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Grooms family obligation on a Polish wedding

americanmum  1 | -  
24 Mar 2009 /  #1
Would someone please describe for me what is the responsibility of the grooms family in a polish wedding celebration? in the states the grooms family hosts the rehearsal dinner and provides the clothing travel ect for the groomsmen but i am wondering what is the grooms families roll in poland? my son is planning to marry a polish girl in the fall and i want to be sure we do the right thing.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
24 Mar 2009 /  #2
In the olden days the wedding took place in the bride's house. Right now that varies but the costs of the wedding were traditionally the responsibility of the bride's family. That is not cast in stone though and families often share that cost. Most often, however, the bride's family takes care of the actual organizational side of the wedding while the costs are split 50/50, or each family covers the cost associated with their own guests.

Drinks are traditionally on the groom, the cost is rarely split. In Poland it is (at least wasn't until recently) acceptable for guest to pay for their own drinks.

Additionally, the bride's family covers all formal costs - fees, decoration of church, photography, transportation for guests and music.

Groom's and his family's duties are the purchase of wedding bands, car for the bride and groom, flowers for the bride, witnesses and groomsmen.

Wedding rehearsal is not among Polish traditions at all. Some would likely try to follwo with the first night rehearsal ;) It appears to be a North American tradition.

The above is in regards to Poles living in Poland. Most Polish Americans are likely to conform the the North-American ways. It is always safe to ask the other family how the wedding and associated costs would be approached.
sarah_9  - | 1  
27 Apr 2009 /  #3

Hey thanks for sharing Polish wedding culture here, it sounds very interesting. Isn't amazing that every culture emphasizes on the importance of wedding, and has their own rituals and way to show its importance.


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