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Funny spam message "in Polish"

9 May 2007 /  #1
Today I received this spam email. Apparently written using a very sloppy automatic English-Polish translator. The funniest part is the last part - they say to email them to be removed from their spam email databases. It's like an identity thief told me to confirm my phone number and he will never use it :-).

Subject: Zobaczyc nawiazywac kontakt z Polska


Szanowni Panowie

Stac sie poczta elektroniczna nawiazywac kontakt z wszelki Kraj podobac sie isc do wwwemailsbankcom

Mily wzgledy
Bakonley Cogezze


Jesli ty przelozony t potrzeba otrzymywac dodatkowe informacje, podobac sie zwykle odpowiedz ten poczta elektroniczna rezygnowac USUNAC


You gotta love these idiots ;)
slwkk 2 | 228  
10 May 2007 /  #2
Apparently written using a very sloppy automatic English-Polish translator.

Yeah, that's for sure... nobody from Poland wouldn't write this email like that.

Maybe they think that Polish language will not be filtered by spam filters - and they might be right.

Archives - 2005-2009 / Language / Funny spam message "in Polish"Archived