is this right I just buy a softwere from the USA they send here via UPS the UPS charge me 100 US bucks taxs to bring this in to poland is that right anyone had been charged that .
Yes, it's called a "cło". Anything to do with technology, you have to pay more duty for it. Years ago, when hand-held calculators were new in the US, they were practically unheard of in Poland and my dad sent us one to Poland and we had to pay an enormous custom duty on it and the thing wasn't even worth it. My dad got it for free!
this is wrong ... anyway, if this place want to became more pregressive ,thay better change that soon,maybe now i start to see why so many people leave to go somewhere else to acess better modern life
VAT is standard in EU countries. Anywhere from 15-22%. UK its 17.5% on all goods (not food, books childrens clothing), buying from a EU country will show the VAT included.
I bet 50 was a UPS processing fee. It depends what teh goods are different goods get different %age .
Its better to use the normal postal system (in the UK anyway) because major courier companies always collect customs/VAT whereas in the normal postal system, customs let lots of goods in free. Supplier has to mark down value of goods for it this to happen
is there any minimum limit in which you do not have to pay tax? In norway its a limit on about 30$ where itl get trough customs without any trouble. I wanna buy some vitamins from the US for about 20-30$, how much would i have to pay in customs and taxes?