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Exploitation and humiliation of workers in Poland.

20 Apr 2007 /  #1
I found this article, which outlined what I would consider very distasteful working practises. Check it out.

Lidl demanded that Czech and Polish women workers wear special headbands during their monthly periods
Lidl has once again shown its true face. Lebensmittelzeitung, the leading commerce weekly, tells that the German hard discounter has forced its Czech saleswomen to wear a special headband during their menstruation periods. Reportedly, this practice was imposed on the women workers also in Poland, which shows that the management in Germany must have known and approved of it. d_armbands.htm
20 Apr 2007 /  #2
When I first read this, I thought "why would Giles be reading trade journals from 1939?"

Might I suggest they wear company issued burkhas during their monthly periods, this way, it would save the workers the humiliation of being personally identifiable by during those times, and having the public feeling sorry for them (for working at such a 5h!t-hole of a company). Better yet, free surgery that could negate the need to make frequent trips to the loo.

OP Giles  
20 Apr 2007 /  #3
Surely it contravenes European Human Rights Leg. Its just unbelievanble..
angel eyes  
20 Apr 2007 /  #4
My god ... a total disgrace. but how many women in all fairness would agree to this kind of behaviour. you'd wanna be stupid.
OP Giles  
20 Apr 2007 /  #5
I think its a case of agree, keep your job. Disagree, unemployed....
angel eyes  
20 Apr 2007 /  #6

I think id rather be unemployed. Surely this cant be allowed. Im in shock
BubbaWoo 33 | 3503  
20 Apr 2007 /  #8
i realise im pretty fick but would someone mind explaining why and if it is just polish and czech women being singled out for this... and if so, why?

cheers then
angel eyes 1 | 131  
20 Apr 2007 /  #9

So is it a fact then that germans dont like polish people.iv been told by czech people that they dont like polish but wasnt given a reason why.

So i asked a polish workmate and he said it dates back to the war when germany came to fight and czech people surrendered and polish people stood their ground.would this be accurate?
20 Apr 2007 /  #10
So is it a fact then that germans dont like polish people.

And there is growing feeling in Poland too. You know - the bad one.

would this be accurate?

Not exactly. It is because in Poland we very often make fun of czech people. There exist many czech jokes just like polish jokes in USA. But nobody in Poland harass czech people like krauts do.
daffy 22 | 1153  
20 Apr 2007 /  #11
irregardless of nationality, on a gender note, they should conversly make men wear pointy hates when they are horny (all the time basically)

same ridiculous idea but gender equal i think :)

so come on Lidl, its all or nothing :)
angel eyes 1 | 131  
20 Apr 2007 /  #12

Yes i like your idea daffy. so i recomend you apply for a managerial position. You'd be perfect.:)
Bartolome 2 | 1083  
20 Apr 2007 /  #13
I don't buy at Lidl. It's one of the elements of negative portrait of Polish emigration.
20 Apr 2007 /  #14
"So i asked a polish workmate and he said it dates back to the war when germany came to fight and czech people surrendered and polish people stood their ground.would this be accurate?

Sorry off topic a bit I know, but I have wondered why the czechs don't seem to like Poles.
I understand that it's because Polish soldiers helped the Russians clamp down on Czechoslovakia during the Prague Spring - never forgiven the Poles ? Is there any truth in that?
20 Apr 2007 /  #15
Is there any truth in that?

It is rather polish humoristc way to deal with czech people. Poles dont kill, unless they are forced to do it. Russians and Germans: this is other story.

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