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How do Polish people view themselves?

PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
25 Oct 2009 /  #61
we're are

You only need "we are" ;)
scrappleton  - | 829  
25 Oct 2009 /  #62
I stand corrected toots. I didn't thing the grammar police would show up until the British got up.
rychlik  41 | 372  
26 Oct 2009 /  #63
Often times, I've gone too far with my "Polishness" for this reason. It's not that were arrogant (or at least I try not to be) its just that we are proud to be Polish, even if nobody else cares.

I don't give a sh*it about the wops and leprechauns. It's the American Jewish owned media that doesn't like Poland (and Germans either). That's why North Americans don't know much about Poland. But I'm always supporting Poland wherever I go. And yes the Arabs and Russian are apes :)
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
26 Oct 2009 /  #64
It's well-know psychological knowledge that people who always need to tell how superior they are, are the ones with low self-esteem.

There are people in Poland (and in all countries) who think they are superior and better than everyone else. But there are also many Poles that underestimate themselves. This depends more on personality than nationality.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
26 Oct 2009 /  #65
Scrappy, your problem is that you see Europe as homogeneous and you have a chip on your shoulder about it.

Some Polish ppl view themselves positively, others negatively.
scrappleton  - | 829  
26 Oct 2009 /  #66
your problem is that you see Europe as homogeneous and you have a chip on your shoulder about it.

Don't really care , porkchop. Besides if I did care , I'd get suspended for being off topic.

I'll take this up on the weeked probably.. it was very amusing to me, I'd have to admit.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
26 Oct 2009 /  #67
You have no clue about Europe. Yes, we have the EU but Europe is definitely not an integrated unit. It is so diverse and I value such variety as it's the spice of life.

I have many Polish friends but they are so different in some ways. The laddish humour is what I like. You hear some funny stuff in dressing rooms.
scrappleton  - | 829  
27 Oct 2009 /  #68
You hear some funny stuff in dressing rooms.

Yeah, I bet you would know. Probably all kinds of "funny stuff" going on.

You have no clue about Europe

Lived there for a year. It was hmm.. very old. If you like old, then it's for you. S. Europe is cool, at least it has a pulse.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
27 Oct 2009 /  #69
I said you hear, not watch, Scrappy. Synaesthesia catching you out again? ;0

A year, wow. How many countries? I've been round only 18 European countries but enough to see a few things.
Ironside  50 | 13046  
27 Oct 2009 /  #70
it seems like they regard themselves as being somewhat superior or at least better than other cultures and countries.

Yes, you are correct that they regard themselves as being somewhat superior then other cultures,not all though. Some do and some don't:).

They regard themselves superior to Russians and most non-European country's!
The reason is simple: Poland is European culture and that culture is superior.

I-S (if you have any question about the subject, do not hesitate and ask away)
derek trotter  10 | 202  
27 Oct 2009 /  #71
They regard themselves superior to Russians and most non-European country's!

so they feel superior to non Europeans ( Africans, Arabs, or Australian aborigines ) but inferior to rest of 'better' Europe?
nice one :) :) :)
Ironside  50 | 13046  
27 Oct 2009 /  #72
They inherently think we're are some clowns about two iq points above an amoeba.

You constantly are giving them munition with your posts!
You bald-headed dwarf !
Seanus  15 | 19666  
27 Oct 2009 /  #73
It is pointless to talk about superior cultures. We are just different and that's that. Why would they trample on disenfranchised Russians? It's not the people's fault that they operate a quasi-autocracy there.

Don't give people a chance to shine and they'll never move forward according to their potential. Just ask Sasha on the forum, he wants more democracy for everyday Russians.

Polish people often have a negative image of themselves. Theft, lack of money, pessimistic and deficient in public services are just the tip of the iceberg. They are happy and uplifted when I tell them that I don't share in those half-truths. For me, the glass is half full and I can see the plusses here. Those that are positive have reservations and you can see that.

As Bobby McFerrin said, 'don't worry, be happy'.
Ironside  50 | 13046  
27 Oct 2009 /  #74
so they feel superior to non Europeans ( Africans, Arabs, or Australian aborigines ) but inferior to rest of 'better' Europe?

Who said something about inferiority ?
Maybe YOU feel inferior, hence the expression.
To the rest of the country;s considered European, attitude vary.

I-S (sleepless silly people are aplenty)

It is pointless to talk about superior cultures. We are just different and that's that. Why would they trample on disenfranchised Russians? It's not the people's fault that they operate a quasi-autocracy there.

I'm only doing my best to answer some issues risen by M-G!
I do not make any statements or declarations here.

As to Russians, I'm talking about culture not individual Russians or some aspects of they culture. Generally they are seen as non-Europeans and therefore inferior - culturally inferior(and rightly so I may add).

I-S ( silly dwarf with shining head, reason for Stephen King story?just a thought)
scrappleton  - | 829  
27 Oct 2009 /  #75
Generally they are seen as non-Europeans and therefore inferior - culturally inferior(and rightly so I may add).

I do not make any statements or declarations here.

Seanus  15 | 19666  
27 Oct 2009 /  #76
I'm with Scrappy here, miraculously enough. Inferior? WTF?

Russia is a superpower. Name me a European superpower. I'm assuming you are applying such benchmarks/yardsticks.
scrappleton  - | 829  
27 Oct 2009 /  #77
I'm with Scrappy here,

Спасибо, Porkchop.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
27 Oct 2009 /  #78
You are welcome :) Thanks accepted :)
Ironside  50 | 13046  
27 Oct 2009 /  #79

Are you talking to me?
Are you talking to I?

if so .......

inferior because non-European, what being this or that power has any-thing to do with anything?

I-S (Dolly is degenerating fast, no future in cloning?)
27 Oct 2009 /  #80
Russia is a superpower.

Notgonnahappen.com :)

Google keywords: "Russia's place in the world" and see what comes up... For the most part the results are sad, namely:
1st place in the world in absolute value of population's decrease
1st place in the world in deaths from cardiovascular diseases
1st place in the world in sales of hard liquor
1st place in the world in consumption of alcohol and alcohol-based beverages
1st place in the world in the number of smoking children
1st place in the world in the number of airplane crashes
1st place in the world in the increase of tobacco smoking
1st place in the world in the growth rate of the number of HIV-infected persons
1st place in the world in the volume of trading humans
1st place in the world in the number of automobile accidents
1st place in the world in the number of billionaires prosecuted by law enforcement
1st place in the world in the import of Chinese automobiles in the first half of 2007
2d place in the world in the number of abortions
2d place in the world in the number of convicts per 1,000
2d place in the world in exporting weapons
2d place in the world in distribution of fake medicines
2d place in the world in the level of bureaucracy
2d place in the world in the number of journalists killed over the past ten years
2d place in the world in the suicide rate, after Lithuania
2d place in the world among manufacturers of pirated CDs
2d place in the world in the list of countries possessing the largest number of firearms
2d place in the world in the number of children adopted in the US
2d place in the world in the number of people seeking asylum in industrially developed Western countries, Serbia being the first on the list
scrappleton  - | 829  
27 Oct 2009 /  #81
Ouch.. well the US is doing bad too, so what the hell.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
27 Oct 2009 /  #82
Google keywords

there you go... please, don't blame Poland anymore...
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
27 Oct 2009 /  #83
don't blame Poland anymore...

It is all Poland's fault.
27 Oct 2009 /  #84
No. Jews', homos' and cyclists' fault ;)
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
27 Oct 2009 /  #85
Especially the cyclists!

Ironside  50 | 13046  
27 Oct 2009 /  #86
[quote=ShawnH]Especially the cyclists![/quote

random - ******* cyclist they are everywhere :p
Sasha  2 | 1083  
27 Oct 2009 /  #87
Notgonnahappen.com :)

Hopefully it's not. Since a country can't become to be a superpower, unless doing that at the expense of smaller countries. I don't want my country to conduct the policy of violence.

Thanks for the list, whether it's trustworthy or not (it's somewhere obviously not) that should do us Russians good. Good job! keep it up!

there you go... please, don't blame Poland anymore...

Does anyone blame you?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
27 Oct 2009 /  #88
It still has superpower status as America has hyperpower status. We all know that that's misleading but the labels stick.
LAGirl  9 | 496  
27 Oct 2009 /  #89
You are right scrappleton. I hate when people are in my country and put Americans down I told him to go back to Poland. And about Russia thats very bad at least Poland doesnt have that many problems and they are clean.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
27 Oct 2009 /  #90
1st place in the world in the number of billionaires prosecuted by law enforcement

I'm amazed at that because billionaires are so filthy rich they can buy whole countries. How can anyone successfully prosecute them? It would be impossible to do.

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