So tell me the truth do you see/feel the difference between POLISH "przypierdolić" i "wypierdolić" ? (i've assumed you are not native polish speaker)
First of all, you've assumed the wrong thing - I am a native Polish speaker! And all the intricacies of our parlance are fairly well-known to me.
So... I could never turn down your kind request so here is my view on the difference between two curious Polish verbs "przypierdolić" and "wypierdolić" (BTW, making a woman dwell on such vulgar matters seems highly inappropriate!!! :P)
When I hear the word "przypierdolić" I generally get a picture of banging against sth, like "przypierdoliłem głową w słup" would mean (well, now I'm confused, I'd still use a variant of the word fuck to translate it)... so it would mean "I banged my head against a post [crudely put]". Morever, you can "przypierdolić komuś" which would mean to beat sb up [quite coarsly, that is]. As Kemaleon here earlier suggested, you could smoothly translate this utilizing the word "fuck" again - "I'm gonna fuck you up!"
"Wypierdolić" is not that clear-cut and obvious. I'm pretty sure that the interpretation of the words depends mainly on your experience, i.e. in what contexts the word has been used when you happened to be around. However, "wypierdolić" could have some sexual connotations, which I wouldn't say about "przypierdolić".
So "przypierdolić" loosing 99% of sexual charge imperfect form "pierdolić".
I totally agree with you on this. Still, I can't remember when I said you're acutally able to describe a sexual act using the word "PRZYpierdolić". Remind me, please.
So as a result it is more spicy in english (and killing you) then its polish original which for me is only little rude and no spicy or even funny (rather quite ordinary - as any other non official messages).
I still can't understand your outrage about the whole thing. I just remebered sth, considered it funny and decided to post it here. I'm very sorry if I hurt you feelings but you shouldn't really treat everything so seriously. Chill out, man.