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Polonius3  980 | 12275  
16 Nov 2008 /  #1
It might be interesting to comapre prices in Poland and your home country. For instance:
loaf of bread - 2zł
inexpensive beer (.05 l) 2 zł
McDonald's cheeseburger 3 zł
domestic postage for letter 1.45zł
overseas airmail letter 3.20zł
chicken uncooked 8zł/kg
pączek (doughnut) 2zł
daily newspaper 1.50zł
cheapest new car 25,000zł (2008 model sell-out)
basic notebook comptuer 2,000zł

Thread attached on merging:

How do you find prices in Poland copared to your home countries? Does your foreign currency go further in Poland than back home, ie a quid, euro or dollar compared to its złoty equivalent?
mbiernat  3 | 107  
16 Nov 2008 /  #2
Food housing and clothes are cheaper in Poland if you know how to shop - cars computers and petro are more expensive.
isa  10 | 41  
17 Nov 2008 /  #3
Comparative prices in Florida, USA (using today's exchange rate of 2.97zl to a 1$):

loaf of bread (whole wheat) 10.60zł
inexpensive beer (don't drink it, but found online .5 l of Milwaukee's Best) 1.90 zł
McDonald's cheeseburger (don't eat it, but found online their "dollar menu") 2.97zł
domestic postage for letter 1.25zł
overseas airmail letter 2.67zł
chicken uncooked 6.50zl/kg
pączek (doughnut) 3zł
daily newspaper 1.50zł
cheapest new car 28,000zł (2008 Hyundai Accent)
basic notebook comptuer 1200 zł

Food housing and clothes are cheaper in Poland if you know how to shop - cars computers and petro are more expensive.

Maybe in England...currently in the States, housing and clothing are cheaper than in Poland!
Krakowianka  1 | 243  
17 Nov 2008 /  #4
Comparative prices in Florida, USA

currently in the States, housing and clothing are cheaper than in Poland!

I think that's because you are comparing the housing market of Florida. But not everywhere is it cheaper than Poland.
dxx  12 | 108  
19 Nov 2008 /  #5
I find housing very expensive here in Poland compared to countries in Western Europe, the rent here is outrageous, maybe because I am in Krakow, but for example food, cigarettes, electro is cheaper here...
krakow  1 | 42  
24 Nov 2008 /  #6
electro is cheaper here...

I take it your talking about the music , not electricity!!!!!!!!

I have stayed and travelled many many countries, and when it comes to it (Ive been here 5 yrs ) POLAND IS PROBABLY THE MOST EXPENSIVE PLACE IN EUROPE TO LIVE DECENTLY WITH WHAT YOU GET PAID,.......and this is not sour grapes but reality speaking.

I earn a really good living here (far far better than I did in the UK, but comparitively Poland is not expensive .............but EXTORTIONATE!.

and I ask anyone to comment otherwise!....my current estimations is that Poland is about 40 - 1000% more expensive to live than the UK (cost to cost)...

Do not work out your costs by currency conversion, BUT REALK WORLD LIVING AND EARNING COSTS

examples are as follows! please read closely!

Average wage in the UK approx 1500 GBP netto PER MONTH
" Poland 1500 Zls netto PER MONTH

Average cost of decent secong hand car UK - 2000 GBP
" Poland 15000 Zls

Average Gas Bill in the UK 50 GBP (per month)
" Poland 300Zls ) (Per month)

Average cost of Home DVD Entertainment System UK - 400 GBP
Poland - 2000 Zls

Average Cost of a Vacuum Cleaner UK - 70 GBP
Poland - 450 Zls

AVerage Cost of a 2 adult / 2 kid Family Holiday Majorca (Package) UK 1500 GBP
Poland - 8000 Zls

Average cost of Baby Milk - UK 5 GBP
Poland 15 Zls

Average Cost of a Jar of Coffee (Nescafe) UK - 5 GBP
Poland 22 zls
...................................................................... ............................

UK Total 4,030 GBP

Poland Total 25,787 Zlotys !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Starting to get the Picture ?

Comments PLEASE
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
24 Nov 2008 /  #7
Doesn't look as if recent mirgatns will be heading home to Poland in droves any time soon!!!
Would you or anyone be able to present a comparative British-Polish typical wage scale: shop assistant, anaesthetist, bus driver, barmaid, plumber, computer programmer, etc.
krakow  1 | 42  
24 Nov 2008 /  #8
British-Polish typical wage scale: shop assistant, anaesthetist, bus driver, barmaid, plumber, computer programmer, etc.

Average wage scale as I pointed out above APPLIES to ALL of the occupations you mentioned Polonius .......that is 1500 zls Netto!.........average working Mans salary here is approx 1500-2000 zls (not mentioning other sources)


THE Economy is right up the shi%#er as far as Im concerned, and I mean for "real' people, daily life , day to day.get the drift!

and do me a favour folks, dont throw in and mention Warsaw wages are higher etc........thats the same as saying London/New York salaries are "average"

and If anyone thinks this "rant" of mine is by anyway related to bitterness or unhappiness, your sadly mistaken, I am very comfortable here, but feel angered at the way the countries pricing structure in real world terms is almost ignored.

I work in Music, I deal with electronic goods daily, and the "amateur entrepreneurism" that goes along the name of "business" here is an absolute disgrace.....I KNOW the majority of Electrical goods ditributor costs, and retails costs and the margins of profit are scandalous to say the least.

almost all goods sold to countries in the EU are sold at the same price, either in discount or in bulk, either from china or elsewhere, and the Markups that are going on in Poland are a disgrace.

Doing business here has definately got about 10-15 yrs to go before it balances out on par with most of the EU.

Trying to sell houses with out descriptions, or even photographs, laughable estate agents cashing in on the "stupid tourist syndrome.

people trying to sell cars without a price attatched...mmmm I dont think ive ever met anyone who wants to phone a complete stranger only to be told and embarrased that the item is "out of their reach" pricewise.

The fear of your neighbour finding out what your selling your goods for is still too reminiscent of commusnist times.

2008 goodbye....hello 2009....... lets see if it will be better .lol
cjjc  29 | 407  
24 Nov 2008 /  #9
Fascinating read.

krakow  1 | 42  
24 Nov 2008 /  #10
your welcome!