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I need five most romantic Polish songs for my girl friend's birthday

9 Jul 2006 /  #1
dear fellows
can someone please tell me about the 5 most romantic polish songs. i need the songs title and the name of the singers. actually its my girl friend's birthday and i want to dedicate the songs to her.

9 Jul 2006 /  #2
I guess that the anwser to that question depends on the age of your girlfriend.
OP Guest  
9 Jul 2006 /  #3
Wujek-it seems you always answer a question with a question
OP Guest  
9 Jul 2006 /  #4
I think the text of Republika: "Pytanie o Polske" (A question about Poland) is quite nice.
10 Jul 2006 /  #5
The songs of Krzysztof Krawczyk are quite romantic - if your girlfriend is 30+ :)
OP Guest  
10 Jul 2006 /  #6
i forgot to mention that. well her age is 22.
10 Jul 2006 /  #7
In that case I don`t think she`s going to be impressed by a romantic song.
10 Jul 2006 /  #8
maybe choose something from the "Wilki" band - now it's popular in Poland.
OP Guest  
10 Jul 2006 /  #9
But not Baska!

There was a similar thread a few months ago. I suggested "Kocham cie, kochanie moje' by Maanam. Give it a try.
OP Guest  
10 Jul 2006 /  #10
OK, but the girl is 22 - Kora (the vocal singer of Maanam) could be her mother... :)
OP Guest  
10 Jul 2006 /  #11
these are timeless lyrics :-)
10 Jul 2006 /  #12
Krzysztof Krawczyk

Yes. I would like to stress also that I`m not a fan of that kind of music.

And in addition I would like to stress also that I find that playing somekind of romantic song to a 22 year old is a bad idea.
rafik 18 | 589  
10 Jul 2006 /  #13
The songs of Krzysztof Krafczyk are quite romantic - if your girlfriend is 30+

i am 30- and like him:)
10 Jul 2006 /  #14
But I hope that you realize that this guy might make a fool out of himself if the`s going to play that kind of oldies to his girlfriend..

btw. This sounds romantic.
10 Jul 2006 /  #15
Pretty good!
rafik 18 | 589  
10 Jul 2006 /  #16
btw. This sounds romantic.

yep thats much better choice
OP Guest  
10 Jul 2006 /  #17
I just watched this video and I must say this guy can't sing at all. I hope this isn't Poland's best., Stawek Uniatowski
OP Guest  
10 Jul 2006 /  #18
Unfortunately, it's a typical "Polish hit". Compare this song with an old-timer Ryszard Rynkowski - you'll notice no difference (other than the age of the singers).
11 Jul 2006 /  #19
How about Krzysztof Kiljański and Kayah: Prócz Ciebie Nic?
Sofie 1 | 10  
21 Nov 2008 /  #20
[Moved from]: Polish Romantic Song?

I kinda need a rime or something,
About missing somebody,.. in polish?

Can anyone help me?
z_darius 14 | 3960  
21 Nov 2008 /  #21
I think there is a song just for you.

Krystyna Pronko - Małe Tęsknoty (Little Nostalgias)

She also has a more lively song. Not about missing but about cherishing a lover's presence. IMO, one of the most beautiful love songs with a subtle smile.

You are a cure for all the evil (I think)
alinka - | 13  
21 Nov 2008 /  #22
One of the most beautiful, romantic and sad songs about longing - Stare Dobre Malzenstwo "Czarny Blus o Czwartej nad Ranem". There are Polish subtitles in the clip
Beautiful poetry, but not easy to translate properly.
Sofie 1 | 10  
22 Nov 2008 /  #23
I dont need the songs, Just the lyrics..
Because i need to write it down..
sausage 19 | 775  
22 Nov 2008 /  #24
There are Polish subtitles in the clip

very difficult to read off the video - Lyrics - Stare Dobre Malzenstwo "Czarny Blus o Czwartej nad Ranem"
jacob_89 - | 23  
22 Nov 2008 /  #25
a very romantic Polish song ;) :
7 Mar 2009 /  #26
I'm 74 and learning the Polish language alone. I think it is a beautiful language and the sounds are so different from English.

Although I don't sing very well, I would like to learn a romantic Polish song, preferably a something I would be familiar with, a translation from an English, French or Italian standard melody from the 1940s onwards would be a good start.

Is there a Polish version of the French song, 'J'attendrai' and which singer would you recommend?

Is there a CD I can buy which would give me a choice?


Ian Baird

Jeshco 1 | 11  
11 Mar 2009 /  #27
Try this one:

and the lyrics:,mieczyslaw_fogg,ostatnia_niedziela.html
conniey - | 11  
17 Mar 2009 /  #28
hi everyone, im new here, i have a Polish boyfriend and he is 40,can someone help me find a Polish love song with english translation because its our anniversary next month i would like to dedicate this song for him...thanks.
Piorun - | 655  
17 Mar 2009 /  #29
Is there a Polish version of the French song, 'J'attendrai' and which singer would you recommend?

I'm not aware of Polish version of "J'attendrai" but there is Polish version of "La vie en rose" by Wiera Gran.

You might want to look up the fallowing artists on youtube before you spend your money on CD's. I'm sure you will find what you're looking for.

These are but a few of the artists of that era; Tadeusz Faliszewski, Mieczysław Fogg, Marian Demar, Wera Bobrowska, Wiera Gran, Marta Mirska, Janusz Popławski, Natasza Zylska, Barbara Muszyńska, Katarzyna Bovery.

Wiera Gran - "La vie en rose"

Marta Mirska - Bésame mucho

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