On my 2 trips to Poland, i noticed many guys reading this gossy/gossip magazines, is this normal in Poland?
Polish dudes and glossy magazines.
I've read some. Its a little like reading the enemy plans. Just trying to figure out how women think. A practical solution to a common problem me-thinks.
PolskaDoll 27 | 1591
24 Sep 2009 / #3
Its a little like reading the enemy plans. Just trying to figure out how women think.
:-) I've caught a guy reading women's magazines and that's the answer I got. Followed by: 'that's an outrageous price for a handbag by the way'...
Read the letters pages though, there are more and more guys writing in saying, 'I just picked up my girlfriends magazine - what a great read!'.
On my 2 trips to Poland, i noticed many guys reading this gossy/gossip magazines, is this normal in Poland?
You're at a dentists, there's 9 people before you and nothing to do, there's circumstances that make it forgivable.
women think.
Oxymoron? :O