You obviously don't appreciate a good easy going lifestyle, good food and high standard of living. I suppose you prefer bigos and sausages
hahaha.... ummm ''good easy going lifestlye''.... what, jobless bums getting paid to sit on their ass all day while real people who need the governments help get nothing... that doesnt sound easy going to me... and so many people i met, only thought about the next party instead of studying for school... which the education system also is ''easy going'', What India does in 4th grade Australia is teaching in 10th grade! What the states do in 6th grade Australia does in 10th grade! I cant comment for Poland as I have not studied there, but from what I hear Poland has a high education standard too. And as for what i PREFER in food terms... I dont really like Australian food, though its actually very mixed up.... u aussies eat more fastfood then most of the americans i know!... Vegemite? Ugh? What is that stuff, like eating melted tarr :S ...
if u must inquire into my diet... yes I eat Polish food and I love Bigos. I also eat of a lot of indian food and american food... like sweet yams... which u australians have no appreciation for... u think american food is fastfood.... do ur research.
Watch out, now he`s going to say that you`re jaleous of him becaouse he`s living in ..Australia
haha Moze po polsku z proubuę napisac... Wujku, on moze mowic co chę bo ja byłam w Australii, w polce, w indii (W Ameryce)... Polska jest naprawde piękny kry i jestem dumna z tego powodu ze jestem pohodzenia Polskiego. Kochałam być w Polsce i płakałam jak juz był czas na samolot spowrotem do Ameriki... a jak byłam w Australii... nie mogłam sie do czekacz zieba wruczic do Ameriki! Tiklo my sie podobała Sydney i Melbourne... nie byłam w Queensland ale Adelaide, Perth, Darwin, Canberra.... tak, było czekawe zobaczic to i nie mowiem ze nie jest czekawy kry ale ludze tam troche są nie sympatyczne.... to twarze mówią ze są kolezanki albo koledzy ale nie wyczągają rękę jak naprawde płytasz o pomocy... a w Polce i w Indii... rękę za pomocy była podana za często :) Ale to myło :)