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First Racial Attack for me in Poland

Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
27 Aug 2008 /  #31
who then tried to punch me for no reason other than i was speaking english.

I'm sorry. Carry the knife and kill next time.

Its because poles have an inferiority complex

Nig, the only one around with inferiority complex is you.
krysia  23 | 3058  
27 Aug 2008 /  #32
for no reason other than i was speaking english.

Maybe they didn't like your aftershave.
Dziedzic  3 | 42  
27 Aug 2008 /  #33

for no reason other than i was speaking english.

Maybe they didn't like your aftershave.

Or he ate tons of garlic
krysia  23 | 3058  
27 Aug 2008 /  #34
Or the clothes.
27 Aug 2008 /  #35
or the size of the car...
krysia  23 | 3058  
27 Aug 2008 /  #36
or BO
or the Queen
OP Griff  17 | 67  
28 Aug 2008 /  #37
Ha ha, yeah, this is true, i was dressed as MC Hammer, and had garlic round my neck.

No, in fairness I know this happens everywhere in the world.

No I did not go to the police. I hit him pretty hard, as i broke my hand and if here is anything like the uk then i will end up in court for gbh and lose.

I posted on here to see if this happened to anyone else. And also to find out how anyone has gone to avoid it. I mean this guy didn't give me a chance to avoid it, he ran up behind and just swung at me, but in the future, should i be a little less obvious with my language.

Right, im off to buy some new aftershave!

P.s. i am getting married in 10 days. Anyone know a good way to get a plaster cast off? :)
krysia  23 | 3058  
28 Aug 2008 /  #38
Sorry I was making jokes.
Didn't know you broke your hand! Wow. I had a broken hand too and when it Itched inside, I used a ruler or a fork to get in.
espana  17 | 951  
28 Aug 2008 /  #39
Man im getting kind of tired of the british attitude tward poles around here. Would it be much better if Zog filled your little island with mexicans, africans, turks, and middle eastern garbage?

your little island !!!!!

this little island have more history and glamour than your disgusting country.
Arise_St_George  9 | 419  
28 Aug 2008 /  #40
You go Espana!
It isn't as "little" as you may think Warsaw.
McCoy  27 | 1268  
28 Aug 2008 /  #41
GB + I = 245 + 70 = 315 sq km

PL = 322 sq km

The Islands are not so big
Arise_St_George  9 | 419  
28 Aug 2008 /  #42
The Islands are not so big

Poland isn't really an Island but yeah I know what you're saying.

We may look small but I'm sure but the capabilities of what this Island can do is amazing, militarily, talent and economically. This little Island is a world power.

It's hard to grasp I know... just look at the size lol, aww aren't we cute? :P

masks98  27 | 289  
28 Aug 2008 /  #43
Man im getting kind of tired of the british attitude tward poles around here.

omg NOW you're against racism? Because it's used against you? That's why you're so stupid, supporting ideas that would work against you because you're Polish. Imagine if I were defending the KKK - You're pathetic...

Would it be much better if Zog filled your little island with mexicans, africans, turks, and middle eastern garbage? Just like they do with the u.s.a. We could only hope for more great Polish people here, hard working people that actually contribute something to this country,

Never mind that blacks in America for exampe, are prominent CEO's, Statesmen, Police Chiefs, Mayors, Judges, Artists, entertainers, athletes, MacArthur fellows, Chess grandmasters, novelists, etc...

Never mind that the GDP of black America is roughly that of Poland, with roughly the same population. So I don't see the benefit of having POlish immigrants over any others....

where as all your other colors of rainbow seem to pi$$ on us and leave when they have what they need.
McCoy  27 | 1268  
28 Aug 2008 /  #44
Poland isn't really an Island

good to know.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
28 Aug 2008 /  #45
GB + I = 245 + 70 = 315 sq km

As men are well known for saying "size isn't everything" ;-)

Anyway, violence can be found in every part of the world.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
28 Aug 2008 /  #46
No I did not go to the police. I hit him pretty hard, as i broke my hand and if here is anything like the uk then i will end up in court for gbh and lose.

Laws on slef defense were changed a bit here, so If you have witnesses that you were attack without any serious reason then you may crush...
Senator  4 | 42  
28 Aug 2008 /  #47
It happened to me too in Krakow.I was with some friends. A group of idiots stopped us and one took a knife out , for no aparant reason!! I feel sorry to say that majority of poles seem to be rascists!! Please don't take offence, as I know a few poles that are very good people!But majority seems to be hating other language,country and race!!Since Poland was admitted to Europe , it seems to have gone to their heads.You would see lots of poles bragging about their superior status as Europeans..on this forum..Only few years ago , nobody wanted Poland as part of Europe!!I think these people should be lot more humble!!
McCoy  27 | 1268  
28 Aug 2008 /  #48
Only few years ago , nobody wanted Poland as part of Europe!!I think these people should be lot more humble!!


thank you England for letting Poland be a country in Europe. humble enough? hehehe
28 Aug 2008 /  #49
The only time I've been told to "speak polish", was by one of three Police officers when he was giving us a mandate for being drunk at midnight, singing and walking home. I apologiesed in English, and tried to speak some Polish. He repied in Polish " you are in Poland, speak Polish". So my girlfriend called him a "f*cking racist Tw*T"( in English) and he gave her a fine for swearing!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The local police and town guard (community officers), are scum. The Criminal Police are actually alot more civil.

Griff just beware, it is not illegal to carry a knife in Poland (maybe with exception of a Rambo style combat knife).

I've only back out of two confrontations in London, both times with teenagers, both times they were reaching for a blade.

To be honest in Polska you are much more likely to be killed whilst driving than stabbed or beaten to death on the street.
McCoy  27 | 1268  
28 Aug 2008 /  #50
The only time I've been told to "speak polish", was by one of three Police officers when he was giving us a mandate for being drunk at midnight, singing and walking home. I apologiesed in English, and tried to speak some Polish. He repied in Polish " you are in Poland, speak Polish". So my girlfriend called him a "f*cking racist Tw*T"( in English) and he gave her a fine for swearing!!!!!!!!!!!!!

nothing wrong with that. you were drunk and loud so you got a mandate. She offence the police officer so she got fine. Dura lex sed lex.

Poles in england are persecuted by employers because they speak among themselves polish. thats also fvucked up but no one said that life is fair.
Dice  15 | 452  
28 Aug 2008 /  #52
Maybe it wasn't an act of bigotry but simply a random act of hooliganism and violence?

A Polish friend of mine just recently visited Poland, and one of his comments upon his return was that there is a lot of young Poles with shaved heads just looking for a reason to jump you. He said he was often afraid for his well-being when walking down the street. This is sort of ironic, because we both work in downtown Detroit and are responsible for hundreds of thousands and sometimes millions of $ in cash on daily basis :) If Downtown Detroit is safer then Downtown Warsaw, they may have a problem there. LOL
Somerled  5 | 93  
28 Aug 2008 /  #53
Here here. If only we had had a Poles coming in droves to the states.

Griff...glad to hear you gave him a smack. Hasn't happened to me yet.
Equator  - | 33  
28 Aug 2008 /  #54

To be honest in Polska you are much more likely to be killed whilst driving than stabbed or beaten to death on the street.

Glad to hear it! I hope to travel to Poland soon...............
Somerled  5 | 93  
28 Aug 2008 /  #55
To be honest in Polska you are much more likely to be killed whilst driving than stabbed or beaten to death on the street.

Glad to hear it! I hope to travel to Poland soon...............

You misunderstand. It is very likely you'll be killed whilst driving...
Warsaw8  4 | 126  
28 Aug 2008 /  #56
where as all your other colors of rainbow seem to pi$$ on us and leave when they have what they need.

What an idiot, where in my post does it say im against racism? I love it! And im anticipating the "race war '08" in the u.s.a.

Im just tired of a select few of Brits on this site, bashing Poles, the moral of my post earlier was-Brits and Poles are all white brothers, should not be looking down on each other but rather helping each other out, agianst your people. My other point was clearly made, that polish immagrants are a he11 of alot better then the other choices...

But You being as uneducated as you are, jump to a conclusion that YOU would love to see, but didint happen like that, sorry, you lose again...
28 Aug 2008 /  #57
Im just tired of a select few of Brits on this site, bashing Poles,

well, i must agree here... but everybody has the right to its own opinion...
Warsaw8  4 | 126  
28 Aug 2008 /  #58
Absolutley, this goes for left and right wingest's.

But my point is clear, brits and poles against each other is not good, at a time when they need to unite, for the sake of each other.

your little island !!!!!

this little island have more history and glamour than your disgusting country.

You mean the U.S. or Poland? The U.S. and the U.K. are in the same sinking ship...As for Polska, im not from their but my pride is! :)
espana  17 | 951  
29 Aug 2008 /  #59
Im just tired of a select few of Brits on this site, bashing Poles

some british do not like polish people , they think they are like the mexicans in your ****** country (U.S).
you should have respect for the british in this site who love poland. and dont say nothing bad about them

Brits and Poles are all white brothers,

may be british (0.1 %) and polish 0.0 % who support kkk are brothers ,but not black british , and asian british.

omg NOW you're against racism? Because it's used against you?

he is an ingnorant , america was racist against the polish long time ago, but not now.
i have a few polish friend here and spoke with to many too , they always say that the english are racist.
i cant say that they are racist , i have good english friend in uk and in spain , my wife is english and i like fish and chip :), if one english is funny with me because i m not from his country ,i just dont give a fuc* but what i never will do is say that the english are racist for one or two twats.

i m sure you will have the same problem in poland sometimes :(

You mean the U.S. or Poland

USA,,,,,,,,for me you are not polish , polish people not are like you.

The U.S. and the U.K. are in the same sinking ship

no way, britain have history and glamour , usa not.
you can bully irak afghanistan , puerto rico etc but you cant bully any states in europe.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
29 Aug 2008 /  #60
where in my post does it say im against racism? I love it!

Im just tired of a select few of Brits on this site, bashing Poles,


youre too funny

but its not clear whether youre stupid or just ignorant

he is an ingnorant

great. thanks for the clarification espana

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