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Polish tradesmen: Be careful... some may cheat you..

Wroclaw Boy  
7 Jan 2009 /  #1
Yup just been taken to the cleaners again by the Poles.

Ordered 6m3 (cubic meters) of dried fire wood for 1000 PLN, including delivery. We were assured the wood was dry and ready for the fire.

Sure enough after theyve dumped it on the porch, it turns out its wet, too big to really burn less of course you have a huge blazing fire and fcuking wet. If i had to guess i would say it was cut to order today.....

When am i gonna learn? they always look so innocent and im so happy when they deliver my goods to even think of foul play.

Popped in the fire some of my wood and it burns great, the shit i just paid 1000 PLN for is not burning at all.

You mother Fcukers.................

inflammatory text removed
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
7 Jan 2009 /  #2
Are you cold?
ha ha ha ha....
Again my apologies,
I couldn't resist :)
OP Wroclaw Boy  
7 Jan 2009 /  #3
Swindling muther fcukers, youre all fcuking crooked how you live is beyond comparison.

Moral integrity is non existant with you kunts.
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
7 Jan 2009 /  #4
you're all talk WB aren't you, if you're such a tiger go and get 'em, surely it wasn't krasnale who sold you this wood, they didn't just disappear back in the forest did they? you should check and if neccessary complain about stuff on the spot, hasn't life in Poland taught you anything?
OP Wroclaw Boy  
7 Jan 2009 /  #5
hasn't life in Poland taught you anything?

A call from the paper a done deal in cash, youre obviously well out of touch. If i were a phsycho killer id take a machine gun and get started at the top and work my way down from there.

Fcuking rip off artists...

In Great Britian what you buy is what you get.
7 Jan 2009 /  #6
Administration.. PLEASE SUSPEND this MORON WB for this sort of nonsense

Your comment has been noted.
niejestemcapita  2 | 561  
7 Jan 2009 /  #7
In Great Britian what you buy is what you get.

maybe you should move back there then :)
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
7 Jan 2009 /  #8
Wroclaw boy,

Please be careful with your language. You know the rules.
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
7 Jan 2009 /  #9
A call from the paper a done deal in cash, youre obviously well out of touch

and you're obviously a naive loser cos i lived with my parents in the countryside for years and they never got ripped off like that. it usually helps to get wood and coal from people you know and trust. maybe if you can't handle it, life in Poland is just not for you.

In Great Britian what you buy is what you get.

yeah... lol
szkotja2007  27 | 1497  
7 Jan 2009 /  #10
Ordered 6m3 (cubic meters) of dried fire wood for 1000 PLN,

Burned again ! Get yourself a Pila Spalinowa and do it yourself.

That way you and your missus won't be disappointed with your wood.

Phnar, phnar.
OP Wroclaw Boy  
7 Jan 2009 /  #11
Administration.. PLEASE SUSPEND this MORON WB for this sort of nonsense

That would be fair if it wasnt true.

maybe you should move back there then :)

glady, unfortunatley im left restoring a place of Polish historical heritage. surrounded my Polish scum bags. Trying to rip me off.
Krakowianka  1 | 243  
7 Jan 2009 /  #12
A call from the paper a done deal in cash,

call them back in a week, say you need more wood. when they arrive, throw the wood through their windows :) Simple, they'll learn their lesson
7 Jan 2009 /  #13
call them back in a week, say you need more wood

Classic - I like it !
OP Wroclaw Boy  
7 Jan 2009 /  #14
you're obviously a naive loser cos i lived with my parents in the countryside for years and they never got ripped off like that.

Im sorry wood and the drieness has never been something that i was acutely aware of, i know that wood has to be a certain dreiness foreit to burn but as to the degree of that i wasnt sure. Youre parents im sure were aware of the pitfalls of buying wood and more than likely chopped it themselves.

Hence why they were never ripped off. What do you know about wood? perhaps you could educate me being a farm girl and all that.
dtaylor  9 | 823  
7 Jan 2009 /  #15
WB has a point, some of the cowboys and rip of merchants in this country take the utter p1ss. As soon as they know your not Polish, they will take your cash and leave you with sh1t.
OP Wroclaw Boy  
7 Jan 2009 /  #16
they will take your cash and leave you with sh1t.

Dude im aware of the shite that goes on but wood come one. I pay somebody to provide me with 6 m3 of wod he delivers, im not gonna say hang on mate while i check if it burns! had i been an expert i would have said, dude this wood is a tad wet and therefore it will not burn but i didnt know that.

They probably ripped me off on the rate any way, i mean how the hell am i gonna check if they actaull have 6 m3 or not?

I accepted that, no problem but to buy wet wood, muther fcukers.... Again i dont know how to test wet wood or not but i do now. Hang on mutha fcuker im gonna see if this shite burns or not. I dont care how you look at me im seeing if this burns, haa, haaa.

Gregorz; i see your intelligence level has not cahnged a bit, still a swag and proud. Atleast you have patriotism.
7 Jan 2009 /  #17
As soon as they know your not Polish, they will take your cash and leave you with sh1t.

If your not happy then leave Poland, situation solved>
OP Wroclaw Boy  
7 Jan 2009 /  #18
Now theres an intelligent response, these are the lame asses im talking about. Arent you ashamed? You should learn a bit from Germany not Russia its ok now youre EU.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
7 Jan 2009 /  #19
1000 PLN

Not a bad deal I get it 1 cubic metre for 220 PLN.

If your not happy then leave Poland, situation solved>

For somebody to leave a country because they got big wet wood would be an extreme.

But i have to agree with Grzegorz_, it is funny.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
7 Jan 2009 /  #20
My parents have experienced the same in Scotland. Hence the term fly-by-night tradesmen. Not only with windows but with tarring the brae (drive or driveway). They are sly dogs!

WB, I don't have much experience here as the tradesman here was a friend of my landlord's and damned efficient. Many Poles are very gifted with tools. Many Poles have a fair bit of savvy and practical know-how, that's been my experience anyway. However, I can see where some cheating might occur. I don't think the guy took you for a sucker, he was just chancing his mit more than likely. He just picked on the wrong foreigner to do it to, LOL.

Have you kept your receipts? Nevermind, it'll be drying out all the time :)
dtaylor  9 | 823  
7 Jan 2009 /  #21
If your not happy then leave Poland, situation solved

Oh wisht you, that comment just shows that you admit there is a problem and you're happy with living with that situation.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
7 Jan 2009 /  #22
If your not happy then leave Poland, situation solved>

I would go one further and say this person is not a guest, hhmmm???
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
7 Jan 2009 /  #23
um in Poland it's usually just people who live in blocks of flats that have gas heating, everyone else has central heating and they use wood, coal, brykiety and stuff. my folks have their own bit of land with forest, if the wood was too wet it just dried in the basement, if it was too big it would get chopped up. of course you should check things before you pay for them, it's POland and you're a foreigner, they love to take advantage of people like you over there but i thought you knew it already? not saying check if it burns, but just have a good look at it, surely you know the size of your furnace, and surely you know wet things dont burn. it's not a big deal at all, you got a good deal, all you need to do is dry it and chop it up. stop being such a cry baby. you want them to put it in a microwave for you? or blow on it?
pawian  224 | 27129  
7 Jan 2009 /  #24
The title of the thread is wrong. It should be changed into: Tradesmen are cheating bastards.

Why do you include Poland in it? Some novice member might read it and think that Polish tradesmen are the worst. I know many people duped by American tradesmen/businessmen, the last was one who frauded 50 billion.

Next time you write sth like that - think deeply. :):)

Since your comment. the thread title has been changed.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
7 Jan 2009 /  #25
Polish tradesmen have quite a good reputation in Scotland. I've heard good things about them in England too.
polishcanuck  7 | 461  
7 Jan 2009 /  #26
haha Wroclaw Boy!!!!

It sounds like you been in Poland for quite some time and i believe you have a polish partner - you should have expected this, especially since you are a foreigner.

Next time have your in-laws do the ordering/dealing with "tradesmen."

Though i should add that tradesmen everywhere are not always honest (ie: car mechanics/used car salesmen).
time means  5 | 1309  
7 Jan 2009 /  #27
you should have expected this, especially since you are a foreigner.

not a good advert for poland is it?

haha Wroclaw Boy!!!!

not a good advert for human nature
Seanus  15 | 19666  
7 Jan 2009 /  #28
I always get my fiancee to do deals for me. It works out much better, she takes no shit. The Poles can be tough customers so better leave a Pole to deal with it. They know the rules of engagement and how it goes.
pawian  224 | 27129  
7 Jan 2009 /  #29
Since your comment. the thread title has been changed.

Yes, it is much better. Thank you. :)
I have dealt with many tradesmen, mechanics, businessmen, professionals in Poland so far. I can roughly estimate: half were decent honest professional guys, a quarter were unprofessional because they lacked experience or skills, and one quarter were conscious cheaters. 50 - 25 -25.
OP Wroclaw Boy  
7 Jan 2009 /  #30
Though i should add that tradesmen everywhere are not always honest (ie: car mechanics/used car salesmen).

Fcuk right off canuck, Poles are the worst ive ever dealt with and ive dealt with some slime. A Polish engineer claimed to have put Castrol GTX in my engine i had a sample sent too England and it was the cheapest shit money can buy. One scam, ive also had John Deere tractor lawen mowers in for service and they come back with empty fuel tanks. You fcukers are unbelievable in terms of shaving the percentages and lying and cheating your way to profits.

Im p1ssed to say the least with this last stunt, the moment I look at my fire trying to burn the sh1tty wood i paid good money for the more angry i become. My wife is expecting and all we wanted was to be warm this winter and you fcukers shaft me with shite wood.

Watch your language or this thread will be closed.

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