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(part 2) Polish Language Pronunciation - Sample Words and Phrases

sjf  2 | 13  
3 May 2008 /  #181
Thanks Osiol!
But when k,p,t are in the final position, for eg. "k" in "tak", is "k" still pronounced unaspirated?
plk123  8 | 4119  
3 May 2008 /  #182
Only in the name Tarzan.

there are a few others besides tarzan and some people pronounce that like tażan

. "k" in "tak", is "k" still pronounced unaspirated?



is like dź, soft
sjf  2 | 13  
4 May 2008 /  #183
Thank u guys!
susans  - | 3  
4 May 2008 /  #184
Merged:how to pronounce "psy"

Hi, I'm having a hard time learning how to pronounce "psy." It's been explained to me as one syllable, and each letter is pronounced. gah! can anyone help? thanks!

Polson  5 | 1767  
4 May 2008 /  #185

Dogs ?

Yep, all letters are pronounced :)


Gotta go, it's late, good night :)
Krzysztof  2 | 971  
4 May 2008 /  #187
alternatively, you may use this site (and check both male and female voice)
ivosoftware - Text to speech in Polish
susans  - | 3  
4 May 2008 /  #188
fantastic, thanks. i've been looking for a site like this for a few days. thank you both so much.
Polson  5 | 1767  
5 May 2008 /  #189
You're welcome :)
ExchangeMe  1 | 5  
7 May 2008 /  #190
Merged:How do you say Wroclaw?

Hi! I'm going to Wroclaw next year on exchange, and I can't figure out how to pronounce it. I've looked on the internet, but I've been told two different things. One website said it was pronounce "Vroh-slav" and another said it was "vrott-suave". Which one is correct? Or are either of them?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
7 May 2008 /  #191
The second one is pretty accurate. A little more O, like vrott-swov but the one above is ok
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
7 May 2008 /  #192
just to uphold the fine polish tradition of 3 different people 3 different opinions im going to say vrotswav for the shear hell of it
7 May 2008 /  #193

try this website
Seanus  15 | 19666  
7 May 2008 /  #194
The Billy Shears hell of it or the sheer hell of it? OK, vrotswov then
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
7 May 2008 /  #195

what are you saying the last vowel sound is?
LondonChick  31 | 1133  
7 May 2008 /  #196
try this website

Wow... how cool is that?? hours of fun :)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
7 May 2008 /  #197
vrot-swov, we Wrocławiu would be like vrot-swav-eU, see the change?
osiol  55 | 3921  
7 May 2008 /  #198
what are you saying the last vowel sound is?

It depends on what kind of English you speak.

An American 'o' is typically more like an English long 'a' (like in the word 'car')..
The American short 'a' (like in the word 'hat') is quite close to the English English short 'a', although tending slightly towards the English English short 'e'.

The Polish 'a' is roughly mid-way between both the English English and American English long and short 'a' sounds.

The accent in Potlatch, somewhere in the US - I really don't know, but that would be more relevent to the questioner here.

I imagine if you tell an American that the 'a' in 'Wrocław' is like an English 'a', they might interpret that as something that sounds more like a Polish 'e'.

Have I confused matters enough yet, or shall I go on?
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
7 May 2008 /  #199
no. Seanus's 'o' confused me more
Seanus  15 | 19666  
7 May 2008 /  #200
Easily confused I c, LOL. Don't worry, I'll teach u vowel sounds if u like
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
7 May 2008 /  #201
im quite capable of reading phonetics if that would help
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12019  
7 May 2008 /  #202
Hi! I'm going to Wroclaw next year on exchange, and I can't figure out how to pronounce it. I've looked on the internet, but I've been told two different things. One website said it was pronounce "Vroh-slav" and another said it was "vrott-suave". Which one is correct? Or are either of them?

It's "Wrotzwaw" (but Breslau sounds much nicer) :)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
7 May 2008 /  #203
Wrotzwaw, is this Hebrew?
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
8 May 2008 /  #204



please explain the change on the second vowel S, i havent noticed this before
Seanus  15 | 19666  
10 May 2008 /  #205
P and K. Look at the word ptak. Non-natives really don't say this correctly. It has to be said quickly to give it its true sound
F15guy  1 | 160  
11 May 2008 /  #206
Zespół rockowy - how would one pronounce "rockowy" in Poland?

Is pronounced as the English word "rock" followed by -owy such that spelled as a pure Polish, it might be "rakowy"?

Is pronounced like the Polish word "rok" such as "rokowy?"
Or, do they say "rotzkowy?"

Where's the accent, second to last?

Polson  5 | 1767  
11 May 2008 /  #207
how would one pronounce "rockowy" in Poland?

Probably [rok-oh-veh]
Krzysztof  2 | 971  
12 May 2008 /  #208

that's it

Where's the accent, second to last?


rock has normal declension (Genitive rocka, Dative rockowi etc.)
rock'n'roll = rokenrol (stress on "en") (Genitve rock’n’rolla, also other cases accrodingly to Polish declension)
rock and roll = rokendrol (stress on "end"), also normal declension (Genitive rock and rolla and so on)
there's also the adjective rockandrollowy [pronounced as rokendrolowy, stress un the second last, as usual]
Jova  - | 172  
12 May 2008 /  #209
rock'n'roll = rokenrol (stress on "en")

rock and roll = rokendrol (stress on "end")

Are you sure??? I'd never stress the middle syllable!!! RokENrol? Sounds stupid! :/ I'd stress the last one.
Krzysztof  2 | 971  
12 May 2008 /  #210
Are you sure?

No, I'm not :(
I'd also stress the last one, but I thought the tendency to stress the penultimate syllable was so strong in the modern Polish (for example most people don't respect the third-to-last rule in Latin words ending in -yka/-ika) that it would be how it's pronounced, unfortunatelly I can't find any info to confirm or deny this assumption of mine.

Archives - 2005-2009 / Language / (part 2) Polish Language Pronunciation - Sample Words and PhrasesArchived