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Polish attitudes towards drinking alcohol

RockyMason 19 | 250  
12 Feb 2008 /  #1
Why is excessive drinking viewed in an okay light in polish culture? It seems to me that poles have no problem with children even as young as 16 drinking. Don't they realize that alcohol has comparable addiction potential with heroin? I recently had a conversation with my GFs polish mom about how terrible marijuana is and how healthy it is to drink vodka.... This is a very wrong view alcohol can't even be compared to MJ in terms of damage to ur body, addiction and overdose potential. Oh and don't tell me that 1 drink a day is good b/c it seems to me like they believe if 1 is good than 3 or more is better which is absolute BS. 3 or more drinks a day will damage ur liver in the long run.
djf 18 | 166  
12 Feb 2008 /  #2
Why is excessive drinking viewed in an okay light in polish culture

Go to lots of countries not just Poland and the culture is the same. In peaceful middle England i was getting pissed and taking drugs at 13.
Grzegorz_ 51 | 6146  
12 Feb 2008 /  #3
It seems to me that poles have no problem with children even as young as 16 drinking.


alcohol can't even be compared to MJ in terms of damage to ur body

Sure It can't. "MJ" makes a pudding out of one's brain faster than any serious damage made by alcohol can be seen.
rafik 18 | 589  
12 Feb 2008 /  #4
Why is excessive drinking viewed in an okay light in polish culture?

for fuc,k sake.this is to all you brits and co.this is a very similar thread to a few other i already had(not) pleasure to read.before you ask again about alcohol problems among poles please open your eyes, wide, on friday, saturday or sunday might notice that thousends of people on the streets and pubs are completely drunk,trying not to fall on their faces.having lived in poland and england for a long time i can reassure you that the problem with binge drinking in the uk is far greater than in poland!!!.especially drinking amongst children is a huge problem which your government so far failed to solve. highest pregnancy rate in europe among teens doesn't just come from carefull family planning but it's partly to blame on excessive drinking.look into a guys,at least,most of you get reguraly drunk during weekends.don't you?stop writing this cra'p.there is a link for you guys;

and something from another page
The number of alcohol-related deaths has increased threefold between 1991 and 2004. The number of discharges from general hospitals with a diagnosis of acute intoxication or harmful use of alcohol has risen by nearly 50% over the past 10 years. Concerted action is not simply desirable - it is essential. Alcohol is one of our biggest killers, and we would be failing in our duty if we didn't focus on it.
djf 18 | 166  
12 Feb 2008 /  #5
Rafik, calm down chum. Anyone with at least half a brain knows that the guy is talking out of his dupa.
Not all Brits are Pole haters btw.
OP RockyMason 19 | 250  
12 Feb 2008 /  #6
LOL my father used to b in charge of the drug reform program instituted by proposition 36 in california. I can assure u that alcohol is much more damaging to ur brain that marijuana! here is MJ I know this to b true because my father has smoked pot for a long time and he's very functional and articulate i even have a pothead doctor in my family as well as a pothead real estate kingpin. When u wake up from smoking pot ur relaxed when u wake up from alcohol ur head feels like its gonna fall off so..... use some common sense k?
PolskaDoll 27 | 1599  
12 Feb 2008 /  #7
RockyMason is from California, see his profile.
BubbaWoo 33 | 3504  
12 Feb 2008 /  #8
very interesting programme the other night examining the clasification and proposed reclasification of various narcotic substances using a new set of defining parameters... alcohol and nicotene were among the most harmful and it was suggested that if what is know now was known previously they would both be prohibited
Filios1 8 | 1336  
12 Feb 2008 /  #9
how healthy it is to drink vodka....

1 shot every day is good for the body... That has been proven, especially before you go to sleep.
lesser 4 | 1311  
12 Feb 2008 /  #10
.especially drinking amongst children is a huge problem which your government so far failed to solve.

You have made some valid points but this comment is ridiculous. Do you really want the government to run your life, decide about your children future? Nobody else but parents are responsible for their children.

Beside of that I have seen some statistics and Poland in comparison with other natiuons looks really good as far as consumption of alcohol is concentrated. Vodka was replaced by bear. Young people indeed drink more than average Pole, stupid custom and stupid parents.
Ranj 21 | 947  
12 Feb 2008 /  #11
very interesting programme the other night examining the clasification and proposed reclasification of various narcotic substances using a new set of defining parameters... alcohol and nicotene were among the most harmful and it was suggested that if what is know now was known previously they would both be prohibited

I think they're more harmful probably due to the fact that they are more easily accessible and legal, if you of a certain age, and therefore more people use alcohol and nicotine more prevalently than other drugs......this leads to a higher addiction rate than addictions to other substances.

I wish they had been prohibited long ago....I'd probably have a living mother and my life certainly would be a lot easier!

BTW, what was the programme? I'd certainly be interested in watching it.
JustysiaS 13 | 2238  
12 Feb 2008 /  #12
Polish attitudes towards drinking: Jak polewają to pij (a jak gonią to uciekaj)/When they pour some in your glass drink it (and when they chase you, run)
Grzegorz_ 51 | 6146  
12 Feb 2008 /  #13
I can assure u that alcohol is much more damaging to ur brain that marijuana!

Russians claim that drinking vodka reguraly is good for health. People are assuring of what they want things to be. But the fact is that most of people after few years of heavy drinking still have a chace of getting back to normal life, people after few years of heavy smoking will always stay freaks, besides "MJ" is often just the first step leading to much more danger drugs.
osiol 55 | 3921  
12 Feb 2008 /  #14
most of people after few years of heavy drinking still have a chace of getting back to normal life

But how many actually do?

people after few years of heavy smoking will always stay freaks

Utter bollocks.
dtaylor 9 | 823  
12 Feb 2008 /  #15
The adverse effects of cannabis use are different to those you describe. They usually start with either memory difficulties or paranoid and suspicious ideas, and can progress to psychotic symptoms such as hallucinations and delusions. These symptoms usually come on while the individual is still smoking, and there is no good evidence that smoking cannabis can cause either anxiety or insomnia. ect ect ect
osiol 55 | 3921  
12 Feb 2008 /  #16
ect ect ect

Electro-convulsive therapy?

Actually, one of the most common adverse side-effects would be lethargy.

and example of this would be excessive use of etc.
etc. etc. etc.
dtaylor 9 | 823  
12 Feb 2008 /  #17
etc. etc. etc.

I havent touched the stuff in years, just makes me sleepy....

Utter bollocks.

I think what he means to say is that, "heavy smoking" such as skunk over a pro-longed period time, has in some cases been proven to induce certain Psychiatric conditions at a quicker rate, i.e Just like Alcohol induced schizophrenia. Though cannabis users do seem to be affected more with various mental conditions, and alcoholics are affected more by physical conditions.
King Sobieski 2 | 714  
12 Feb 2008 /  #18
When u wake up from smoking pot ur relaxed when u wake up from alcohol ur head feels like its gonna fall off so..... use some common sense k?

from my usage, maybe you did not have a hangover after smoking but the next day wasnt anymore pleasant. walking around like a zombie.
OP RockyMason 19 | 250  
12 Feb 2008 /  #19
LOL u don't walk around like a zombie lol! Shoot i took my psych final after smoking a joint and got a 96%. That was amazingly good considering that the class average was around 60%! 1 shot a day is good for u! any more is not and how many winos stop at 1? As for some1 turning into freaks after smoking for a ffew yrs thats a lie. Namecalling won't win an argument! My dad has a good enuf personality to sway senators opinions on policy and he's smoked for more than 20 yrs!
ShelleyS 14 | 2883  
13 Feb 2008 /  #20
very interesting programme the other night examining the clasification and proposed reclasification of various narcotic substances using a new set of defining parameters... alcohol and nicotene were among the most harmful and it was suggested that if what is know now was known previously they would both be prohibited

I watchd that...very interesting...pills were well down the classification ;-)

Rafiq, this dude talking shite, you know it we know and the whole world knows it, one day he will realise it...

Drinking is not nation specific, Im sure there are plenty of americans that drink heavily doesnt mean that they are all alcoholics, prolonged use of any substance is going to harm you, some faster than others...
Dublinjohn - | 38  
13 Feb 2008 /  #21
I think that the topic should be "why can't wimpy Americans handle their drink?",
3 bud light and you're an alcoholic?. You tried prohibition, it didn't work.
I do make the distinction between "use and abuse" for all substances, but it depends on the person and Americans don't appreciate good beer, point in case they don't produce any!

Three things about Poland and Ireland that are similar are.
1. A bad history
2. Catholicism
3. We have whiskey and Poles have Vodka.
dtaylor 9 | 823  
13 Feb 2008 /  #22
My dad has a good enuf personality to sway senators opinions on policy and he's smoked for more than 20 yrs!

You're smoking crack right now eh??
outintheyard 27 | 517  
13 Feb 2008 /  #23
the best philosophy is to grow your own and make your own alcohal. This way you will feel good about yourself and can not bleme others for your death.
sapphire 22 | 1241  
13 Feb 2008 /  #24
bugger.. I like vodka and weed, might as well top myself now before my brain ceases to function altogether.
lowfunk99 10 | 397  
13 Feb 2008 /  #25
I disagree about the beer comment Dublinjohn.

I made my own beer from scratch for over 10 years. There are many here that would never touch a Bud. We lost our brewing tradition during prohibition. I would put our micro-brews up against any beer in the world. I don't drink any longer but when I did I could keep up with the best of them.
rafik 18 | 589  
13 Feb 2008 /  #26
Rafiq, this dude talking shite, you know it we know and the whole world knows it, one day he will realise it...

yeah.i'm just fed up with this kind of questions on this forum,at work on a party ect..
Dublinjohn - | 38  
13 Feb 2008 /  #27
I made my own beer from scratch for over 10 years.

Whose recipe did you use? if

We lost our brewing tradition during prohibition

So you are saying that your new micro brews are at the same standard as old recipes?
Anyway I was not just talking about American beer not being good, I was talking about Americans and their non-appreciation to the extent that you had to brew your own for ten years?

And again I will mention prohibition, America banned alcohol, although thanks to "the real MacCoys" of this world it was still being brought over to you!
plk123 8 | 4134  
13 Feb 2008 /  #28
"MJ" makes a pudding out of one's brain faster than any serious damage made by alcohol can be seen.

lol.. you must have some pudding up there.. now run along and look into some realities about mj.. it's not nearly as unhealthy as all the other drugs. it's not even as bad as cigarettes...

and rm, what the hell do you have against drinking? this and freemasonry bs will make life very hard in PL for you. :D

Jak polewają to pij

lol.. words of wisdom girl. :D :D

besides "MJ" is often just the first step leading to much more danger drugs.

please quit hitting that rock man.. it isn't healthy at all.

or paranoid and suspicious ideas, and can progress to psychotic symptoms such as hallucinations and delusions.

where the heck do you all come from.. sheesh.

Though cannabis users do seem to be affected more with various mental conditions,

what? please learn first.

walking around like a zombie.

and another.. see just above.

and by american standards all poles would be alcoholics.. the alcohol culture is way different here.. the leagal age of 21y/o doesn't help either... i have never met anybody that didn't drink before they turned 21. heck, i slowed down about that time. :D

and, american beers are kind of sucky.. there are a few micros that are decent but there is heck of a variety so if yee seek, yee shall find.

na zdrowie everyone. :D
southern 73 | 7071  
13 Feb 2008 /  #29
Poland has a lot of alcoholics because it has few heroin abusers.
El Gato 4 | 351  
13 Feb 2008 /  #30

Why does it matter? It's not like teens in America don't drink. Search the statistics and find out how many 13-18 year olds drink their way through Jr High and High school. The only difference is that a lot of Poles don't blow it up to make a big deal out of it.

Archives - 2005-2009 / Life / Polish attitudes towards drinking alcoholArchived