocent youth in communist Poland, struggling, it left me with somewhat bitter and disappointed feeling. Too bad that Poland, then - and now - can not take care of its young generation.
Puzzler 9 | 1,088  
10 Nov 2007 /  #729
Too bad that Poland, then - and now - can not take care of its young generation.

- Yes, you are bitter, and perhaps that's why you seem to be a bit unfair towards your own people? But it's not the Polish people's fault that we had the American-imposed Russki occupation (one thug agreed with another thug) for 45 years. And now we're getting back on our feet from the mess mostly created by others. The various thugs, oppressors, and slanderers of us don't know or don't believe this, but our future is bright. However they might attempt not to let it happen. Our suffering has ended for good. W've paid our dues, fulfilled the book. And the thugs' future is going to be grim. Think about it... if you want to.
Eurola 4 | 1,902  
10 Nov 2007 /  #730
Why are you saying I'm unfair toward my own people? In the previous post you said I was patriotic and I am. I always defend polish people because I know where they are coming from. You and I, we have a "common enemy" (M) who does plenty of damage belittling and saying some old, unfair stuff. Why are you putting me in the same basket? I'm disappointed.

I'm glad you believe that Poland's future is bright and I hope for the same. I have many young nieces and nephews who should be growing in a land ( a country) of opportunity. It is not happening as yet. Today's youth is in UK, often unwanted and despised. Is it really that much better now than in 70s and 80's? Not yet. As much as the world wants to think the the US is grim - not yet. Yes, it's worse than it was, but nowhere near as bad as anywhere also...
Puzzler 9 | 1,088  
10 Nov 2007 /  #731
Why are you putting me in the same basket? I'm disappointed.

- God forbid me from even thinking about doing such a thing! You exaggerate a bit, honey. Yes, you are bitter, and thus a bit unfair when you blame Poland for not looking after the young Poles. I understand what you feel: I used to feel the same in the past. Today I don't.

Today's youth is in UK, often unwanted and despised.

- Yes, many of them are there, and are treated as you say. They should head back home as soon as possible, and many of them are. When Poland starts doing better economically (which should happen soon), all of them - yes, all of them - will go back home, none will stay.

By the way, I find today Poland modern, lovely, and full of life as compared to many other countries.

One should not believe the media and other compulsive liars and racists, but visit Poland and perceive it with an unprejudiced eye.
Matyjasz 2 | 1,544  
10 Nov 2007 /  #732
The prices for most things are much too high given the, bread and bus tickets are the only 'cheap' things in Poland.

Lies, lies, LIES! The price of beer is definately to high! ;)

My fiancee agrees and we will be out of this place as soon as we can arrange it :)

The sooner the better. :)
sapphire 22 | 1,241  
10 Nov 2007 /  #733
When Poland starts doing better economically (which should happen soon), all of them - yes, all of them - will go back home, none will stay

sounds like you will be rounding them up and forcing them to go home.. who are you to say that ALL will return? I for one, dont want them all to go home.
Matyjasz 2 | 1,544  
10 Nov 2007 /  #734
I for one, dont want them all to go home.

Then we shall take you with us.
Puzzler 9 | 1,088  
10 Nov 2007 /  #735
Lies, lies, LIES!

- Yeah, poop is a vicious liar; any one of his statements is a lie. I didn't deal with them, as their falsity must be obvious to any one with any brains. Yeah, let this hate-spewing American creep, and those like him, get the hell out of Poland right away and never return.
sapphire 22 | 1,241  
10 Nov 2007 /  #736
Then we shall take you with us.

ah thanks. I should be honoured to go too.
Puzzler 9 | 1,088  
10 Nov 2007 /  #737
sounds like you will be rounding them up and forcing them to go home..

- Why would it sound so?

who are you to say that ALL will return?

- Well, maybe I'm a good fortune-teller? Who knows?

I for one, dont want them all to go home

- You can come to Poland (provided you're not a Polonophobe). We'll treat you better than some of your countrymen treat us and our women.

irishdeano 5 | 304  
10 Nov 2007 /  #738
Quoting: irishdeano
The roads are better in Africa than Poland.

were did i say this?????????
i never said the roads were better in africa
Mufasa 19 | 357  
10 Nov 2007 /  #739
Quoting: Mufasa
Quoting: irishdeano
The roads are better in Africa than Poland.

were did i say this?????????
i never said the roads were better in africa

Hi Irishdeano. I have no idea how this happened. I was taking all the quotes from Coop's vomiting over Poland. It should have said 'quote Coop'.

I'm stunned. Can admin explain how this happened?

Apologies anyway. :)
10 Nov 2007 /  #740
AHAHAHAHAHA....Puzzler you make me laugh...silly boy with your threats like you are so perfect.....that is exactly what I am talking about.

You cant even see you used your own argument against yourself....slagged me for being racist and then slagged off America and all Americans....hehe haha hehe....This is too good....better than watching comedy.
Liza 3 | 111  
10 Nov 2007 /  #741

Well at least he doesnt read the Daily Mail because according to them immigrants are taking all the jobs, not just the taxi driving.

Turned you down did she then?

He he he :-)

no i wouldn't want to go out wiv polish anyway

Ahh denial... the first step.

down with the polish!!!
and bus driver and any uva immagent food shops basically any low wage jobs

Just for my own entertainment, how much do you earn per hour?
When ranked against the 25 main ethnic groups in the UK, the UK ranked at 11 out of 26; that means there are 10 other ethnic groups making more money per hour than the British in the UK
Grzegorz_ 51 | 6,148  
10 Nov 2007 /  #742
My fiancee agrees and we will be out of this place as soon as we can arrange it :)

Don't be shy If you need help.
Liza 3 | 111  
10 Nov 2007 /  #743
I sincerely hope that Poland does grow in strength and ability, because from what I've seen of the Polish here in London, the majority of them want to work hard and progress with life, as do most people whatever their nationalities. Some appear to be bitter with the lack of opportunities in Poland, hence their arrival in the UK, and they are distrustful of any Polish government. I'm realistically patriotic about my country (e.g. like to count its blessings and recognises its faults), and I'm proud to carry my passport. I'd like all Poles to at this place too, as a number of my Polish friends wish they weren't Polish. I find that incredibly sad...

I've only been to Poland for four days, so I can't really offer much of an opinion, but I found most of Krakow very clean, the people were friendly and understanding of my lack of Polish, and I felt safe walking around. However those I spoke to did say that Poland didn't seem interested in their young, only the middle aged and old, so there were no good jobs for them. I did notice that one or two guys seemed very standoffish until I explained I wasn't from the UK, as it does seem the perceived British hatred of the Polish is being publicised in Poland, which is a shame. I don't believe the majority of the UK hate the Polish, but the British media, along with a few vocal idiots (some of whom are vocal on here), are giving the British a bad reputation, which to most extents is actually undeserved.
slick77 - | 127  
10 Nov 2007 /  #744
slagged me for being racist and then slagged off America and all Americans

yes coop i still can't decide weather you are the biggest racist here or puzzler is...

tough competition.....
Matyjasz 2 | 1,544  
10 Nov 2007 /  #745
ah thanks. I should be honoured to go too.

ah thanks. I should be honoured to go too.

It's still uncertain whether it will be a honor or curse. It depends if the situation here will further progress or not. Still, our intentions were genuine, as we find you to be a very nice English lady. :)
JustysiaS 13 | 2,238  
10 Nov 2007 /  #746
You're relatively new to this forum, and perhaps to this crazy world outside Poland, child. I hope the experience won't make you bitter.

All the best.

i am quite fresh on the forum yes, but i lived in UK for 3 years now. dont worry, im not gonna go in a huff and leave cos of mr. coop, it would take more than that to get rid of me. i wish him good luck with his 'research' and his fiancee. i must say though, i havent came across people who were racist towards me since i arrived in England. Not once, but i am aware a lot of Brits and Americans do have a problem with us. Anyhow, thanks for caring! Just please dont call me a child... ;P
randompal 7 | 306  
10 Nov 2007 /  #747
My fiancee agrees and we will be out of this place as soon as we can arrange it :)

I second the motion that you pack up, grab your lame fiancee by the wrist, and get your sorryass to the airport, go back to the states where you wont be missed hahaha
10 Nov 2007 /  #748
I for one, dont want them all to go home.

Me neither... I'd be happy for them that their country has become a better place for them to live and that they can return, but I'd be sad for me and miss them [the Polish people I know from work].
sapphire 22 | 1,241  
10 Nov 2007 /  #749
lets start a campaign to keep them here.
10 Nov 2007 /  #750
lol! I'd like to...but not if they would be happier...*cry cry*

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