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Polish mobile number: Which company / operator?

2 May 2007 /  #1

can someone tell me which mobile operator has numbers starting with 512 ?

thank you !
Grzegorz_ 51 | 6146  
2 May 2007 /  #2
Orange I think.
2 May 2007 /  #3
It almost certainly Orange but it could be a number which was originally Orange but which somebody has now moved to another operator (at long last it is possible, in theory, to change operators but keep your number).
OP sky  
2 May 2007 /  #4
ok, thank you guys !!
KWSN_Men - | 3  
8 Jan 2008 /  #5
Merged: Polish mobile number: Which company?

Hello Everybody

I have a question for you.

I have a Polish mobile phone number that I need to find out to which company it belongs so I can buy some prepaid card for it. It is not on contract, prepaid.

The phone number goes like this: +4888831...

Can you find out to which company it belongs or is it not possible?

Thank you very much.

PS: I would be glad if somebody could help me buy a card too for this company.
Wroclaw 44 | 5365  
8 Jan 2008 /  #6
Can you find out to which company it belongs or is it not possible?

I think the first three numbers will tell you. If I'm right, it's not ERA.
8 Jan 2008 /  #7
If I'm right

You are correct

so in this instance its 888 so these numbers tell you the polish network
8 Jan 2008 /  #8
I think that number is Play but I could well be wrong. It's certainly not Idea, Era or Plus.
KWSN_Men - | 3  
8 Jan 2008 /  #9
I know the first numbers should tell me, but I have no idea which company these numbers are. All I know are the operators, as per wikipedia:

Plus GSM

Ok, I got some clue, could this be Heya by Era?
8 Jan 2008 /  #10
Could be i have a Heyah number upstairs starts 880
8 Jan 2008 /  #11
Tele is right, it's Heyah:

Soo... Tele: you got polish number and it's not mine! huh? :P
BubbaWoo 33 | 3504  
8 Jan 2008 /  #12
my gsm plus number starts 669
KWSN_Men - | 3  
8 Jan 2008 /  #13
Thank you very much everybody!!! :)
8 Jan 2008 /  #14
Soo... Tele: you got polish number and it's not mine! huh? :P

I have two

One courtesy of BW which i have never used yet .. wouldnt pick up a network here in the UK to activate it .. which starts 783 Simplus network

and i have the Heyah one which has no credit on it past 6months ..

i will have to give you it hunnie number that is :D :D
trollied - | 2  
10 Jan 2008 /  #15
I think that number is Play but I could well be wrong. It's certainly not Idea, Era or Plus.

Play has the ranges:

+48 790 *** ***
+48 791 *** ***
+48 792 *** ***
BubbaWoo 33 | 3504  
10 Jan 2008 /  #16
kinda strange that nobody suggested just asking her what network she is on
10 Jan 2008 /  #17
and it took someone with jet lag to notice :D

>> has the pillow called you yet ... bubba bubba come place your head on me .. bubba bubba im fluffy and soft your head needs me ... :D:D
BubbaWoo 33 | 3504  
10 Jan 2008 /  #18
yes the pillow has called me... i thought i would just put my feet up for a moment or two... ;-)
Lysander - | 3  
10 Jan 2008 /  #19
Hello Everyone, I have a question regarding a Polish telephone number. I have a female friends of mine's telephone number who lives in Poland. I want to surprise her by visiting her. Is there anyway I could find a person's address through their telephone number?? The Polish telephone directory seems to be only focused on business numbers. Is there a personal numbers list?? Is there an operator I can call??? Any advice would be very helpful.
10 Jan 2008 /  #20
Is there anyway I could find a person's address through their telephone number??

not mobile number no they are never published in any directory sorry

and sorry but i would not just like you to turn up unannounced on my doorstep regardless on how much a surprise you wanted to do

if you havent been given her address then you will do more damage than good if you seek to stalk her and turn up ... !
Zgubiony 15 | 1276  
10 Jan 2008 /  #21
Is there anyway I could find a person's address through their telephone number??

This is information that can't and won't be provided to you unless you can verify her acct.
Lysander - | 3  
10 Jan 2008 /  #22
I just asked a simple question and thank you for the simple reply. I will end up asking her for her address since I will be in neighboring Germany during the next month. She would not be bothered with me showing up suprisingly. But your right ,you can never be too careful nowadays. Thank again!
Pwincess - | 1  
12 Jan 2008 /  #23
number that start with 888 are numbers from Heyah ;)

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