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Are Polish People Racist?

sledz 23 | 2248  
14 Nov 2006 /  #301
Its ok im cool with kryzs, I know sometimes the Mexicans can speak English but
they pretend no to, especially on some of the job sites I`ve been on.
Mostly to get out of doing some work.. No habla de Ingles..haha
14 Nov 2006 /  #302
ha ha! that's so bad. very bad Mexicans. :)
sledz 23 | 2248  
14 Nov 2006 /  #303
Howz the weather been there latley? I`m sure the beaches are still jammin.
14 Nov 2006 /  #304
I went to the beach a few days ago. it was heaven. there was light rain today but it disappeared fast.
sledz 23 | 2248  
15 Nov 2006 /  #305
Im jealous its 40 degrees raining and windy here brrrrrrrrrr.........
15 Nov 2006 /  #306
don't lie. I understood every word of that Spanish translation and it was very different than the English version

Hi Californai Girl

that was tranlated from a translation site . I just copyed what i wrote in english and had it translated and posted it.

So what was so different about it. .

I'm curious...

My vechile has about $3000.00

Sledz Thank god it was an american made chevy Truck.

If you were in a car it would have been way worse.

So its totaly not fair about your insurance laws.

I guess its going to take a tragedy by someone before they change the laws so everyone driving gets Insurance...
I guess different state different laws.

Good luck in court and with the repairs to the truck.
15 Nov 2006 /  #307
Hi Californai Girl

that was tranlated from a translation site . I just copyed what i wrote in english and had it translated and posted it.

So what was so different about it. .

I'm curious...

I was just teasing about it being completely different. the Spanish version said you thought the guy was crazy. that part wasn't in the original one. but mainly I don't think the translation site understood what you were trying to say. the part that explains that you waited until he was done talking to the other guy makes it sound like you waited until he was done being cooked or something like that. you know, done like a well-cooked steak, instead of being finished talking.

and the word "demonios" means demons, like demons appeared after you asked him the question. it was funny.
15 Nov 2006 /  #308
As to racist issues I have suffered at the hands of some mindless idiots mainly skinheads.
I am an English guy, and I have lived here for 6-years, married to a Polish girl and we have a 4-year old daughter.

Two years ago our flat was attacked in Lublin by the Local skinheads throwing rocks through our windows, chanting Poland for Poles. We called the Police and they said they will be there straight away; it took them 45 mins to turn up, in the mean time my wife and daughter was terrified. They finally gave up and walked off down the street laughing after they had painted a hangman’s noose on the door with a rough picture of the Union Jack flag.

I understand these were mindless idiots and they are a minority and not the majority; but I will say that over the years I have lived here I have noticed a slow rise in racism in the City’s, and certain Government supported Radio stations (enough said about that one).

I am not attacking Poland by saying this, I love the country and plan to spend the rest of my life here with my wife and daughter, but I think that sometimes the Poles turn a blind to what is actually happening in the country as regards Jews, homosexuals, and other minorities.

That was meant to be "turn a blind eye" whoops:)
BubbaWoo 33 | 3504  
15 Nov 2006 /  #309
but I think that sometimes the Poles turn a blind to what is actually happening in the country as regards Jews, homosexuals, and other minorities.

i hear what youre saying ukp but wonder how fair it is - what could they have done... and did they not htry to do something... warszawa uprising etc...?

sorry - misread
18 Nov 2006 /  #310
In fact Polish are more anti semitic then German is quite obvious that more Polish jews were killed by Nazi regimes then any other country, also the atmosphere and anti semetic law seemed to be favouring the nazis more then any other country and poland has maximum extermination centers then any other.

In fact Polish are more anti semitic then German is quite obvious that more Polish jews were killed by Nazi regimes then any other country, also the atmosphere and anti semetic law seemed to be favouring the nazis more then any other country and poland has maximum extermination centers then any other.
18 Nov 2006 /  #311
Polish jews were killed by Nazi regimes then any other country

one of the reasons might be that there was a big Jewish population living in Poland (I believe up 20% in some regions)

poland has maximum extermination centers then any other.

same reason perhaps, besides Germans set them up nnot Poles, who were under German occupation at that time and also were being exterminated in those camps as well
Matyjasz 2 | 1543  
18 Nov 2006 /  #312
In fact Polish are more anti semitic then German is quite obvious that more Polish jews were killed by Nazi regimes then any other country, also the atmosphere and anti semetic law seemed to be favouring the nazis more then any other country and poland has maximum extermination centers then any other.

WTF????????????? Just when I thought that I saw it all you arrived!!!!!!!!!

In fact Polish are more anti semitic then German is quite obvious that more Polish jews were killed by Nazi regimes then any other country

Please remind me who were those Nazis?? Of course thy were German!! Who thought you history, Joseph Goebbels?

also the atmosphere and anti semetic law seemed to be favouring the nazis more then any other country

And that's why they invaded Poland, because they were favored by some non-existing law? What a load of rubbish.

poland has maximum extermination centers then any other.

And who built them? That's right, the Germans!

Have you ever heard that during the German Occupation Poland was the only country where there was a death penalty for hiding a Jew. Not only death for him, but also for his whole family, and still it didn't keep thousand’s of Poles helping Jewish people to survive. If you want to talk about anti-semitism, why don't you say something about wagons full of Jews send from France and Belgium straight into the German consecration camps?
18 Nov 2006 /  #313
Please send this troll back to history classes. QUICK!!!!!!!!

You mister are a disgrace with your comments. SHAME ON YOU.
18 Nov 2006 /  #314
If you want to talk about anti-semitism, why don't you say something about wagons full of Jews send from France and Belgium straight into the German consecration camps?

Good point Matyjasz.
For some reason other nationalities in Europe who contributed to genocide of Jews are being ommited.
Matyjasz 2 | 1543  
18 Nov 2006 /  #315
History is being written by the winners, and the winners seldom admit doing something wrong. There are a lot of myths and stereotypes concerning the WWII that will continue to be believed in. It's sad but true.

A lot of people think that Poles were actually killing the Jews in Auschwitz and in other concentration camps, and it's because of the expression "Polish concentration camps", which was coined because of the place were they were build and not because the people that build it. The thing that really was scary in this guys post, was that he didn't necessary see the connection between Nazis and Germans. He assumed that a nazi could also be a Pole. That really fricked me out. :)
Decorator 4 | 291  
18 Nov 2006 /  #316
Even i'm not stupid enough to believe the term Polish Concentration Camps meant it was the Polish carrying out these atrocities...Honest i'm not....
Wroclaw 44 | 5365  
18 Nov 2006 /  #317
The terms "Polish concentration camps" and "Polish death camps" are something the Polish [government I think] have been trying to do away with for the last couple of years. I imagine that modern youth in some countries don't know their history [as a subject] very well and the folks here just want to make the facts clear.
18 Nov 2006 /  #318
I imagine that modern youth in some countries don't know their history

I don't think that some countries want them to know the history. Beside, knowing facts is not enough - it's the ability to think for yourself and not letting the media and other info sources fool you.

Living in the information age makes some ppl more confused, especially the ones living outside of Europe, since they never learn to mistrust media in the first place.
Wroclaw 44 | 5365  
18 Nov 2006 /  #319

I agree.
18 Nov 2006 /  #320
don't think that some countries want them to know the history. Beside, knowing facts is not enough - it's the ability to think for yourself and not letting the media and other info sources fool you.
Living in the information age makes some ppl more confused, especially the ones living outside of Europe, since they never learn to mistrust media in the first place.

This is why learning history is so important and Im glad that polish ppl are so well educated its mainly because its still very visible what war and occupation did to our country.
18 Nov 2006 /  #321
learning history is so important and Im glad that polish ppl are so well educated

Fair enough. Education is important, however knowledge of history can leave some ppl in a "stagnant" stage of mind and that's counterproductive.

So remember the history but live in the present.
Cyprian 2 | 69  
18 Nov 2006 /  #322
Polaks are not racists but very very proud nationalists.... and that is why i love Poland so much... i really hope Poland will always only be for Poles.. not in that we wont allow foreigners in but that we will only allwo them to reach a certian level of success before a polak replaces them.... because honestly from a polaks perspective who is a foreigner on my turf doing so much better that another fellow polak couldnt do...

Two years ago our flat was attacked in Lublin by the Local skinheads throwing rocks through our windows, chanting Poland for Poles. We called the Police and they said they will be there straight away; it took them 45 mins to turn up, in the mean time my wife and daughter was terrified. They finally gave up and walked off down the street laughing after they had painted a hangman’s noose on the door with a rough picture of the Union Jack flag.

Haha thats great....and thats the way the social ranks will be maintained...look the attack was not an assuult it was a mear few rocks thrown threw your was done to make you understand they know and for you to be aware of that..... the cops understand hopefully u do too.

Matyjasz 2 | 1543  
18 Nov 2006 /  #323
Haha thats great....and thats the way the social ranks will be maintained...look the attack was not an assuult it was a mear few rocks thrown threw your was done to make you understand they know and for you to be aware of that..... the cops understand hopefully u do too.


Throwing stones at houses isn't cool. :)
Wroclaw 44 | 5365  
18 Nov 2006 /  #324

Your comments make you look a right prat.
18 Nov 2006 /  #325
Polaks are not racists but very very proud nationalists....

how far is nationalism from racism Cyprian.Who was throwing stones at you in Vancouver lately?
FISZ 24 | 2116  
18 Nov 2006 /  #326
especially the ones living outside of Europe, since they never learn to mistrust media in the first place.

I wouldn't say this is true about the US. We were always taught through film and history class that it was the germans and that the camps were just built in Poland.
18 Nov 2006 /  #327

I agree.

thanks W_w - you seem to be level headed
18 Nov 2006 /  #328
Morning Cyprian.

because honestly from a polaks perspective who is a foreigner on my turf doing so much better that another fellow polak couldnt do...

Forgive me if i'm wrong but aren't you living in Canada, studying.

How many rocks were thrown through you window in Vancouver Cyprian? you come across as more Zenophobic than being proud. And education comes in all different forms. For me through Literature and Mostly travelling meeting different people and understanding different cultures and religions.
18 Nov 2006 /  #329
We were always taught through film and history class that it was the germans and that the camps were just built in Poland.

I was talking in general about the power of media -yes in North America. And - no I don't know what kind of history students are thought in USA.
18 Nov 2006 /  #330
Oops everyone beat me to that comment i never scrolled down enough... Duh

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