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"polish pig" - is it offensive?

Babylon  16 | 192  
28 Feb 2007 /  #1
Hello I'm from Poland, I'm a non-jew Polish and I had a conversation with my Jewish Polish friend about:

Is a pig word OFFENSIVE in everyday language. I'm asking cuz I found"

"polish pig" song written by me, and much more "polish pig" sentences in Google. Could you tell me, what mean "polish pig"?

We were talking about American comics "Mice" - about that making PIGS FROM POLES is not a OFFENSIVE (or it is)?

I would like the answer, and if the MICE is OFFENSIVE towards Jews, like (It's my opinion) PIGS is OFFENSIVE towards Poles;

Thanks! I am awaiting your respond!
clunkshift  2 | 82  
28 Feb 2007 /  #2
To call anyone a pig or any other animal is almost always an insult.

I sorry to tell you that you are not special and not singled out for abuse, the word pig had been appended to all races and nationalities.

The pig is a religiously unclean animal to Jews, Moslems and Hindus - all of whom would no doubt claim a double insult.

Even the carribbean word for white people - Honky, is a reference to the sound a pig makes.

Swine means the same as pig too.

The only unique quality in your case is that the phrase is alliterative in English P-P, this of course doesn't apply in other languages.
sapphire  22 | 1241  
28 Feb 2007 /  #3
I agree about pig.. but not all animals are neccessarily an insult are they? Correct me if Im wrong, but dont Polish people often use names like frog, mouse and kitten as terms of endearment..

in english.. the words pig and cow and dog are normally used offensively.. Im sure there are others but cant think of them right now.

Or how about "you daft bat" or "cheeky monkey", which can also be used in friendly banter.
clunkshift  2 | 82  
28 Feb 2007 /  #4
Sorry, was speaking from English perspective.

You…. dog, chicken, what a turkey, silly cow, like sheep, acting the goat, very catty, bovine, old nag, snake, worm, toad, *****, donkey, ass (English not U.S) gannet, parrot, etc,

I wouldn’t take “sly old fox” as a compliment either.
Still, I am a country person and don’t humanise animals or their traits, they are food, vermin or sport to me, so perhaps I don’t see their attractions as much as others.

Something not to do at an English country wedding:
Look at the bride, then turn to the bride’s mother and say: “You always get a good heifer from a good cow”
sapphire  22 | 1241  
28 Feb 2007 /  #5
I wouldn’t take “sly old fox” as a compliment either.

true, but foxy chick isnt bad is it.
daffy  22 | 1153  
28 Feb 2007 /  #6
cunning as a fox that graduated from oxford with a degree in cunning XD 'black adder IV'
shewolf  5 | 1077  
28 Feb 2007 /  #7
You…. dog, chicken, what a turkey, silly cow, like sheep, acting the goat, very catty, bovine, old nag, snake, worm, toad, *****, donkey, ass (English not U.S) gannet, parrot, etc,

Don't forget "rat". Like "he's a rat".

Is a pig word OFFENSIVE in everyday language.

Police officers are called pigs as an insult. I don't know why.
Huegel  1 | 296  
28 Feb 2007 /  #8

So cunning you could put a tail on it and call it a weasel. Also BA. :)
espana  17 | 956  
28 Feb 2007 /  #9
like this one

  • jo.jpg
OP Babylon  16 | 192  
28 Feb 2007 /  #10
So part of you think that PIG is OFFENSE, but my Polish-Jews friends from FORUM ŻYDÓW POLSKICH are saying almost all the same that Poles are overreacting and Americans were okey calling Poles PIGS and making them Servants of German- CATS, and I would like add that PIGS watch over "poor mouses" and make sure they are not making problems.

So I guess that was okey cuz antipolonism is something not real, and calling Jews Rat's could make a lot of trouble in today world.

I have adjudicated my friends that It was okey, IT IS ONLY "WORDS", why someone should give a fu***k about one stupid word Anti-Polish sentiment

Hostility towards Poles and Polish is not something right, but to protect today no-war world we have to make sure that word "Antisemitic" will not lost his power

We all belong to one world: Jews, Arabs, Chinese, Sorbs, Kaszëbi. we can not think selfish about Poles (there are 60 milions Poles) while Kaszëbis are in minimal.

FISZ  24 | 2116  
28 Feb 2007 /  #11
In the US only police officers are referred to as pigs.
OP Babylon  16 | 192  
28 Feb 2007 /  #12
So the authors of the comics wanted to show that PIGS are there to protect them against CATS?
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
1 Mar 2007 /  #13
In the US only police officers are referred to as pigs.

In Poland we call them dogs.
shewolf  5 | 1077  
1 Mar 2007 /  #14
Seriously? Why? I can't figure out why the US calls them pigs.
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
1 Mar 2007 /  #15
Because they serve. :)
ArturSzastak  3 | 593  
1 Mar 2007 /  #16
Seriously? Why? I can't figure out why the US calls them pigs.

Because there is a stereotype that all cops are overweight doughnut eating "pigs"

they are also called: the nine oh, cherrytops, po-po, the man
shewolf  5 | 1077  
1 Mar 2007 /  #17
Because they serve.

I thought maybe because they attack, like a dog. The ones in LA have a bad reputation, for doing that.

they are also called: the nine oh, cherrytops, po-po, the man

Yes, I hear blacks call them the po-po's. Why on earth?
ArturSzastak  3 | 593  
1 Mar 2007 /  #18
They like to be different. One day someone made a joke calling them the po-po and I guess it caught on. I mean I called my American friends "hamburgers" before and now all the Candians, Germans, Russians, and pretty much all foreign kids at my school are doing it.

(personally, I think McDonald's ruined the US, everyone keeps getting fatter :( )
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
1 Mar 2007 /  #19
I thought maybe because they attack, like a dog. The ones in LA have a bad reputation, for doing that.

Nah, here it's because they don't think but obey the orders. :)
rafik  18 | 589  
1 Mar 2007 /  #20
Because they serve.

or maybe cos they sniff around all the time?:)
shewolf  5 | 1077  
1 Mar 2007 /  #21
Nah, here it's because they don't think but obey the orders.

Police officers act like that here, too. I mean they do things without thinking.
ArturSzastak  3 | 593  
1 Mar 2007 /  #22
Would you rather have a cop working by the book or a cop who just might get a little pissed off at you just because you are different? US cops are notorious for that: beating up non-whites I mean, or just because you speak a different language. I'd personally feel safer with robo-cops running around instead of "hate you because your different" police officer.
shewolf  5 | 1077  
1 Mar 2007 /  #23
Because there is a stereotype that all cops are overweight doughnut eating "pigs"

That makes sense. There's a saying here that if you need a cop, just go to the donut shop. :) To be fair to them, they get free donuts and coffee. That's why they're always there.
ArturSzastak  3 | 593  
1 Mar 2007 /  #24
I know quite a number of police officers, won't say how :) , and they all seem to be in shape. Well in better shape than the average working man.
25 Mar 2008 /  #25
who knows...

Mali  - | 300  
25 Mar 2008 /  #26
I've never heard of this "Polish Pig" phrase. I've heard people being called pigs (men being players are called pigs, overweight people are called that by immature brats etc) but I've never heard it being an exclusionary Polish thing.

Personally, I'd find it offensive if someone called me a "Polish Pig". But then, I find it annoying to be called a "Polish Princess"
osiol  55 | 3921  
25 Mar 2008 /  #27
Of all the common farm animals, the pig is without doubt the most intelligent, with only one exception...
plk123  8 | 4119  
25 Mar 2008 /  #28

not always.. sometimes it is a term of indearment. especialy between dudes - 'dauwg'

polish peg is an american slang, worse then pollack
Arise_St_George  9 | 419  
25 Mar 2008 /  #29
The word "pig" is offensive to anyone. English pig, Polish big, fat pig, stupid pig etc. It's an insult. The word cow is also an insult but used mainly at girls.

"Look at that silly cow!"
Mali  - | 300  
25 Mar 2008 /  #30
The word "pig" is offensive to anyone. English pig, Polish big, fat pig, stupid pig etc. It's an insult.

Don't forget 'pigging out'!

The word cow is also an insult but used mainly at girls.

Isn't it odd that calling a guy a 'bull' usually has the opposite effect?

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