I've bought this book (Ja kupowałem ta ksiązka...) to help me conjugate the verbs. I'd no idea Polish grammar was so complicated. I have much work ahead of me...
"301 Polish Verbs" by Klara Janecki
11 Aug 2007 / #2
it is a really good and valuable book i have it and use it at college on my polish course as do do the others on my course :)
polish grammar .... mmmmm .. very difficult all the accusative endings and then the none words in the dictionaries especially the slang ..... pfffttt.
polish grammar .... mmmmm .. very difficult all the accusative endings and then the none words in the dictionaries especially the slang ..... pfffttt.
(Ja kupowałem ta ksiązka...) to h
Ja kupilem te ksiazke. Very useful sort of book but you might feel the language a little too daunting after looking through all the grammatical changes. Better to start with a good course book and accommpaning cassettes first. Later on, when you start your own compositions the book will be invaluable.
Better to start with a good course book and accommpaning cassettes
They tend to teach you with scenrios such as having your passport checked, going to a restaurant, buying a pair of shoes. You get to page 78 and you still don't know how to say "I said..."
These books may be useful to some, but are probably best used in combination with other methods that better suit the unique individual that everyone is.
There are some good language books on the market and if you read the explanations that go with the conversations then hopefully you should be able to say 'I said' by page 78. Do not give up!