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"just" and "either" in Polish

Moonlighting  32 | 234  
17 Aug 2008 /  #1

I wanted to know how to express the concepts of "just" and "either" in phrases like these ones, for example:

"I just came back home"
"I just wanted to say [...]"

"It didn't rain but there was no sun either"
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
17 Aug 2008 /  #2
"I just came back home"

Właśnie wróciłem do domu.

"I just wanted to say [...]"

Chciałem tylko powiedzieć [...]

"It didn't rain but there was no sun either"

Nie padał deszcz ani nie świeciło słońce
Poor Edward  10 | 154  
17 Aug 2008 /  #3
I just came back home

Ja tylko przybywać do domu

"It didn't rain but there was no sun either

Ono nie jest deszcz ale nie jest słońce albo.
I think its something like that.
Why cant you use albo in the last sentence?
Was my translations bad?
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
17 Aug 2008 /  #4
Why cant you use albo in the last sentence?

because albo means or

Was my translations bad?

yes unfortunately they were not good.
Poor Edward  10 | 154  
17 Aug 2008 /  #5
because albo means or

Ok, but my dictionary says either: either....or....albo, so thats where I got that from.
But thank you for correcting me.
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
17 Aug 2008 /  #6
Ok, but my dictionary says either: either....or....albo, so thats where I got that from

when it's either this or that then either can be albo, as in albo to albo tamto. but either itself is ani.

i can tell you used a dictionary to translate these sentences, people should realise that translating things word by word is hardly ever a good idea...
Poor Edward  10 | 154  
17 Aug 2008 /  #7
but either itself is ani

Thank you Justysia

i can tell you used a dictionary to translate these sentences, people should realise that translating things word by word is hardly ever a good idea...

I can appreciate this but Im only learning the last few months, There are certain things I can say and translate when I see a sentence but theres so many ambigious words in Polish that Im going to need it for a while yet.
sausage  19 | 775  
17 Aug 2008 /  #8
translating things word by word is hardly ever a good idea

True, Poor Edward is making an effort, which is to be commended. Ed, are you taking lessons?
Poor Edward  10 | 154  
17 Aug 2008 /  #9
Ed, are you taking lessons?

I dont get lessons as such, I study books and work on my conversational skills in work then I come home and practice my writing and reading, anything I dont understand from work I ask here and anything I dont understand here I ask in work. I was called a polophile last night which I was rather happy with. Its such an interesting and challenging language its all I do lately.
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
17 Aug 2008 /  #10
There are certain things I can say and translate when I see a sentence but theres so many ambigious words in Polish that Im going to need it for a while yet.

i'm not telling you to stop using the dictionary lol, please use it by all means. but you must know that it's not all about finding the right translation for words, it's about knowing how to put a correct sentence together. that's where knowledge of the lovely Polish grammar comes handy ;)
sausage  19 | 775  
17 Aug 2008 /  #11
Its such an interesting and challenging language

It certainly is... keep up the good work.
Poor Edward  10 | 154  
17 Aug 2008 /  #12
it's about knowing how to put a correct sentence together. that's where knowledge of the lovely Polish grammar comes handy ;)

I wish I did know but there's only 24 hours in a day, I can have a conversation but when I use new words I get a little mixed up in the grammer.

But like I said thanks for the constructive critisism.
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
17 Aug 2008 /  #13
that's okay :). are you learning Polish just so chatting up Polish girls gets that little bit easier? lol
Poor Edward  10 | 154  
17 Aug 2008 /  #14
Please, if I wanted to go down that road Id just ask someone how to say stuff, thats is where I got an interest in it Im not going to lie, but its just something that I have to do now Im in too far, learnt too much and had a crazy time the last few months. And Im also looking down the road to the advantages of having a second language. Why do you learn it? Or are you Polish?
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
17 Aug 2008 /  #15
Why do you learn it? Or are you Polish?

i'm Polish. i only learn English swear words now lol... if you ask the folk around here, i'm pretty good at it already haha.
Poor Edward  10 | 154  
17 Aug 2008 /  #16
Good for you, it shouldn't matter what drives you to learn a new language once you learn a bit everyday, and have fun, at least thats my thesis. :)
OP Moonlighting  32 | 234  
17 Aug 2008 /  #17
Thank you for your replies ;-)

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