I know lots of wealthy Poles in Warsaw who are arrogant pricks
ive met these people too. a laughable bunch and not hard to put in their place.
I suspect if the authorities scratched ever so slightly below the surface 98% of these guys would be behind bars anyway.
or up to their eyeballs in debt
on the other hand, i know some very comfortably off people in the tri city but there is a difference. these people have stayed in the tri city and largely made tmoney here through their own endevours, capabilities and hard work. they havent been drawn to the bright lights and promise of wealth in warszawa.
they mix with a broad cross section of society and are as happy mixing with impovorished art students as they are with wealthy western busness men. they tend to be highly cultured, well educated, well travelled and speak a high level of english. i enjoy spending time with most of these people and am lucky to count them as my friends.