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Posts by Raskolnikov  

Joined: 1 Nov 2007 / Male ♂
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Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 24 / In This Archive: 17
From: Liverpool, UK
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: Politics, football, beer

Displayed posts: 21
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10 Dec 2008
Travel / Tri-Cities January 2009 - any good sights not mentioned in guides? [2]

I'm due to fly to Gdansk 24th Jan. Only a few days stay so any helpful tips, as ever, gratefully received.

I've done preliminary research re sights and pubs.

Aim to go to Sopot one day.

Any favourite places which are not mentioned in the usual tourist guides?


I've put a meet up request on another thread so if anyone fancies a quick one (ooh-er missus) let us know.
28 Feb 2008
UK, Ireland / The Daily Mail's Swans Are Back [29]


Swan bake: carcasses and piles of feathers found next to cooking pots at migrants' camp

Carcasses from dead swans, broken up and stripped for food, have been discovered in a camp used by East European immigrants, according to reports.

Anglers and walkers spotted the sickening remains of the illegally slaughtered royal birds beside the River Lea in east London.

Many months ago the right-wing hate paper, The Daily Mail published a story about East Europeans eating swans and carp from UK waters contrary to English law. The Sun also published a similar scare story but was foreced to retract.

The Mail does not like foreigners. On a daily basis it prints distorted stories about Poles, romanians, asylum seekers - in short, anyone not white, English and middle class.

Today saw another such 'story'. If you read the article you will find there is little or no evidence for the claim and is mostly based on hearsay evidence. Note too, the angry comments from the barking mad readers. Anyone trying to post a comment disagreeing will not get it published.

If anyone from Poland feels strongly about the article they should contact the Polish embassy or consul to register a complaint.

The story can be found: mailonsunday.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=521710&in_page_id=1770

I would be glad to hear from others with their comments.

Further criticism can be found on the 5CC blog: cc.blogspot.com
19 Feb 2008
Travel / Taking the 504 bus from Wroclaw to Olesnica [4]

When I was in Poland, you could pay on the bus. Remember to punch your ticket.
Trams are different it seems as you need a pre-paid ticket.

There is also, I'm told, a extra fare for large backpacks but beware of bogus 'officials' claiming this fare. Some tried it on the bus from Wroclaw Airport to town and were warned off by a seasoned traveller!
22 Jan 2008
Life / Polish hooliganism in sport [141]

Ross Kemp went to the Krakow derby between Wisla and Crakovia. Foreigners ( and indeed anyone who has completed the process of evolution)would be wise to avoid this fixture. I went to Crakovia v Legia Warsaw in December. No trouble but good atmosphere despite attrocious weather conditions. I'm not saying I'm harder than Ross Kemp but........

Maybe I'll go to Afghanistan next.....
26 Dec 2007
UK, Ireland / Poles in the UK sleeping in toilets [165]

The undercutting argument is based on hearsay evidence. The TUC conducted a study as they were concerned about possible effects on UK workers' salaries and also the conditions for foreign workers. They found no real effect.

We can all rely upon anecdotal evidence about the plumber who did X for Y but this happens with the black economy in any event i.e non-payment of VAT or taxes.

Of course, unscrupulous employers can use this as a way of trying to force wages down; they were against the minimum wage as you well know.

If you check out the website I referrred to above you will see how the figures do not add up.

It is Enoch Powell type politics; imply someone is responsible for your plight to prevent you looking for the real cause.

NB the OP is noimmigration...bit of a giveaway to his/her/its neanderthal stance.
26 Dec 2007
UK, Ireland / Poles in the UK sleeping in toilets [165]

Not sure if this has already been mentioned but this is typical of the anti-foreigner stance at The Daily Mail (a paper that supported the Nazis in the early 1930s and was complteely anti-semitic. Nothing has changed. It has daily stories about ethnic inorities or immigrants supposedly ruining Britain. Many of the readers who ost racist comments are ex-pats living in Spain etc. They do not understand irony or hypocrisy.

One of their columnists Richard Littlejohn wrote about trying to use a disabled toilet nd finding an Eastern european lving there. It seemed a made up story as he would have neede a special key for a disabled loo. The same stories about peole eating swans and carp is based on rumour but suddenly becomes fact.

This is how Nazi Germany happened. I've no intention of reading all the posts here as it seemed to be disintegrating. I find it strange that someone living in Poland can moan about immigrants!

When I visited Poland (Wroclaw and Krakow) a few weeks back I was struck by the friendliness. If only Some Brits were eually so in the UK.

Anyone interested in knowing that there are those that fight back against the Mail bigots should look at my blog

13 Dec 2007
Life / The Guardian : Living in Poland [30]

I thought it was a good article. The one thing about the Guardian is that it has a depth of opinion rather than the anti-foreign feeling in other papers in the Uk (notablt The Daily Mail rag) but there are others. Stories about swan eating, carp stealing, job stealing Poles are everywhere. Why complain about a paper that tries to rectify the bias and xenophobia in existence.

you may have issues about certain aspects of the styories but to dismiss the paper is crass.

One of the people interviewed in the story (from Wroclaw I think was a woman older than her boyfriend) She is quoted as saying he was the first Englishman she had met that she cou;d have an intelligent conversation with. I found this funny but embarrassing. anyway, if she has a sister......

I won't get into the childish nature of how many languages/how many winters you've seen.
12 Dec 2007
Life / The Guardian : Living in Poland [30]

Interesting article in today's paper about Brits living and working in Poland. The paper version had some good pictures including one of Wroclaw.

Up to a million Poles have come to Britain since their country joined the EU. But it's not all one-way traffic. Helen Pidd meets some of the thousands of British citizens who are building new lives over there.

6 Dec 2007
Travel / Going to krakow and Auschwitz in January [8]

I went with Krakow tours to Auschwitz (they also do the Crazy tour and Zakopane)

I cost 100zl (80 for students)

The great thing is that they pick u up by minibus from your hotel and transfer you between the 2 sites. The guide was fantastic. The rail station seems a bit of a distance from the site so yes it is cheaper but if the weather was not so great it would be a bit difficult.
12 Nov 2007
Life / How much do you HATE POLISH PEOPLE and POLAND [1260]

He is definitely a Daily Mail reader. They have a habit of criticising British educational standards yet display an ignorance of the rules of grammar etc (I think etc. is what the poor deluded fool meant). If he does pay tax, it won't be much as he is semi-literate. even manual labour requires some semblance of understanding of the language (reading of instructions for example).

The fact that he supports the BNP (The NF are no longer a real concern so he is even ignorant of nationalism) shows he is just an ignorant racist hiding behind the anonymity of the internet. Maybe he's just a little boy who knows no better.

I do favour starving such people of the oxygen of acknowledgment. They crave attention; they need psychiatric attention.

He has no feeling of shame over the fact that people conversing in their second language have more more grammatical ability than he has.

Ah well, hopefully when I visit Poland in a few weeks time, there won't be any such cretins letting us down.
12 Nov 2007
Life / How much do you HATE POLISH PEOPLE and POLAND [1260]

I don't think the boy Herman is the brightest button in the box.
It's tedious to try to argue with non-rational people. He sounds like a Daily Mail reader!
A lot of them also support or use Powell's rivers of blood speech to back up their own racist agenda. Best ignored.
9 Nov 2007
Travel / 1st time visitor's opinion on Poland (funny clip) [28]

I lost the will to live after 3 minutes and I'm English. what makes people like that think they are remotely interesting? I don't think Michael Palin will be worried about his BBC contract!
6 Nov 2007
Travel / Wroclaw - November/December (pubs, travel, accommodation) [3]

Thanks very much.
I'm well into the planning stage now trying to fit as much in as possible. May have to spend a few nights in Krakow as it will be easier to reach other places like Auschwitz and Zakopane. I think I'm OK for the football as I spotted a game in Krakow v Legia Warsaw.
3 Nov 2007
Travel / Wroclaw - November/December (pubs, travel, accommodation) [3]

I have read some interesting tips already posted but wondered if there were any other people who wanted to offer some tips for my trip in a few weeks.

I shall be based in Wroclaw for about 5 nights so i'm particularly interested in the following:

1. Pubs/bars (prices £ or Zl) Traditional Polish
2. English style pubs for watching sport
3. Whether there is any football or winter break (from a post on sports section)
4. Travel tips to Auschwitz. Is it possible to do in one day. any idea as to cot of rail fare?
5.Places of historical or other interest e.g. Japanese Gardens
6.Weather forecast for late November (I know this in not a precise science particularly given the climate changes!)
7. Places to avoid/ social faux pas
8. Hostel accommodation

Thanks in advance. If I can help anyone with English matters then please do not hesitate to PM me.

2 Nov 2007
Life / How much do you HATE POLISH PEOPLE and POLAND [1260]

It was one of the usual scare stories in the Daily Mail. The protests were from people ignorant of the fact that it was merely a themed bar. Not sure if you've ever come across this paper. I'll try to find the exact source and post later.

The main point though is that it was another example of scaremongering i.e. making a story out of nothing.
2 Nov 2007
Life / How much do you HATE POLISH PEOPLE and POLAND [1260]

Do any Polish people in Britain feel they are not welcome in say pubs and clubs?
One of the arguments used by those opposed to immigration (economic or otherwise) is that there is a lack of integration. However, this can obviously work both ways.

For instance, there was a Polish bar opened in the south of England and this led to protests from right-wingers about preferential treatment. The facts of course were completely different as it was only a Polish bar in the same way as an Irish bar is themed. Therefore anyone can go in. It is this type of misconception that needs ackling.

Returning to my original point, I would be interested to know of any Polish person's experience and/or views
1 Nov 2007
Life / How much do you HATE POLISH PEOPLE and POLAND [1260]

after all, a forum's purpose is to discuss individual and personal viewpoints across the web...and these are mine.

Yes, point taken. However, in order to debate one must provide some basis for their opinion. Otherwise it degenerates into confrontation.
If you have a look at the websites I mentioned earlier you will get an alternative view from the one you are maybe used to. Then you can make your own mind up based on real evidence not hearsay or isolated personal experience.

For example I was once spat at my a Millwall supporter. This does not make me anti-Millwall or believe all people from that area are knuckle scrapers.

You may be aware that it was Voltaire who is said to have stated that ``I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it''

Freedom of speech is important but it comes with responsibilty.
1 Nov 2007
Life / How much do you HATE POLISH PEOPLE and POLAND [1260]

It would just be better if he (Jayboy) learned to tolerate people and not get his 'facts' from inaccurate sources. Being 16 is no excuse for ignorance.

Excuse me, Raskolnikov, but are you actually English? I mean English-English?

Yes English. Just using a Russian name!
1 Nov 2007
Life / How much do you HATE POLISH PEOPLE and POLAND [1260]

Interesting discussion (apart from the odd loon).
there has been a real increase in attacks on Poland in the UK media. This is artyicularyly pronounced in the Daily Mail. Give that it hates all foreigners (and supported the Nazis in the 1930s) this is not surprising. Much of what is written there is unashamed racism and is often plainly wrong or inaccurate. It is designed to feed anti-migrant feeling. If you want a flavour of this look at some of the stories and look at archived stories to see how constantly they attack Polish workers. The political agenda is being dominated by immigration at the moment.

I would like to know what Polish people think about this? In particular I would like to hear from anyone who has worked here and been subject to bad experiences.

I would also like to draw your attention to a few useful websites that try to redress the balance in highlighting the lies and distortion.




I am travelling to Wroclaw and Auschwitz in a few weeks so I'd love to hear from people there about what to do or see.
