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Are Polish People Racist?

Dumny Aryjczyk  
3 Oct 2006 /  #241
Im proud to be Aryan!!!
3 Oct 2006 /  #242
Good for you~!~
rafik 18 | 589  
4 Oct 2006 /  #243
A picture taken yesterday from a Polish soccer game (note bananas were thrown at black and latino players).

no no no i think this chap was a bit hungry so came off the pitch ate a few bananas made a mess alongside the line and came back on the pitch:)
4 Oct 2006 /  #244
I can imagine what their attitude and comments were,
They have to remeber that these asians and blacks have a 400 year history with British society in a sense that they are all from the former British empire, cultures and customs have mixed past 400 odd years.

As far as immigrants go, I think the Britain as a nations ows nothing to eastern europeans coming here, they should be thankful that they are here, since they have no history with UK what so ever.

Just a small alternative look at your comments.
iwona 12 | 542  
5 Oct 2006 /  #245
Did you see news today..... Even tolerant British people are starting to be fed up with you. J Straw comments about muslim women with covered faces.

This is your great integretion or segregation after this 400 years history?????
Matyjasz 2 | 1,544  
5 Oct 2006 /  #246
This situation took place in Poland...Not in the UK.
3 Nov 2006 /  #247
What is wrong with being a racist ?
Because I can not figure it out.
FISZ 24 | 2,116  
3 Nov 2006 /  #248
Because I can not figure it out.

Most can't.
4 Nov 2006 /  #249
I dont actually think there is anything wrong with being racist, most people are but just wont admitt to it, or you have your polite racists!
4 Nov 2006 /  #250
I'm an ESL teacher based in PL and at the beginning and end of the class the students (mostly adults) ask eachother and answer a question. One of the male students (45-50yo) asked another male what he thought about black people.

I couldn't believe my ears, and made him repeat the question.

The respondant answered "i like them"
Huegel 1 | 296  
4 Nov 2006 /  #251
Most can't.

:) Nice!
dziwna_gruszka - | 197  
4 Nov 2006 /  #252
It is maybe just the way we were brought up ... i mean if i married a black guy my father would shoot me.... it's like a pure thing...
5 Nov 2006 /  #253
As far as immigrants go, I think the Britain as a nations ows nothing to eastern europeans coming here, they should be thankful that they are here, since they have no history with UK what so ever.

Except the fact that they bargained away our country after **** ww2 and we became a **** satellite state......if we were actually allowed to remain a free country after the war Poland would look a lot like Sweden and no Polish people would be moving to the UK right shut your God damn **** mouth you piece of ****.........
5 Nov 2006 /  #254
Marek I wrote about that on this forum before, British nation now has to pay for their grandfathers sins. Funny that immigration into their land is their fault too :). I think they should know this.

And BTW Are there history classes on Isles? How can a British citizen write that Poland and Britain have nothing in common? Off to your class study harder!
uk_ 8 | 85  
5 Nov 2006 /  #255
country after **** ww2

no excuse ..
Frank 23 | 1,183  
5 Nov 2006 /  #256
Hhhhhmmmmmmmmmmm......again..must challenge....its ok to be racist...hold those views...even if for some of the laughable abusive comments, it diminishes the person who makes them, fellow board members who feel they have to respond and shows up society for its shallowness, and never ending ability to let one down!

My point is, that once you feel you can treat one group of prople, for any reason less fairly than another group....then everyone looses out.

Whether you call it racism, bigotry, ageism, sexism all boils down to one group/person feeling superior to another and can therefore treat someone less well/fairly.

Its an inate, instinctive response to societys need to protect its territory, women and food ( aka jobs). people don't like new/different things esp if they impact on them.

Hence this thread being full of instinctive but damaging responses....things such as what have east europeans done for GB....Michael Howard/Nigel Lawson ( UK Foreign Secretary/Chancellor) and many succesful business men all originated in E Europe...not quite sure which part of Germany Q Elizabeth came from!!

Yes, if you feel the need to discriminate against anyone for any reason...then you perpetuate all of these beliefs and give permission to anyone else to discriminate against you, your family and ethnic group/ what you sow you so must unsurprised by the low level nature of most posts on this thread........

Lock and delete...I say....:)

PS I coulda swore it was your great neighbours Germany/Russia who came up with a cruel savage agreement to carve up your country, then invaded/slaughtered and destroyed your country.....NOT the UK,....history.....depends what you read......!
5 Nov 2006 /  #257
Quoting: Marek_USA, Post #313
country after**** ww2

no excuse ..

sure it is if you look at how long Poland was communist for, how the hell are general people suppose to change over so quickly when the current adult generation was born into a communist country? and as adults have no actual concept of how a how a free market economy is suppose to run? it is definately going to take lots of time, that and EU funds..........If you want another example look at East Germany, its been quite sometime after reunification and its still really behind.............

anyways i am not here to debate racism, i am here on the notion that the UK doesn't owe Poland anything........that is laughable.......I'm not saying you owe us cozy jobs or some crap like that, but you were definately the key in **** over our country.........

PS I coulda swore it was your great neighbours Germany/Russia who came up with a cruel savage agreement to carve up your country, then invaded/slaughtered and destroyed your country.....NOT the UK,....history.....depends what you read......!

Yes they did, but after ww2 who bargained away our country? the war was over and Poland wanted to be nothing like Russia, they wanted to be like a western european country.......I think you need to read your history more........
5 Nov 2006 /  #258
Well said! We wanted to be free and UK sold us :(.
Frank 23 | 1,183  
5 Nov 2006 /  #259
Nope....Russians.....had occupied Poland...not the UK/USA yes....?......I think you'll find possession is 9/10s of the law...........

The Russians were quite happy to "waste" the lives of their own people to defend their gains....but not waste any on the indigenous population.....I was the worse of two evils...another war...against a hugely powerful nation...for no gain....or put up and shut the original blame still lies at the door of Germany/Russia, of their day....the Evil Empire............Britains power was on the wane...( I am not a historian..perhaps others are and are better read no doubt than both of us) .

WWII effectively bankrupted the no postion to continually waste the rest of its wealth against an occupier who didn't care.....what was another 2 million dead to them...if they could dominate the whole of East Europe....?

The outcome wasn't ideal......but then the outcomes of wars rarely are...........feel free to go rant on a German/Russian board about the greatness of their nations......

The British/French at least attempted to honour their alliance at the start of the war....but weren't up to it...nor was ANY other nation in Europe ( even the great bear that is Russia)........most unfortunate....point your finger elsewhere........the fact that you are not still speaking Russian full time and might never be free is down to the few million Brits who rode their luck in 1940.......and then the USA came to the old worlds rescue 2 years later.......we all wished it never happen...Polands pain and that of the Jews was the most terrible of was a very sad time...for the entire world.........

I think its fab we are now free, to a degree, to chat about it now............cherish that freedom...make the most of it....

Long live free Polska!
5 Nov 2006 /  #260
Well said! We wanted to be free and UK sold us

what a load of rubbish!!!!

Franks points are correct!
5 Nov 2006 /  #261
Frank Im talking about what happened AFTER the war, not during it. You can ask questin what was more damaging for Poland:
1. War - Germany and Russia fault, or
2. 50 years of Russia occupation - Russia, USA and UK fault.

Im not sure what was worse but Im sure if we werent sold to Russia by USA and UK we would be rich country now and you wouldnt see Poles in UK now.

In May 2005 US President George W. Bush admitted that the Soviet domination of central and eastern Europe after World War II was "one of the greatest wrongs of history" and acknowledged that the United States.

My aim is not to point finger to Britain I just wish British ppl were aware of its own country history, when British poster write that "Poland has nothing in common with Britain" that is just laughable!

I wish British ppl were more understanding towards us and dont slag off our country, its poverty and this that polish ppl want better lives for themselves. Especially you should understand it.
5 Nov 2006 /  #262
Obviously Russia and Germany are the main to blame for what happend to us, but the point is the Churchill sold out the Polish government who were in exile at the time. The point is we weren't there's to be bargained with, we were allies. In fact it is well documented how many Polish servicemen fought in the battle of Britain among other various battles for other european countries throughout the war..........

The outcome wasn't ideal......but then the outcomes of wars rarely are...........feel free to go rant on a German/Russian board about the greatness of their nations......

Yah but if Polish mathmaticians didn't help pioneer cracking the enigma code we'd all be speaking German :) well i guess we'd be more inclined to not have existed had the German's won. but again its not like Poles didn't defend Britain by fighting for it, especially the airmen......

The point I am trying to make here, at least in the start was about Poles coming to the UK.......Now I know that most Britons hate foreigners, every country does, but what made me mad was the comment "we don't owe you nothing" --> well you did stab us in the back a bit so lets call a million foreigners in your country even...........look at the bright side, they probably wont even be staying for forever :)...........The fact is that I don't want any country owing Poland anything, what I want is for Poland to look like a modern country like it should have if we weren't bargained away and put under control by someone else............When my country looks like Sweden or England, economically of course, then I will be happy.............Britain doesn't hold the blame for whats happend to us, but its not like they were innocent either, at least marginally.........

just to clear things I am not racist and obviously this thread has deviated from its initial intention.......I do believe Polish people living in the UK should adapt and learn English and become regular citizens but I don't like them treated as some refugees or asylum seekers........we are EU members and the history between our countries should have earned us that respect......

I think its fab we are now free, to a degree, to chat about it now............cherish that freedom...make the most of it....

Long live free Polska!

Also I get your point about laying the blame mainly on Russia and Germany, but what the hell is Russia gonna do to help us? they are fucking poorer then we are, lol, justice I guess......but then again the Germans seem to have gotten off scott free and have a modern country, and the only debts they are paying are obviously to the Jews, I guess the land Poland got from them seems to be compensation enough. The bottom line is Poland isnt begging anybody for money, our citizens willingly come and work, and the hard jobs too. We want to make it in life just like anybody else, but if joining the EU means some extra funds for our country then all the better.......Poland joining the EU should be indication enough that they want to be more like western europe than anything else........

anyways peace to you all, but I am going to bed. I live on the west coast, and its 4:40 am hard feelings at all from me, take care........

no hard feelings, especially to the comment to Raffy, I got a little emotional there, lol........
Frank 23 | 1,183  
5 Nov 2006 /  #263
Guys, if you checked my ID, I am not British, my country has also been victim of its occupation etc, but quoting selected history books to me is not sufficient....I admit I am not an expert, but you got to look at your nearest and dearest neighbours...they agreed on the carve up...they did the slaughtering...they did the you think 2 million British soldiers were going to defeat 10 million if they really...really wanted too....all that would have happened an even longer war...more dead...and still no freedom......

I am not fully condoning the "sell out"....many awful decisions were made and disgraceful decisions made...of course I understand how you feel....but if you were given the choice..."By the way I am going to kill one member of your family.....either your mother or your sister.....and youHAVE to decide....OR both die...which would it be?....

Called a dilemna............not nice....but you gotta choose.....:(

I have nothing against the Polish nation or people....IF it was so bad in GB and Ireland...then Polish immigrants would be home after 1 month...but not the case..they make sacrifices/allowances etc..and stay to make money/new home...thats the litmus paper test...not the few cretins who post rubbish reports on here...and you react to them....IGNORE the Sh!te posts ola/marek...ok?...ok....say you will......??!!...:)

All you got ta do is rise above...concentrate on the postive.....etc.........
iwona 12 | 542  
5 Nov 2006 /  #264
but what made me mad was the comment "we don't owe you nothing" --> well you did stab us in the back a bit so lets call a million foreigners in your country even...........


Don't take it so seriously. Most normal British people will not say it. These are remarks made by muslims with British passports ( whose parents probbaly don't even speak English) who for some reason feel very "british" and very superior over Polish.Ignore it.

About stabbing us , i don't know I think that England was really weak after war and decisions were really made by USA and Russia.
Frank 23 | 1,183  
5 Nov 2006 /  #265
Curiously, in todays Sunday Times..they report on who actually was responsible for winning the war.....guess what ...after the British and Americans convincing themselves/us it was almost wholly down to was of course...........

THE RUSSIANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fatalities against the German armies .....80% killed by the Russians...the 20% USA/ 4:1...ratio.....

On the Eastern front 150 German division held by the Russians...on western front... a mere 56!!

In percentage terms in W Europe...UK contribution was a piffling 5-6% of the grand total!

Not for one moment would I understate the contribution at Europes darkest moment made by the UK ....but the real winners/victors were the Russians....!

Mr Churchill wasn't in any position to dictate to the almighty Russians, who should be fully liberated or not.....he had ro real say at all........

PS Before the war their agreement allowed them both to annex/take over those countries deemed to be in their respective spheres of influence...Germany invaded 8 countries and the "liberators"..Russia...invaded and occupied 5..all before 1939!
Patrycja19 62 | 2,688  
5 Nov 2006 /  #266
I thought the Russians caused more havac then they helped . but you learn something
new every day. I was told they raided and killed just like the german army, this came
from one of my Kuzynka's who had to muddy up her face to make herself look un-
Appealing to avoid getting raped. or hide in a cellar under ground till they left.
Well. you know the story, I wrote it in the other forum.

gosh I miss Pani Ania. Another Ania. and Casper :) he was so out there!
5 Nov 2006 /  #267
In all the years around my Family , cousins and other relatives. It seems that they hate Jews the most. Its always the jews this and the jews that. they have some weird ideas about blacks and mexicans too. It makes me feel sad, mad , confused at them.

I see so many ploesdriving around in BMW's and Mercedes Benz. But they all talk about how the germans invaded poland and they were little kids hiding under beds and basements in hail bails. They blame the jews. When taxes go up for welfare and for whatever other taxes . they blame the blacks and mexicans. I have lived and worked with almost everyrace on this planet. And I'm always curious when I meet a different person about there culture there food there prayers. I don't knock them for ther skin color. Or there place of birth. But my polish mom and aunt and cousin always have some racist remark. It just blows me away. I wonder what the hell. I love learning things about all walks of life. Many of the food is awsome. Many of there ways make more sense.

I mean here in the USA we have the greatest population of all walks of life. In what country can you go to and meet someone from Iraq or from Africa. In the same city. I live in Long beach California and I have met people from countries I never even heard of.

So why would my polish family be so negative towards other races.
I have asked them that question and no one has an answer.
And the funny thing is that , they wonder why I am so against there racist remarks.
So I have no answer.
krysia 23 | 3,058  
5 Nov 2006 /  #268
And there you go.
They have their reasons. They went through hell during the war, it was a big impact on them and they will never forget the horrors of war where all the family members were murdered, children, people tortured. My parents and aunts and uncles are the same way.My grandmother would hate the Russians because she grew up under Russian regime.

People in America didn't experience such horrors as concentration camps. But some still re-live the civil war and a few Southerners don't like when the Northerner's go south for winter. Or some black people still re-live the fact that they were slaves to white people at one time. It goes on from generation to generation.

Kids now play with black people, vietnamese, chinese and for them it's normal to see different types of people from an early age. But for people who haven't seen many people that are different, they will stare. The younger generation thinks differently than the older.
8 Nov 2006 /  #269
hello to everyone,
I think we as a human race have come far from the days of the nazis. I believe in the evolution of the human spirit and I am an optimist.
dziwna_gruszka - | 197  
8 Nov 2006 /  #270
ya like what about the ecumenical movement.!! why are still talking about nazis like who cares what is done is done...!!! You can not change it but we can prevent it by not joining them again if there ever was a movement like that..

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