Kaczor Duck 2 | 95
27 Aug 2008 / #61
why is there no neutral word for a black person in Polish??
There is not an english word to go with all the political correctness in this world. The english word is African American, in poland is Czarnie (black) if I spelled it correctly. I am not prejudice, but why do we always have to be politically correct. I am white, I have been called whitey, cracker etc, and it never bothered me. You would simply be a black man in Poland, there is nothing wrong with you or your color, I think black is beautiful. Be yourself man and stop trying to be what you are not. African american is a misnomer. If you are born in America you are simply American. If you are Jamacian then there you go, Go and be jamacian!!! Be proud of who you are.