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Facebook - is it popular in Poland?

Captain Scarlet 3 | 34  
12 Jan 2009 /  #1
Is it popular in Poland too ? I've one polish friend ( not literally ) on there but she does'nt get the gist of it .
Seanus 15 | 19669  
12 Jan 2009 /  #2
Yes, it's quite popular, esp for photo posting :)
OP Captain Scarlet 3 | 34  
12 Jan 2009 /  #3
Yeah i usually create an album of trip's away . It's nice for seeing pic's of friend's who are further afield and keeping up with event's :-)
Davey 13 | 388  
12 Jan 2009 /  #4
No it's not popular there, Polish people have their own sites that are similar which they prefere to use....although facebook has recently been translated into Polish so I assume the popularity of it is growing
Seanus 15 | 19669  
12 Jan 2009 /  #5
Davey has a point if you accept that is more popular.
Antonius86 1 | 7  
13 Jan 2009 /  #6
Myspace polska is popular!, facebook I'm not know?
WooPee 1 | 124  
13 Jan 2009 /  #7
I don't know many people using it in Poland to be honest.
Krakowianka 1 | 243  
13 Jan 2009 /  #8
I dont think its even close to the popularity of nasza-klasa. It seems everyone & their mom is on NK.
Misty 5 | 144  
13 Jan 2009 /  #9
You're right. I asked a few of my Polish friends about joining facebook but they told me no and asked me what was the point of facebook was. Yet they're all on NK... :)
Wroclaw 44 | 5365  
13 Jan 2009 /  #10
It seems everyone & their mom is on NK.

nasza klasa is really very popular.

nasza klasa is important when it comes to the age at which one can register. There is no age limit. On friendsreunited, for example, one must be eighteen.

I guess that once people upload so much data, photos etc, they are not going to be persuaded to change sites too easily.
WooPee 1 | 124  
13 Jan 2009 /  #11
So I guess I'm one of few who's not on NK.
osiol 55 | 3921  
13 Jan 2009 /  #12
Nasza-klasa, facebook and myspace don't all do the same thing. Facebook is full of games and "fun" stuff, myspace has music and plenty of space for typing rubbish about oneself, and nasza-klasa is all in Polish so I don't really understand it, although pictures and just finding and keeping in contact with old friends seems to be a large part along with posting photos (something that all three sites do).

I know of a small handful of Poles who are on all three, a larger number who are on nasza-klasa and one other, and many many more who seem quite happy to just stick to nasza-klasa. I might be on one, some or all of them, but why would I want to find old classmates on nasza-klasa (taking into consideration my Englishness and English education).
WooPee 1 | 124  
14 Jan 2009 /  #13
and nasza-klasa is all in Polish

Facebook and MySpace are available in Polish too.
pvk - | 1  
19 Jan 2009 /  #14
Yes, I track my old class mates there.
Trevek 25 | 1699  
19 Jan 2009 /  #15
Many of my students are of FB but I think more of the older people are on NK (looking for old friends).

The thing with FB and MS is that many younger Poles have international friends.
Switezianka - | 463  
19 Jan 2009 /  #16
Nasza klasa is originally a site where people were supposed to look for class-mates from the past. They logged on, looked for their school, their class and contacted their childhood friends. And sometimes it changed with a big community portal that has nothing to do with looking for one's class mates. But still, it's something completely different from Facebook.

Back to the topic: I have many Polish Facebook friends, so I guess it is popular.
Davey 13 | 388  
19 Jan 2009 /  #17
Facebook and MySpace are available in Polish too.

Facebook's Polish translation still has some grammatical kinks
osiol 55 | 3921  
19 Jan 2009 /  #18
Nasza klasa is originally a site where people were supposed to look for class-mates from the past. They logged on, looked for their school, their class and contacted their childhood friends. And sometimes it changed with a big community portal that has nothing to do with looking for one's class mates. But still, it's something completely different from Facebook.

I thought facebook started with a similar idea in some American university. These things tend to only be successful when they out-grow the original idea.

Facebook's Polish translation still has some grammatical kinks

There is the option of assisting with translation. Then it all depends on the quality of language understanding by those who use this option.
Kiltmaker 3 | 20  
22 Jan 2009 /  #19
Yeah, although nasza-klasa is very big, Faebook is used to keep in touch with "foreigners" a lot...
17 Feb 2009 /  #20
when i was in poland every1 had facebook, they also had nk tho.
Elssha - | 123  
17 Feb 2009 /  #21
I thought facebook started with a similar idea in some American university. These things tend to only be successful when they out-grow the original idea.

Yup, I had it back when it was that way. You could only get it if you were in one of a dozen or two colleges (it started with just one...), had to register with your school e-mail in order to get an account and the apps were limited to pics and a profile and a class engine to post your schedule and find people also in that class.

then they did the 'you can invite someone if you're already in' thing, which turned to a 'invite anyone you want' thing and finally a free-for-all which in my opinion ruined the whole thing. You suddenly get all sorts of games filled with 13-yr-olds and the adds change from cool college funnies to stupid all-age-appropriate things and the stupid stocker feed and so on. You have to then be careful of what you post and what you reveal. You get idiots you don't know asking you to befriend them so they could have an advantage in some game or another.

I wish they did keep it just for college kids (excuse the rant)
18 Feb 2009 /  #22
Not only, is quite popular too.

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