I'm not an expert (as I'm Polish citizen by birth), but here are the results of the search I made:
what is required to have permenant residency in Poland
excerpts (from Mazowiecki Urząd Wojewódzki):
Submitting the documents:
ONLY IN PERSON, at your local Urząd Wojewódzki (Voivodship Office - I'm not sure if it's Szczecin or Gdańsk for you as I don't know where exactly you live)
Right to the permanent residence for an EU citizen:
Required documents:
- 1 copy of the application (link to the PDF file - in 3 languages - PL, EN, FR) filled in IN POLISH (they suggest, however, submitting also 3 photocopies of the application for faster precedure)
- photocopy of your travel document or other document confirming your identity and citizenship (they suggest, AGAIN, submitting also 3 extra photocopies for faster precedure - lazy bastards, don't even bother to xerox the documents by themselves),
- 5 current photos, not dammaged, clear, colour with dimensions 4,5 cm x 3,5 cm, with your head not covered (no hats or other burkas), dark glasses not allowed, your left semi-profile should be on the photo and the left ear must be visible, the light on the photo must be uniform on all parts of your face.
- documents confirming a non-interrupted 5-year period of work,
- confirmation of temporary residence (if you have zameldowanie, a registered address, for a temporary/permanent residence)
Time for processing your application:
from 21 to 30 days
The division responsable for processing the application:
Wydział Spraw Cudzoziemców (Foreigners' Affairs Division/Department) at your local Urząd Wojewódzki
30 zł payable to:
(find this info online with account number, and bring the original and probably also a photocopy, just in case - you'll have to make some photocopies of other documents anyway - of the transfer together with your application)
Pomorski [or Zachodnio-pomorski] Urząd Wojewódzki
Wydział Organizacyjno-Administracyjny
Account no.
"wydanie dokumentu potwierdzającego prawo stałego pobytu obywatela UE"