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Black American Living In Poland

morella  11 | 65  
7 Mar 2007 /  #91
I m turkish.I was in poland last year for few months to visit my fiance...I have a dark skin,I felt that I m a famous person in poland when I was walking at strees,coz all people were staring at me:) but it wasnt sthg disturbing me..I just feel that they rnt get used to see dark skin people around...this is a kind and polite nation as ı observed...and ı dont think that u will face with any problem

hehehee...bojownik, u have some right comments on turks, I have to accept it altough I m a turkish...but u cant accuse whole nation for individual behaviours of some idiots...it is right that we r not european but we r not totally asian too...may be thats the problem of turkey...we r in the middle of two sides..I wonder if u ever visited Turkey?or r u like the ones whom I met in Polish universities ask me if we use camels at transportation and whole Turkey is covered with deserts...I was really astonished in Poland how people who study in university cant have at least some geographic knowledge where there is deserts and where not.....it was strange for me...I advice people to visit and see the reality...How can people make comments about people and countries they had never seen?I cant understand...of course I m not telling u everything is fine here,but not so bad as u told or u r taught....First of all We r not arabic..prosze cie...and we dont use arabic alphabet or camels...we dont have camels...we like gossips,mostly rude at daily life to eachother,hospitable to foreigners...our foods r great thats why we mostly have big asses...yogurt u eat everyday in poland is Turkish product and real pronounciation is yoğurt and it is without fruit in reality, ı m sure most of u havent tried the real great taste...we give political rights to women like attending elections in 1937 much more before the countries,u call today as civilized european nations...like switzerland...We had a great legendary leader named Atatürk,may be most of u never heard....establisher of Turkish republic....yeah,we have a high crime ratio here..so people who wants to visit must be careful...especially the biggest city İstanbul...one of the most beautiful and dangerous cities of the world....

AND KEBAP U EAT THERE İSNT REAL KEBAPPPP...ı couldnt solve yet whats that disgusting thing:)but people like it anyhow,ı see kebap shops always crowded there..
FISZ  24 | 2116  
7 Mar 2007 /  #92
AND KEBAP U EAT THERE İSNT REAL KEBAPPPP...ı couldnt solve yet whats that disgusting thingbut people like it anyhow,ı see kebap shops always crowded there..

I've had both. They're basically the same ingredients....and not too different, but depends on the place. They're crowded there because anything tastes good after drinking all evening :)
BubbaWoo  33 | 3503  
7 Mar 2007 /  #93

thats coz its spelt with a B!!!
Patrycja19  62 | 2683  
8 Mar 2007 /  #94
How can people make comments about people and countries they had never seen?

I agree with this.

but u cant accuse whole nation for individual behaviours of some idiots..

I also agree with this. weve been saying this all along. some dont get it.

I am sure when bojo has children, he will punish the whole 10 of them even the
newborn for something his middle child did, but they will all suffer because
there is no rationalization only generalization with him, so if one did it they will
all suffer , right boj ?

maybe making this point wouldnt come across anyways , so forget it. :)
10 Mar 2007 /  #95
Patrycja19 have you ever been to turkey? From what I have seen you live in a sewer and blame the government for other peoples actions. In anycase you are a little weird,no offense.
Patrycja19  62 | 2683  
10 Mar 2007 /  #96
you havent seen SH*T schultz and you dont know me from adam, I certainly dont
live in a sewer, pretty nice actually, and I worked pretty hard for it all. and if speaking
my mind and saying freely how I feel is weird, guess I am. better then being like
you and having no concept on anything else but putting others down. sad person
you are schultz, you cant even join because then you would get kicked out of here
and that would be so bad. or maybe you are one of those closet freaks ehh?

no offense though right :)
ArturSzastak  3 | 593  
10 Mar 2007 /  #97
Jesus H Christ!I havent heard such a load of bull in such a long time,amazing there are still people like the Czarek character in a pretty long time,as a black American who has been living in Poland for about three months and also coincidentally doing some consultancy work for the Polish government.

Poland loves you :)

Patrycja19 have you ever been to turkey? From what I have seen you live in a sewer and blame the government for other peoples actions. In anycase you are a little weird,no offense.

schultz you just don't get it. People like you are no longer the majority. Racists are dwindeling because people are finally getting the balls to meet other groups of people. There is nothing wrong with Turks. You are just an ignorant little weasel with nothing better to do than put others down. Nobody appreciates racism anymore. You can go lie down in the middle of a busy road for all I care.
Patrycja19  62 | 2683  
10 Mar 2007 /  #98
Nobody appreciates racism anymore.

you got that right , hes worthless to society. I wouldnt even let my tires get soiled
by him, not worth it. your the type of people that no one wants to be around and in
the end , wind up lonely in a nursing home with no family and nothing left to show
good in your life because all your life you fought against something you had no
just cause for. good luck schultz , your gonna need it!
10 Mar 2007 /  #99
racism is just boring, that's all........total waste of time
Patrycja19  62 | 2683  
10 Mar 2007 /  #100
total waste of time

10 Mar 2007 /  #101
ArturSzastak , bla bla bla. Nationalism is actually on the uprise in europe you wouldn't know you haven't been but its a known fact. People are starting to realize things. Like I said you seem to have a sickle to sharpen so please stop following me around. On top of which I am hardly "little" so lets take a few steps back rather then going on about people you don't even know. You seem to complain about those poor mexican immigrants but say turks are ok? That's reverse racism you ignorant american. Leave the mexicans alone your ignorance will not be tolerated mexicans are great hard workers and should be accepted in large numbers to the USA. I have read your post about them and its sickening.

Patrycja are you even polish? I bet that isin't even how you spell your name. With 1131 posts since you came here in october? lol , Get out from your shell and look around your city :)

Good luck to you to patricia:) :) at least I can walk down my nearest major city at night without worries. Best of luck you need it!
FISZ  24 | 2116  
10 Mar 2007 /  #102
What city is he rambling on about?
10 Mar 2007 /  #103
he doesn't know what he is talking about......happens all the time:) :)
10 Mar 2007 /  #104
Miranda if this man does not know what he is talking about maybe you should post facts to outdo his fictional argument. If not then you really shouldn't say anything. From reading he is not 100% wrong and a turkish man even agreed that he speaks some truth. People are to quick to call racism. Everybody has been intolerant at least once.
ogorek  - | 165  
10 Mar 2007 /  #105
Nationalism is actually on the uprise in europe

...some people just never learn...

at least I can walk down my nearest major city at night without worries

..which city would that be...schultzy?

I bet that isin't even how you spell your name

...the same name is spelt differently in different countries...

mexicans are great hard workers and should be accepted in large numbers to the USA

...you never studied economics did you...
10 Mar 2007 /  #106
Don't marry those women, I have a few friends that ended up in nasty divorces. They believe as I believe that the game that is played is to marry an American and get pregnant. They hook these poor souls and take the children, and if you know anything about Polish law, there is no such thing as "Best interest of the child." They have something America had 20 years ago called the "Tender Years Doctrine". The mother always gets the kids! Child support is cheap in Poland but you can forget about seeing your kids ever again. Believe me after the sex and the year or so of the honeymoon the only thing that really was worth being with these women are the kids you created with her. In my own experience I have a child out of wedlock with one and she stole my child to Poland, poor child is having a hard time and I am Puerto Rican and I am tan but not Black. My kid is having a hard time in Poland, they look at him like he's black or some animal from another planet, he's always into fights with other kids and Poland refuses to give up the child and violate the Hague Treaty they signed. They only signed up to protect the mothers that's when fathers never had a chance for custody in USA. Now it's mothers stealing the children and Poland turns out to be a safe haven for the kidnappers. Poland won't give them back because it's a money cow with good child supports being issued. It's a mistake; believe me I know Mexican Americans that are suffering a great deal over not seeing their kids anymore. They told me they can swear that they are trained in Poland with advise to marry Americans and divorce after a child or two. They get good money for themselves; average wage in Poland is $3,000 US dollars a year do the math. I see my son 4 times a year in a hot room for a week 3 hours a day for 5 days 3 to 4 times a year, a ticket runs on average $700.00. I got the money but most men I know couldn't ever afford it with hotel. Wait and go home; think about it. I have seen grown men cry over their kids, but if you are a rolling stone, don't worry about it and take her! Just remember you kids will suffer!
FISZ  24 | 2116  
10 Mar 2007 /  #107
That's unfortunate for you, but there are people all over the world that do this to others. I know many successful marriages to PL women. So you cant say all PL women are like this. It all depends on the type of person you attract.
10 Mar 2007 /  #108
"...some people just never learn..."

You are correct and you are from the UK a prime example of a group of people who will "learn" when its to late. The BNP is the only solution to the UKs problem. As if tony blair is ok? muhahaha.


I am not sure who that is.

"...you never studied economics did you..."

You ignorant person. Who are you to say mexicans are no good? They are simply overpopulating land that was theirs to begin with. You have liberal nationalist views. A sense of reverese racisim in a way. Saying mexicans are no good for USA is saying poles are no good for ireland.
FISZ  24 | 2116  
10 Mar 2007 /  #109
The honest truth is the we need Mexicans here. Our farmers rely on their hard work and dedication. The only problem I have is with the mexican gang bangers that terrorize our streets in the west and s.west. All they do is cause problems and we end up getting over taxed due to them abusing our health care.
10 Mar 2007 /  #110
The problem is your legal system, they make such crazy rulings as if they have o sense, the mother makes fools out of the system let's them. They really don't care just like Miranda's attitude, it's a selfish society. It's all about "ME" that's the attitude of women there, they can't se that their very own sons get hurt later.
FISZ  24 | 2116  
10 Mar 2007 /  #111
They really don't care just like Miranda's attitude, it's a selfish society. It's all about "ME" that's the attitude of women there, they can't se that their very own sons get hurt later.

So you get burned and it's all Polish women? LOL please move this statement to the "cheer me up" thread. What a joke. Sounds like you need to associate yourself with better people.
10 Mar 2007 /  #112
I am not going to post anything as I don't want to get into such discissions. I have my views when it comes to racism and I believe tha they cannot be solved on this forum, but in other places, which deal with such complex issues. Besides, every country has its own, unique problems and I am not an expert on that.

I do care, but I am not in a position to help you here. It's not the best place to voice your concerns in your difficult situation:)

As for your son, I don't understand why you are keeping the mother responsible. She deals with the system herself and if she is in POland, it's not easy. No need to get personal here. I don't even know you.
10 Mar 2007 /  #113
Fisz is wrong. Mexicans multiply like cockroaches and have made every city they settle in a big dump. Does europe rely on millions of mexicans to work farms? That why we have criminals they can do the farm work. In fact they are thinking of using convicts to do the work. They can't make anything of the big land called MEXICO so they want southern USA because the europeans built it up to good living standards.
FISZ  24 | 2116  
10 Mar 2007 /  #114
Fisz is wrong. Mexicans multiply like cockroaches and have made every city they settle in a big dump

Ok what city are you calling a dump? LA? Dallas? Seattle? Tuscon?
10 Mar 2007 /  #115
I think Sedzia came to cause trouble by the sound of it.
10 Mar 2007 /  #116
It's a good way to educate the ignorant. Not going to mention any names here for that. After all Poland does have a white chicken as their symbol. Because I know you guys aren't going to admit that it's a white eagle, there is no such animal!
10 Mar 2007 /  #117
One could say that about you miranda. LA for example fisz! If you are so pro mexican why dont you move into a mexican neighborhood? They are hardworkers as you say so go live with them!?!>
FISZ  24 | 2116  
10 Mar 2007 /  #118
white eagle, there is no such animal!

It's a symbol...boże. You're just being a troll now.

you are so pro mexican why dont you move into a mexican neighborhood?

I have a mexican neighborhood near by. It's not a bad place at all. Except for them riding bikes at night.
10 Mar 2007 /  #119
I am done here.
10 Mar 2007 /  #120
I am not speaking of one neighbor why not pludge yourself into a all mexican neighborhood? Or encourage many mexians to move to yours. Start up a petition so you have all these hard working citizens around you. Are you aware that mexico city is one of the most corrupt cities in the world?

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