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Germans and Poles - Fiction or Myth?

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
21 Mar 2008 /  #91
and Merkels Grandfather was ethnic Pole ... and I think your familly was very nazi so their Polish neighbours didn't want them to stay .

Yes...I could claim the Earth is flat too without bringing any evidence and sources...but would make me look abit ridiculous too....
Lady in red  
21 Mar 2008 /  #92
Cor.......War of The Words or what !

You lot are so silly to be arguing and name calling each other......
mad is the only word I can think of atm.

MareGaea  29 | 2751  
21 Mar 2008 /  #93
Currywurst, Bratwurst, Knacker, Weisswurst ..... any wurst will do really :-)

I can appreciate a good wurst on set times: Currywurst as an after-shopping snack with a piece of bread; a good bratwurst (in Germany with some good senf; in Holland with ketchup and mustard) and a glass of Veltins or Beck's or Kölsch; Knacker I enjoy strangely enough best with a mash of Grünkohl and potatos with some vinegar and a little piece of butter; Weisswurst with -of course- sweet mustard (Süsser Senf - lovely) and a liter of a good Weizenbeer like Paulaner, Erdinger, Spaten or Franzikaner (there are loads of others, which names I forgot).

Grounded  4 | 99  
21 Mar 2008 /  #94
One thing i really liked in holland was krokette?. Put a euro into the vending maschine and out comes a hot snack. nice :)
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
21 Mar 2008 /  #95
I have only source in Polish ... Neewsweek PL edition ... (Merkel Polsh roots)

as to German nationalists:

"Leader of NPD pointed it in this way, sooner or later we are going to take Poland, in 20 years time, in 50 years time in 100 years time, we need to be patient and act step by step, try to expelle Poles ... or buy land there ...

In some places in eastern Germany they have 30% support ...

and they want to use old methods.

lets show it on Poznan example


All in all, the policies of Germanisation of the Poznań area mostly failed. Although most of the administrative measures aimed against the Poles remained in force until 1918, between 1912 and 1914 only four Polish-owned estates were expropriated, while at the same time Polish social organizations successfully competed with German trade organizations and even started to buy land from the Germans. The long-lasting effect of the Polish-German conflict in the area was development of a sense of Greater Polish identity, distinct from the identity common in other parts of Poland and primarily associated with nationalist ideas rather than socialism, prevailing in other parts of the country in 20th century.

in poorer parts of Poland Germans were more succesful ... and later were expelled by Stalin ...

some Germans still live in past ... I hope it will change.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
21 Mar 2008 /  #96
One thing i really liked in holland was krokette?. Put a euro into the vending maschine and out comes a hot snack. nice :)

Kroket :) They are nice, but I wouldn't eat them out of the Automatiek as we call those vending walls with Febo; I would order them at the counter and refuse them when the Turk gets it from out of that wall - you never know how long these things have been laying there and even though it's not healthy anyway, at least you know it's freshly baked by then and all the germs are dead :) Try bamieballen or nasischijven from the FEBO, incredibly fat, but delicious :)

Grounded  4 | 99  
21 Mar 2008 /  #97
are bamieballen similar to bitterballen? used to have them in the pubs when we went out
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
21 Mar 2008 /  #98
No, bitterballen are basically the same as kroketten, only in a different shape. Bamiballen (sorry for the spelling-error earlier) are basically balls made of Bami (fried noodles with vegetables and spiced meat) with a crust just like bitterballen and kroketten. Kroket en bitterbal are rolls and balls made of a thick kind of ragout; you can get them in different flavours: normal (beef usually), veal, gulasz, curry and vegetarian.

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
21 Mar 2008 /  #99
I have only source in Polish ... Neewsweek PL edition ... (Merkel Polsh roots)

There is no mention of it in Germany (and we should know, don't you think?).
And just because parts of her family stem from what is now in Poland doesn't make them polish..or having polish roots...

"Leader of NPD pointed it in this way, sooner or later we are going to take Poland, in 20 years time, in 50 years time in 100 years time, we need to be patient and act step by step, try to expelle Poles ... or buy land there ...

Yeah...well...once they make the chancellor we can speak again...

(I once saw right wing Poles making the Sieg Heil greeting - sure sign of Poland going faschist soon, right?)

some ..... still live in past ... I hope it will change.

I think especially you should take that advise to heart Lukasz...

All in all, the policies of Germanisation of the Poznań area mostly failed.

The Polonization on the other hand didn't fail!
Right now there are not a lot Germans left in Poland....
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
21 Mar 2008 /  #100
There is fragment of article form "Die Zeit" ...

I think especially you should take that advise to heart Lukasz...

as I said before, we are part of EU and we need to cooperate, I have voted on PO not on twins ...

The Polonization on the other hand didn't fail!Right now there are not a lot Germans left in Poland....

we jhave 2 or 3 representants of German miniority in Polish parlament ... so it isn't so bad.

Personaly I don't have problems with Germans I think we should start new page in our history and I believe it will happen. Poland is ready, I hope Germany is ready as well.

Lets talk about future or what we can do to have better relations.
isthatu  3 | 1164  
21 Mar 2008 /  #101
There will be no hunger in this land! Yummy!

Ouch,I leave it to students of Dutch/German C20th history to spot just how darkly ironic this comment is.....
BTW...Pis and Po.....ooh how I chortled when I read this....what a happy coincidence that the 2 main parties names come within a repeated last letter of well...p iss and p oo :)
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
21 Mar 2008 /  #102
how darkly ironic this comment is

You will be the minister of communication in Bratwurstania :)

isthatu  3 | 1164  
21 Mar 2008 /  #103
that was pitch black mg :)
actualy,propaganda minister sounds fun....have to talk to crow ,see what pay and conditions I can expect.....
21 Mar 2008 /  #104
the polish may hate the germans, but that doesnt stop them from begging for scrapsthrown to them by german and britain from the eu table.
lesser  4 | 1311  
21 Mar 2008 /  #105
Small correction: the most enthousiastic soldiers in the Waffen SS were the Ukranians and the Lithuanians.

Lithuanians did not have Waffen SS...
ogorek  - | 165  
21 Mar 2008 /  #106
Nobody asked the Silesian Germans if they wanted to leave. They either expelled them or raped/killed them. This is actually not a very nice part of Polish history, I wonder if the Poles consider their behaviour towards the Silesian Germans in the post-war years still as being justified or do they look back at this episode in shame?

Is this what you witnessed - or are you repeating what some other idiot told you?
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
21 Mar 2008 /  #107
Why is it that Poles always get so defensive when you point out an error in the past they made? Why do we all have to pity them (for good reason, though) and why do they always victimize themselves? The cleansing of Silesia and especially the cities of Wroclaw and Poznan is well documented and there is no need to deny it; it happened everywhere in former German territories, also in Poland.

Lesser: that Holland had a seperate division in the Waffen SS was merely due to the fact that Hitler cs saw them as brothers. It was forced upon the Dutch just like the Nazis forced other countries like Norway to do so. There were Lithuanians in the Waffen SS and some sources document Ukranians, Lithuanians and even Poles as their most enthousiastic guards in the concentration camps.

ogorek  - | 165  
21 Mar 2008 /  #108
it was Nazi-Germany who was responsible for WW2 and indeed it were the Big Bad Germans who invaded loads of countries without there being an essential need to, just the hunger to posess the World.

The people of Europe were responsible for WWII.

There have always been - there are now - and there always will be people like Hitler in the world today. This cannot be helped. The way we deal with these people can.

In 1939, the countries of Europe all stood back in self interest - with their
"I'm alright Jack" mentallity, while Austria and Bohemia were taken and Poland crucified. UK, France, Russia, Itally together could have nutralised Hitler by October 1939. The Nazis were not 100% sure of their capabilities until they took Poland. They became cocky - and the rest is history.

" All that is needed for Evil to triumph,
is for the good man to do nothing."
W. Dwight Eisenhower
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
21 Mar 2008 /  #109
" All that is needed for Evil to triumph,
is for the good man to do nothing."
W. Dwight Eisenhower

Actually this is a quote from Edmund Burke.

The Second World War is in fact a prolongation of the First World War. And all parties involved in that war were responsible to more or lesser extent. The fact that the others stood by and watched Hitler go was mainly due to the fact that all remembered WW1 and did not want to repeat something like that. They simply thought that by giving in to Hitler, it would all blow over. Only with the threat to Poland they realised that it wouldn't. So in that sense they are co-responsible, but it was Nazi-Germany who created the sit.

ogorek  - | 165  
21 Mar 2008 /  #110
Poles only get defensive when provoked. They feel obliged to correct the slander. When you publically quote history - make sure you know what the deal was.

Stalin had already drawn his new map of Europe at this time. Poland and Eastern Germany where to be communist. Poland was fighting with the red army to help defeat the Germans. There was no time for Polish soldiers/people to have sensitive debate about who was in which town. Poznan has always been Polish. Wroclaw started as a Bohemian town until it was taken by the Prussians, who were later taken by Germany.
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
22 Mar 2008 /  #111
The cleansing of Silesia and especially the cities of Wroclaw and Poznan is well documented and there is no need to deny it; it happened everywhere in former German territories, also in Poland.

indeed ...


Poznan continued to grow and prosper, until Nazi invasion in 1939 made Poznan a German city again, and the German authorities started a programme of the "re-Germanization of Poznan," expelling some 100,000 Polish citizens to central Poland bringing German settlers into the city.

some sources document Ukranians, Lithuanians and even Poles as their most enthousiastic guards in the concentration camps.


Concerns about the use of the term led the Polish government to request that UNESCO change the official name of Auschwitz from "Auschwitz Concentration Camp" to "former Nazi German concentration camp Auschwitz-Birkenau." to make it clear that the concentration camp was operated by Germans, not Poles. On 28 Jun 2007 at its meeting in Christchurch, New Zealand, the World Heritage Committtee of UNESCO changed the name of the camp to "Auschwitz Birkenau. German Nazi Concentration and Extermination Camp (1940-1945)." Previously, some media, including Der Spiegel in Germany, had called the camp "Polish".

btw 6 mln Polish citizens killed 3 mln Jews 3 mln other religion ...
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
22 Mar 2008 /  #112
The cleansing of Silesia and especially the cities of Wroclaw and Poznan is well documented

You are even too stupid to know that Poznań is not in Silesia. And Gerries generally got much better treatment than they deserved. Besides Polish-Gerrie relations shouldn't be your business, we can sort that out with Butty and you gay stay away.
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
22 Mar 2008 /  #113
You know what is the worst, that we had here normal Germans not Eastern Germany nationalists like Bratwurst, do you remember The Falstaker or even person who decided to start this dicussion, normal people ... Yes it is problem, because on interntional arena Poland is ready to discusse everything but our relations are spoileb by people like Bratwurst, or simple eastern German nationalists. I think it will be better to ignore them and start discussion with normal people. As we can see history facts shows something much different than Bratwurs and it is clear, I think that Germans don't want to be only one bad character and do everything to show somebody in bad light... I hope not all germans are so stupid to start discussion with Poland where they have murdered 6 mln citizens 3 miln jews 3 mln other religion. Expelled milions of Poles form western part of Poland and eastern Germany and now like Bratwurst pretend to be victim ...I hope it is only syndrome of eastern Germans citizens some old people and young skinheads...
Grounded  4 | 99  
22 Mar 2008 /  #114
eastern Germans citizens

Last time I checked there wasnt such a thing as an East German citizen
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
22 Mar 2008 /  #115
I think there is a little difference in political choices between eastern Germans and western Germans ... that is why I use eastern German citizen term.
Grounded  4 | 99  
22 Mar 2008 /  #116
Wel I moved away from germany 8 years ago and havent paid much attention to politics (i know shame on me) but if you look at the proportions of unemployed people in the east compared to the west it is hardly surprising. The same problems exist in certain areas of poland (or any other country) where unemployment is high. Not that I condone racism in any way however we have to look at reasons why people vote extreme nationalist parties and solve the problems instead of pointing fingers at each other
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
22 Mar 2008 /  #117
I hope everything will be ok, I think zankel opinion from the begining is worth reading, there is no pressure in Poland to beat Germans or whatever, tourists are treaten well and friendly. young people are young people they haven't seen WWII and I simple hope situation will be better. We are members of EU to move forward.

We play some games with Bratwurst here but normal people can have problems to recoginise reality ...

personaly I don't like Germany style or way of behaviour, music ... it is just I don't like. Germans prefere Russian Vodka than Polish, French prefere Polish vodka than Russian ... simple. it is my personal opinion, as I said some Germans are ok some are not generaly I find some different cultures more interesting for me ...

what is more there is 1 mln Poles in Germany and 200 000 Germans in Poland ... so situation can't be that hard. What I have notcied at the begining main problem are Geries. from eatern part of German country ...
lesser  4 | 1311  
22 Mar 2008 /  #118
Wel I moved away from germany 8 years ago and havent paid much attention to politics (i know shame on me)

It is not a shame if you don't vote.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
22 Mar 2008 /  #119
You know what is the worst, that we had here normal Germans not Eastern Germany nationalists like Bratwurst, do you remember The Falstaker or even person who decided to start this dicussion, normal people ...

Na ja...it's not as if you Lukasz represent a majority of Poles....not even here on the board! :
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
22 Mar 2008 /  #120
Oh yes, I think I don't represent majority of Poles because I have more informations than majority of Poles ... ;)

I think majority of Poles here are form USA and don't know everything ...

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