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Dual language books..SUGGESTIONS?

Baltic Paul  3 | 8  
30 May 2009 /  #1
I have seen a few books that have one page of English and the facing page in Polish.
It seems like it could be a good way of starting to understand the way the Polish language works.
The books I have seen are quite advanced and I require something more basic.

If anyone could suggest a title or a place to start looking for such a book I would be very grateful.
30 May 2009 /  #2
It's probably easier to just find any book in Polish and then the same book
in English instead of sticking to a limited number of dual language books.

That's one of my favourite methods of learning a foreign language. As Polish
is my native language I'd read a page or a chapter in Polish, trying to memorize
as many details as possible and then read the same fragment of the book in
a target language. It really allows you to learn a lot about the structure of
the language you're learning.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
30 May 2009 /  #3
It seems like it could be a good way of starting to understand the way the Polish language works.

It might be easier to do it the other way around. Find a Polish website with dual language books for people learning English. You might get more results. I hope this makes sense.
OP Baltic Paul  3 | 8  
30 May 2009 /  #4
I am interested in looking a little more deeply into how cases work.

"Codziennie jadę do miasta samochódem" (samochód)
Daily I go to town bycar.

The above sentence is my first real understanding of the purpose and structure of using cases.
I just want to try and read more so any suggestions on where I can find fairly simple Polish will be great.
30 May 2009 /  #5
"Codziennie jadę do miasta samochódem" (samochód)

That should be "samochodem". You change "ó" into "o" just like in
pochód - pochodem or zachód - zachodem.

Oh, and check your PM box ;)
gumishu  15 | 6228  
30 May 2009 /  #6
instrumental as you probably already no often translates as with (the use of) something or by (car, train) as you have put

btw are you an English speaker Paul - I ask cause your nick might suggest that you come from one of the Baltic states
HAL9009  2 | 323  
31 May 2009 /  #7
@Baltic Paul
You'll find two grammar books here which will tell you a lot about the cases' uses :)


Also, "The Little Prince" is a book available in Polish and English, used as a dual text learning aid. It's not too difficult.
daveithink  4 | 11  
2 Jun 2009 /  #8
I just want to try and read more so any suggestions on where I can find fairly simple Polish will be great.

On that website quoted by HAL9009, you can find simple short stories with sound files and I've just started working on them now that I've finished the first year course book...

They are the only easy collection of short texts in Polish I've seen online.


18 Jul 2009 /  #9
Hi there,

We sell a pen called the TalkingPEN and a number of Dual language English/Polish books. They are aimed at children and contain different levels of text in both traditional and new titles.

The TalkingPEn can read both dialets in an authentic accent.

If you wanted to go father ther is now the recorderPEn. This allows you to record yourself over and over agian as you learn the language.

Both pens run on recharable batteries.

You can see the pen and books at alien-languages.com or e-mail me at ms@alien-languages.com if you would like more info.

There is also a free resource online for learning the basics at B.Y.K.I.com

Kind Regards,

space_rebel  2 | 17  
12 Sep 2009 /  #10
Full Flight English / Polish Dual Language Books

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