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Are Polish People Racist?

Patrycja19 62 | 2,688  
30 Jan 2007 /  #841
but probibly say nothing to blacks that do the same. Pathetic really.

you know what, I say what I want, the people I am friends with even are tired
of crap. from both sides.

I dont approach someone with a (im scared to say it) attitude. no, then they
know you are fake. be strait. but not beligerent!

I speak my mind more often then not, And I am very polite to those who deserve
King Sobieski 2 | 714  
30 Jan 2007 /  #842
what, you dont think there is white gangs?

Or more importantly, the gangs run by Al Capone and Lucky Luciano (to name a few) that terrorised, killed, stole, etc. Who were also European immigrants.

There have been white gangs throughout history or in your case mr bojowinik, HIStory.
Patrycja19 62 | 2,688  
30 Jan 2007 /  #843
Umm Ok...Don't forget to take your ridilin before bed.

oh good one, im so burned, ouch, hurt, choke sob!

you go up against a teacher "jose" who obviously knows a heck of alot more
then you, and you tell people to go educate them selfs.

Im talking about people acting human. that has nothing to do with Africa , so
it isnt me who needs to check their helmet.

so don't go on about the conditions they faced here in the US.

really? what are you going to do about it?

King, hes got a one track mind. that must mean he was dropped at birth.
no other explanations for it.

Skinheads BLOW BIG Male Roosters!

(Fill in the Word Game).
30 Jan 2007 /  #844
Not true , wages would be higher in the indistry if they left. Considering we did just fine without them before. There are plenty of white americans who would take the jobs. Even kids in the summer.

No white or black American would take that job now because of the social connotations it engenders. Wages will never get higher as a result. Capitalists have no interest in raising wages. Employees are not considered an asset but a drain on any enterprise. The rich will use whatever cheap labor supply is available at the cheapest transport cost. That's where the hispanics come in. Or did you think the wealthy give a **** about color except green.

Mestizo countries includeing yours have some of the most corrupt societies in the world.

As if Eastern Europe is any less corrupt or functional. Why do so many emigrate to the West side if its so wonderful in their countries?
Bojownik - | 115  
31 Jan 2007 /  #845
As if Eastern Europe is any less corrupt or functional. Why do so many emigrate to the West side if its so wonderful in their countries?

Yes eastern european countries are still far better then mestizo countries. Again the "west" was built but europeans so whats the problem?

really? what are you going to do about it?

laugh at you.

you go up against a teacher "jose" who obviously knows a heck of alot more
then you, and you tell people to go educate them selfs.

Are you that dumb?...Then again after reading your posts this forum seems to be all you have got in terms of friends.

No white or black American would take that job now because of the social connotations it engenders. Wages will never get higher as a result. Capitalists have no interest in raising wages. Employees are not considered an asset but a drain on any enterprise. The rich will use whatever cheap labor supply is available at the cheapest transport cost. That's where the hispanics come in. Or did you think the wealthy give a **** about color except green.

No they would be forced into paying more. Europe dosent have millions of mexicans but they eat just fine.

There have been white gangs throughout history or in your case mr bojowinik, HIStory.

Yes gangs that did most killings underground and also took care of the communities they lived in. Can't say the same for the ghettos of the US.
Patrycja19 62 | 2,688  
31 Jan 2007 /  #846
There have been white gangs throughout history or in your case mr bojowinik, HIStory.

Glad you brought this up, as my family, who lived in a Polish neighborhood which
was also run by Mafia (polish) mafia, there was Hungarian Mafia next section, and
Itialian, and Ukrainian, etc. all seperated and all throwing each other in the river
with a part of cement shoes!

Read your history BOJO! These existed all over the U.S. and really significant during

My dad and his brother as young boys watched a gang war, right across the street
from their home. (all white) mind you and they didnt stop at just on bullet.

People who were late on rent, owed money, gambled. they would come in and
kill their whole families!

Yes, Its Late, I have to work tomorrow, Thanks K.S.

for pointing that out.

Dang, re-reading my spelling, i am tired.

Pair of cement shoes.

and the other would be ONE bullet.

laugh at you.

Thanks, your quite a joke too.
Bojownik - | 115  
31 Jan 2007 /  #847
So in reality what you are trying to do is excuse the actions of black gangs now AND then because way back when al capone and friends was around?

Patrycja19 62 | 2,688  
31 Jan 2007 /  #848
Are you that dumb?...Then again after reading your posts this forum seems to be all you have got in terms of friends

Thats funny, I didnt know you had telepathy?

Bet I have more friends they your sorry arse.
Patrycja19 62 | 2,688  
31 Jan 2007 /  #850
So in reality what you are trying to do is excuse the actions of black gangs now AND then because way back when al capone and friends was around?

do you actually think that the mafia dont exist anymore?
31 Jan 2007 /  #851
\\\"As if Eastern Europe is any less corrupt or functional. Why do so many emigrate to the West side if its so wonderful in their countries? \\\"

I have been all over south america. Brazil for example. Aside from argentina and chile it\\\'s one big genetic miss-fire. Don\\\'t even begin to compare any part of europe with south or central america.


Consider thinking before you post.
31 Jan 2007 /  #852
No they would be forced into paying more. Europe dosent have millions of mexicans but they eat just fine.

They have never paid more. That's why they have capital. Everything is already discounted and factored in.

Yes eastern european countries are still far better then mestizo countries. Again the "west" was built but europeans so whats the problem?

This sounds childish. Better???, LOL. They are all 3rd world under-developed nations with subpar financial institutions and controls to ensure any type of liquidity and transparency. If the EU doesn't convince countries like the UK to join the Euro, it doesn't bode well for its longevity.

Americans consider themselves Americans first and foremost. National origins are an afterthought from a past that is gone. When Americans fought in WW2, they were Americans, not Germans, Polish, English but AMERICANS. To tell an American G.I. you are a European is an attempt to diminish what being an American is. Read some Teddy Roosevelt so that you can understand this point. IOW, there are no hyphenated Americans.
31 Jan 2007 /  #853
josecitomadera I read posts by you all the time. I have to ask what purpose you serve on this forum? That last post really made my day. I am not even going to begin with comments. I think you need to find a latin forum to talk on. You have no place here.
Patrycja19 62 | 2,688  
31 Jan 2007 /  #854
I didnt post about south america. or africa. and my only opinion in here is
all people are human, to which I am entitled to.

as for getting sucked into this stupid thread again. yeah your right.
I am done. my opinion stays the same.
31 Jan 2007 /  #855
I have been all over south america. Brazil for example. Aside from argentina and chile it\\\'s one big genetic miss-fire. Don\\\'t even begin to compare any part of europe with south or central america.

Pure garbage! Eastern Europe and Latin America are two piles of economic sewage where the few who control the means of production exploit the rest. I had a Hungarian friend named George Racz in NYC who explained how wonderful it is there, LOL. Argentina has been in one collapse after another since the country had origin. Chile is OK now but endured a tyranny after a bloody coup spiralled the currency into a free for all.

Genetic misfire is hogwash rubbish. Millions of lily white European voyagers through the centuries loved the black and indian rear ends to create a mestizo and mulatto paradise.

I think you need to find a latin forum to talk on. You have no place here.

Are you the owner of this forum? I came here to learn about Poland, not hear trash from wannabe white supremacists who would have been burned in ovens and doused in flames if Hitler was alive.

I will never understand the likes of Polish, Russian or any slavic Nazis. The real NAZIS wanted to exterminate slavs. How does this make any sense? Is this the Uncle Tom syndrome? The slave wanted to be like his master. Quoting from ROOTS, One of the greatest desires of a slave was to whip another slave.

BTW, thanks for reading my posts.
King Sobieski 2 | 714  
31 Jan 2007 /  #856
Yes gangs that did most killings underground and also took care of the communities they lived in. Can't say the same for the ghettos of the US

that is the biggest load of bull. they took care of the community through intimidation and strong arm tactics and taking out anyone that stood up to them. no worse than the government induced ghetto gangsters

read it:

The Irish immigrants of the 19th century were the first ethnic group to form ghettos in America’s cities, followed by Italians and Poles in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. But this was okay becuase they were white.
Bojownik - | 115  
31 Jan 2007 /  #857
Quoting from ROOTS, One of the greatest desires of a slave was to whip another slave.

Considering you are the one who labels anyone with european pride a nazi. You don't know what the definition of nazi is. What should we call you a mulatto nationalist? More like a black panther. I don't have time to go into details about the historical innacuracies of WWII with you nor would I bother. But clearly you can't possibly relate to anything because you are from puerto ricco not europe. You claim to have came here to learn about poland? There is other sources for that I wouldent say this is the best place. Eastern europe suffers from soviet control. Mestizo south america as any other place with large majorities of a mestizo population all follow the same trends.

The Irish immigrants of the 19th century were the first ethnic group to form ghettos in America's cities, followed by Italians and Poles in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. But this was okay becuase they were white.

Find me the ghettos of TODAY full thousands of irish , polish and italians in america. These ghettos are in no comparison to what places of today look like.

I laughed the first time you used as a source of good info and I laugh again now.
Grzegorz_ 51 | 6,148  
31 Jan 2007 /  #858
All the atrocities that blacks are accused of isn't even a drop of water in the ocean of evil that the whites have conjured up, Nagasaki, Hiroshima. All the technological, political, medical advances doesn't justify the evil.

Due, you are weired.

Why am I not surprised... ?
31 Jan 2007 /  #859
I can finally
pin point on why I am such good dancer!

:)Now the puzzlle is solved for me as well:)
Fulabasz - | 18  
31 Jan 2007 /  #860
Wow, it's hard to know where to start.
First of all, I do live in a Southern state in the US. Now. I am not, however, from here.

I wanted to address each post, but it's clear many of the posters here have been so media saturated that the reasoning sectors of their brains have been lulled to sleep by the sugary, multi-culture lullaby.

My only point is that I have not seen anyone respond to me with facts. Why are you all so repulsed by facts? Your received opinions, presumably the result of 12 years of public school indoctrination and media brainwashing, have left you all babbling incoherently only able to cast stereotypical insults and make semi-veiled death threats. Sounds illegal to me. Especially if you live in Canada.

I am not nor have I ever been a Nazi, nor a skin head, nor a Klansman. Please re-read that sentence and try to convert the morphological symbols into mental concepts.

I have also never said once that I think any race is inferior. All I have ever tried to get through your dogma addled brains is the concept that racial pride and the hope of cultural preservation isn't the same as racism. You-plural-or better yet, y'all (that should trigger some knee jerk, salivating anti white hate) are so brainwashed that a white person standing up for his people is a NAZIKLANSMANSKINHEADSOUTHERN REDKNECK.

Life is not so simple and life is not black and white. Use your minds not just your emotion.

Every baseless personal insult and death threat is just proof of how low you are.
31 Jan 2007 /  #861
Find me the ghettos of TODAY full thousands of irish , polish and italians in america.

They existed at one time and were as bad as any black ghetto is today. The black ghettos of today were created by the whites. The Middle Passage, centuries of slavery, oppression, rape, humiliation, disgust, beatings, murders, tearing families apart and all types of degradation have created the dysfunction present in black America. The whites created the black problem. That is a sign of the guilt that contemplative white America is burdened with today. Being brought over with chains and dumped overboard as excess cargo is just one of many atrocities committed.

Despite all of this the black population in many aspects has progressed. They created jazz, rural blues, dixieland, and other types of music from greats such as Nat King Cole, Louis Armstrong, Robert Johnson. All the music that whites love and adore today in America is either a product or derivative of their musical genius and prowess.

Your simple view of the world is straight out of Mein Kempf. Why do you follow the views of a man who would have exterminated you is beyond me? A question which you can't answer.

Truly educated whites can only laugh at the viewpoint of the KKK and in most places in America it is outlawed. The FBI is everywhere and listening. The Southern Poverty Center has effectively shutdown dozens of white nationalist, militant and supremacist centers throughout America. At least from what I've read you distance yourself from the violence because you know that is a dangerous path to tread.

In a post 9/11 world those fringe groups which threaten national security here are under the constant watch of our security forces. They espouse a revolutionary and violent change as witnessed by terrorists such as McVeigh and others. To claim to believe in racists ideals is not only foolhardy but is a dangerous path to work.

There is a fine line between white preservation and violent racist separation.

On a side note, I wondered why these white supremacist groups always attack some poor black guy waiting for the bus or grandma crossing the street. Why they never went into LA and attacked the crips and the bloods? One gang versus another yet always the innocent black guy sipping some beer walking home from his day labor job.

I don't have time to go into details about the historical innacuracies of WWII with you nor would I bother.

What inaccuracy which you misspelled? That Hitler wanted to exterminate the Poles. What revision are you going to offer Poles here? That Hitler only bombed Poland and took it over to save it from itself. Don't make me laugh! Dispute what wiki has said. Those sources are annotated and have footnotes.

Why are you all so repulsed by facts? Your received opinions, presumably the result of 12 years of public school indoctrination and media brainwashing, have left you all babbling incoherently only able to cast stereotypical insults and make semi-veiled death threats.

You write better than Bojo and are more coherent. Hopefully you are much more civil than he is with his ad hominems and continued appeals to non existent authorities, strawman arguments and a massive amount of red herrings to put Fulton's Fish Market to shame.

Here are some facts. Refute these which he hasn't.

Per Wiki-
From the start, the war against Poland was intended as a fulfillment of the plan described by Adolf Hitler in his book Mein Kampf. The main axis of the plan was that all of Eastern Europe should become part of the greater Germany, the so called German Lebensraum (living space). The German Army was sent, as stated by Adolf Hitler in his Armenian quote: "with orders for them to send to death mercilessly and without compassion, men, women, and children of Polish race and language".

Himmler wrote in a May 1940 memorandum. In the same document, he promised to deport all Poles to the east [Russia]. In other statements, he mentioned the future killing fields for all Poles in the Pripet Marshes. Plans for mass transportation and slave labor camps for up to 20 million Poles were made. All were intended to die during the cultivation of the swamps. A bitter note is Hitler's remark that the Poles should be exterminated where they originated in the early medieval age.


As an intelligent thinker which I deem you as, how do you reconcile your nationalist views which were espoused by those who would have exterminated you. Don't you think that is incongruent to say the least? Please refrain from any ad hominems because that would certainly detract from your response as being anything other than base, crude and lascivious banter!

Poland had and still has a vibrant and intelligent community of scholars, doctors, engineers. They have contributed many things to the human species. Yet why did Hitler consider them sub-human? Probably the same stupid reasons that morons today consider mestizos from Latin America sub-human. The Mayan contribution to math and science can only be refuted from the lowest dregs of these fringe groups which would be laughed off any campus.

Serbs and Croats have ethnic animosities that manifest themselves in a far more benign way than the social and behavioral differences between a Scots-Irish Canadian and a Meztiso.

Really! So Milosevic's ethnic cleasing is a benign way of settling disputes. The genocide that he would have committed is also just a friendly discussion between fellow slavs. Fuly, you're smarter than that. I'll accept this statement you made as a faux paus.

Haha, I guess those are the perks of belonging to a subhuman race. We don't have the intellectual prowess and mental capacity to carry out genocide on a massive scale, LOL!

BTW, for those foolish enough not to understand the above as cynicism, parody and sarcasm please read up on it and don't bother me with inane commentary.

I like your sentence structure, Fuly. Let me help you with the subject placement.

Scots-Irish Canadian and a Meztiso have ethnic animosities that manifest themselves in a far more benign way than the social and behavioral differences between a Serb and a Croat. These differences have more often than not ended in violent clashes, ethnic cleansings and purported attempts at genocide.
31 Jan 2007 /  #862
Especially if you live in Canada.

I believe that you were reffering to me. Well, I don't understand one thing; if we are all here so much below your level, why are you posting, since nobody is able to understand what you are talking about. It's a simple question.
31 Jan 2007 /  #863
Miranda, I hope he answers my questions since I believe he can't logically answer them without walking into a mental quagmire.
globetrotter 3 | 106  
31 Jan 2007 /  #864
I believe that you were reffering to me

Best to ignore these people M.

I always thought the sequence to follow was establish the facts, draw your conclusions and then make your recommendations. Strikes me that some of the people posting here have jumped straight to stage 2 if not stage 3 !
31 Jan 2007 /  #865
I absolutely agree, I should know better by now, esp with this particular tread, thanks Globie:)
31 Jan 2007 /  #866
What should we call you a mulatto nationalist? More like a black panther.

Inaccurate complement. I believe in the HUMAN RACE. Division is anathema to me. Diversity is paramount. I find all cultures as valid and contributive to the human experience. Preservation is excellent. In South America, dialects of Mayan indigenous languages which will probably disappear are being preserved. So preserving the Polish culture is a beautiful thing when carried out by those who are not NAZIS or racist pigs.

I can only be so honored to be counted amongst those who have fought for the treasured ideals of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Remember the opening words, "All men are created EQUAL....."

I will also ignore but I'm interested in Fulzy's answers.
Grzegorz_ 51 | 6,148  
31 Jan 2007 /  #867
Here are some facts. Refute these which he hasn't.

What are trying to prove ? That Adolf and his fags were damn trashes ? Anyboy here says that they weren't ?
Zgubiony 15 | 1,553  
31 Jan 2007 /  #868
Why can't this thread just die.....
31 Jan 2007 /  #869
becaue it's an informal Anger Management Tread? :)
LoneStranger 3 | 382  
31 Jan 2007 /  #870
I strongly believe that 10% Polish people (maximum %) are racist.
30% Polish people (maximum %) are only VERY shy (often)
or nervous about other races. Which makes them seem
racist to visitors (i guess). As I very much understand that
when a person comes to a new country, they are
also nervous and shy, and should be greeted confidently by
locals first, and given a hand of friendship :). And trust!
10% Polish have their own mood problems, or other personal
problems, which keeps them irritated at everything!
50% Polish people are very confident, and not racist at all! They
love color...and actually are very curious about other races
(in the positive manner). We even don’t mind getting into
relationships with good people (regardless of race), and
quite rightly!

Thats what I think of Poland's racial sentiments :) :) :)

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