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Posts by JohnP  

Joined: 8 Sep 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 20 Feb 2010
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Posts: Total: 210 / In This Archive: 155
From: Back in the US. Yay.
Speaks Polish?: No, love to learn
Interests: Lots! bits of foil, shiny objects...

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12 Feb 2009
News / Polish engineer beheaded in Pakistan. [347]

Oh I do. How about Hassan Mustafa Osama Nasr? A Muslim priest who was pulled off a Milan street one day by a bunch of CIA goons and flown to Egypt to be tortured for four years. John. I know that Milan's football stadium can get a bit rough sometimes but you expect me to believe that Milan is a 'war zone' an he is an 'enemy combatant'? Of course not. What gives the US the right to enter someone else's country and kidnap innocent people?

Oh yes yes, all done in secret by "CIA goons" who of course presented credentials to him, did unspeakable things for YEARS, then of course released him....yeah right, but hey if YOU believe it...

I'm sure they have also quite stongly demanded a trial, to be released, to know the charges against them and the right to legal counsel and been denied so all things considered it's a start that the authorities have deigned to treat them as POWs. Very good of them.

Not so. But believe whatever you want. Captured on the battlefield or in a raid of a "kill house" somewhere is not the same thing as if your local constabulary picked them up for disorderly conduct at the local bar. You are applying citizens rights to people captured in battle. The one's not captured in battle...oddly enough do not want to face justice as provided by their OWN countries, as a general rule, but hey, they aren't citizens of the U.S...

Perhaps you should change your story a little. We are not watching an episode of 24 here. The reality of torture is that a man who someone might think is possibly guilty is taken off the street and viciously tortured for months or years to surrender information he might, or more probably might not, have. Waterboarding is a form of torture by the way - don't try to pass that off as 'an uncomfortable procedure' where people are virtually drowned.

You are a coolaid drinker aren't you. You have no idea what may or may not occur here, but think you do. People alledge many things, but often just as often as the things you alledge about us, they are lies. Intelligence is seldom useful after the length of time you propose, other than to give locations of people, or perhaps to verify identities etc. Your vision of reality is flawed I think.

As for the crimes of terrorists, perhaps you should look at the track record of the US and its allies in their dealings with other countries.

Oh, the old, "its ok for people to behead people, because I know somebody else who is also mean" defense.

John P
12 Feb 2009
News / Polish engineer beheaded in Pakistan. [347]

Oh but it does, John. That would be murder. Killing someone you think is a terrorist because his eyes are too close together or something simply won't fly in court,

This is true...if you count only those not in combat zones. And even THOSE are not protected by Geneva conventions but by other laws. however considering my viewpoint I am ONLY going to meet these people in direct combat. Previously the goal has always been capture, but I think instead of risking peoples necks to capture someone we are not allowed to get information from...makes no sense. And, by the way, I did say known terrorists at any rate.

which is why the authorities an Gitmo don't want the inmates' trials to be handled by civilian lawyers,

You are speculating here, but have nothing to back this up-the reason I believe there is resistance to this, is that the inmates are not US citizens, and therefore are not subject to its laws, etc etc. They have already demanded treatment as now the tune changes.

even though they might have been 'rendered' off the streets in some foreign capital and tortured for information thay don't have.

if this is found to be the case it is taken into account. Something you would know if you kept up on your news...

The West long ago lost the moral high ground to the 'terrorists' by using the sam tactics. Or was it the terrorists who started using the same tactics as western governments?

So says you. Chechens were beheading Russians, and OBL/ AQ were blowing up buildings before the US captured ANY of them. Somehow, I don't think sawing someone's head off or crashing an airliner into 3500 civilians in the same category as taking a known guilty person, making him uncomfortable but not physically harming him, to find out who else was in on the plot or when it is supposed to happen, other than perhaps neither are pleasant.

John P.
12 Feb 2009
News / Polish engineer beheaded in Pakistan. [347]

I feel your sentiments here, Seanus, but while there are likely many terrorists who got their indoctrination from Saudi originated sources, and some may themselves be Saudi, the Saudi government is officially against the terrorists, even if it does not seem they are wholeheartedly into it. Unfortunately in some places the terrorists are seen as almost a "Robin Hood" type of character, taking the fight to the Infidel so to speak...or this is my perception, at least...and the government's official stance, and what the people not always mesh. It is also likely, that like others who romanticize these or other groups which operate outside the law, do not actually have contact with what REALLY happens. People still walk around wearing Che Guevarra shirts, after all...but have no concept of the truly wretched murderer that the man really was. He is a symbol.

Likewise, OBL to some in Saudi, for instance. These people are idolized in various schools mosques etc as heroes, martyrs, even if the government bans it, public opinion may well be different.

Just my thoughts.

John P.
12 Feb 2009
News / Polish engineer beheaded in Pakistan. [347]

i believe in many cases it was simply pure kidnapping by the US.

You "believe" in many cases...oh I see. That makes all the difference.

look it up homesteak. you're WRONG. geneva conventions mandate some kind of court proceedings.. how many gitmo inmates have seen a judge?

Who says none have? not to mention, again, if all these were "kidnapped" as you say, how do laws of combat (e.g. Geneva conventions) have anything to do with them. They only apply if these people were captured in conflict. Since you are implying they were not...what would you suggest? You can't have it both ways

google. pretty easy to find who's been sitting in one of those, in PL specifically. made the accusation, you provide the evidence. I can claim all sorts of things about you or your country...that doesn't mean it is true. I can parade people in front of you that claim they were "experimented on" by "space aliens" also. Proving it, and what they allege happened and by a lot more difficult. However, I keep an open mind...feel free to enlighten me here.

geneva conventions don't exclude anyone man.

You really ARE an interesting one. Yes, they do. Specifically, even.

JohnP: hen why should we even try?

is this the winning american attitude? we're all screwed if that the way general public think. but since Obama won, i think not.

Well obviously this was a rhetorical question, but you apparently were too blinded by your own opinions to catch it. Point is, you are essentially arguing to let people do whatever they will to us, our countrymen, and our allies, (and I mean to civilians) with impunity, for fear of what, offending the terrorists sensibilities? Scaring them? Please.

JohnP: I think known terrorists should be shot on sight rather than captured,

oh that civil.

Shot on sight. War and "civil" do not belong in the same sentence. Known terrorists...can either be allowed to ply their trade, as it is obvious you wish to allow, captured, but never asked any questions (as you wish for ones already in captivity), or they can simply be killed.

Which, incidentally, violates no laws, and prevents people such as yourself from wringing their hands.

It's easy to point the finger, Plk, but realise when you do, that the other three are pointed back at you.

JohnP: You obviously value their comfort over the lives of their victims,

and you just want to go murder randomly? i want the truth not a bunch of BS.

Again, Plk, when has anyone on this thread (me or anyone else) advocated random murder? I've not seen it.
However, do you think you could swallow the truth, even if it did not agree with your preconceived notions? I have my doubts, but I'm not going to assume it beyond your capability. I think you will just continue to overlook the truth, while demanding a "new" truth that agrees with your suspicions, for what, so you can go, "Ahah, I knew it!"?

If you know all these things you accuse people of plk, then go to the authorities, otherwise you are an accomplice. If you only "suspect" then that is different, now, isn't it.

JohnP: your self important sense that you have the moral high ground will not be bothered when innocent people are butchered in a Baghdad basement,

are you in the pictures from abu ghrabi?

What the hell are you talking about, plk....those people are in prison. I'm also not a guard. I have been privy to rescue missions, however, and the location of the would be decapitee, as it were, was sometimes given up by someone already in custody. But you seem offended that the information was gotten because, what, an already known terrorist, had to listen to bad music for a day or two?

Or if it's waterboarding specifically you are worried about so much, which one of the different passengers out of the UK or wherever...would you rather die, just to make one guy more comfortable? Which one? I implore you to call their families and tell them you would prefer their loved one die, than worry someone was mean to a terrorist

i am not after a different result.. i just want the WHOLE truth.. not just some stuff that fit into the old president's agenda.

Just because it was a two year long election campaign and EVERYTHING was accused of being "the Presidents agenda" or "the administration's fault" if it was perceived negatively, does NOT mean it was an incorrect investigation. You simply do not like the results, and want more money spent on it. To which I implore you, spend all of YOURS you want.

you seem clueless.. i implore you to educate yourself on this topic. it's sad to see the USA continuing making blunders that unfortunately also adversely effect others.

Look who's talking plk. You put words where there are none, you invent agendas where none exist, then you pretend to know anything at all about the war (you don't) but you call me clueless because I disagree with you. Is that it, in a nutshell? Of course the US makes blunders, so does every nation, but you continue to imply the US has some evil purpose in every post you discuss this and it tires me. You've been spitting accusations since I've been on this board (and probably before) but just because someone like myself disagrees, or investigations disagree, with your preconceived notion, does not necessarily mean we are "clueless". It just means you might be wrong, too. Don't take it so personal...its not like I'm accusing YOU of being a murderer, or being mean to terrorists, after all, and being wrong happens to everybody.

JohnP: I think known terrorists should be shot on sight

I'll tell Nelson Mandela to watch his back then.

Give me a break. You too? Learn to read, then when you can argue with a semblance of logic, get back to me. Mandela, last I heard, hasn't been in any videos beheading anyone, hasn't hijacked any airplanes, or what not. He has been accused of being a rebel and a communist and all sorts of other things, but that's different, a bit. Still, great job on your one liner.

John P.
12 Feb 2009
News / Polish engineer beheaded in Pakistan. [347]

there were a lot of people detained in other way there.

Ok...and which of the ones you refer to were not involved in a terror cell or related activities? If they weren't captured in combat, how do you propose to apply Geneva conventions, (which apply specifically to warfare) at any rate?

no, no, no man. it's kind of opposite to what you said actually. making them illegal combatants was a way for shruco to get around the geneva conventions man. this is mainly the reason why gitmo is such a disgrace.

Not true. Originally, they were simply "terrorist detainees" however uproar from people such as yourself demanding they get rights guaranteed combatants, (such as were respected for captured Iraqi Army )under the Geneva conventions both prior to and after capture...led to the new term. Terrorists are specifically excluded from protection...therefore people did not want a spade called a spade otherwise "no holds barred" is completely within the realm of the allowable.

some but many are in the "secret" prisons in PL and I and who knows where else.

Back this up please? or is this just more sensational sounding information you somehow "know"?

the point is that NO ONE should be excluded if USA's to have moral ground.. which USA lost long, long time ago..

What you think should or should not be in the Geneva conventions...has nothing to do with what is actually IN them. They simply do NOT apply to everyone, with certain people specifically omitted. And honestly, since because of rumors and hints and the like you believe the high ground was lost "long ago" then why should we even try? There is no pleasing people such as yourself. I think it is folly even to try.

Personally, I think known terrorists should be shot on sight rather than captured, it prevents people like you from fretting over what you *think* might be happening to the captured terrorists. You obviously value their comfort over the lives of their victims, and your self important sense that you have the moral high ground will not be bothered when innocent people are butchered in a Baghdad basement, because nobody asked the murderer's friend already in captivity. You have no clue, and are just blinded by what you THINK you know. Believe what you want, but believing isn't knowing.

i called it like i see it. shoddy work is shoddy work. i am thinking this is one of those investigations where i don't care how much it costs.. i want the whole truth. otherwise it leads to people getting killed needlessly and US bombing willy nilly whomever.

Just because you or some other nutjob thinks, "oooh there's a conspiracy" because you disagree with the findings of the investigation...does not mean there should be another one, nor that there was "shoddy work". "I don't care how much it costs" doesn't sound like someone who is paying for it themselves...If you want to fund one from your private income and have something conclusive that counters the official all means, submit it to the authorities.

Otherwise, it is ridiculous to chase every single grassy knoll theory....just because someone like yourself believes everything we do is evil. You obviously have only considered one possible side of the coin, but to not examine the other side before making judgement borders on stupidity. It is far easier to pass on one's suspicions (we used to call it "gossip") than it is to wait until all the information is before making one's mind.

the ignorance statement i surely meant in general because the level of ignorance in the US is astounding. you admit to not having some lack of knowledge in this matter so start exploring the subject/s in greater depth. it's a subject we'll have to deal with for a long time to come, i feel, unfortunately.

You speak of ignorance, yet you claim knowledge about military tactics, strategy, etc. assuming people go around "bombing willy-nilly". This is a hypocritical statement. The fact is you are ignorant yourself, in this regard, but post as if you somehow "know" what is being done or is not. You point at all the ignorance you assume is in the U.S. ...but it is written all through your own posts. Unless, by "ignorance" are you referring to people who disagree with you? either way I see it, your statements are off the mark.

John P.
11 Feb 2009
News / Polish engineer beheaded in Pakistan. [347]

huh? why would US shipe them back without any other action then?

Ones who are kept because they were captured in combat, and are not deemed to return to it...sometimes get lucky. It isn't as if political decisions are made using common sense, unfortunately. I think all of us can point to examples of this, not just in the US, either.

ok, maybe the cells are 8x8. what's your point?

They are allowed to exercise and aren't put under so much hardship that they are uncomfortable eating, either. As to the cell IS a prison, not a vacation club, but they still have living conditions perhaps even better than the men who guard them do, if what I have heard is correct. We could just set them free I'm sure you have a guest room much bigger than 8x8...

bush said otherwise, dude. not POWs but illegal enemy combatants, eh?

Seems the definition was changed by the media and people like yourself many many times, just to make sure they were eligible for every possible creature comfort. Originally, they were simply terrorists. Then people scream, because terrorists are protected by virtually no laws...but the definition of an enemy combatant (which would allow them protection) is quite specific, and they do not fit it therefore the term "illegal enemy combatant" was coined, to justify Geneva conventions protection while ignoring that these often used civilians as shields (and often, targets) wore no uniforms, attacked then dropped weapons, and terrified townspeople by beheading and or shooting those of differing political views. That's just the "little" guys. The big ones...are high ups in larger international organizations, some involved in 9-11, others in the UK and Spanish train bombings, etc... but hey, if the media wants to make them into innocent farmers or "tourists" etc, so be it. As long as THEY have a guest room for the people in question.

and thus far US has not granted them that status and is definitely not following the G. conventions in those people's detention.

Again, you obviously pay lip service to the Geneva conventions, but ignore the portions about who is excluded. You speak as if you know much about secret US actions, but honestly you have no more clue than anyone else. I only have slightly more it is beyond me how you portend to know all these things you claim.

lol. the "investigations" of the events of 9-11 can hardly be called conclusive or total. there are tons of unanswered questions that the gov isn't willing to answer or seek an answer to.

I'm sure you could spend millenia arguing over the meaning of life, much money do you think should be spent? Sometimes the people with the smoking gun actually DID it. You smugly say "investigations" in quotes, again, like you know what is or isn't. Many people worked very hard on what they had. Just because some nutjob has a conspiracy theory doesn't mean the conspiracy is true, or that billions should be spent attempting to follow each and every one. There is a dead man in the room, 2 of his friends and one who openly hated his guts....sometimes it really is the one who hated his guts who killed him.

John P.
11 Feb 2009
Love / Polish women are known for their beauty, but men are so ugly (most of).. [250]

I would kill any guy who would ever take advantage of her.

Ahhh we share some culture here...(I have a Polish name, but I am an American) I didn't quite come out and say it...but yep. I didn't even get along with my sisters too much while growing up, but the armies of hell couldn't protect some B@stard that took advantage of either of them.

John P.
11 Feb 2009
Love / Polish women are known for their beauty, but men are so ugly (most of).. [250]

Guys (americans) at work always ask me to set them up with a polka, but they're clueless males that look at too much porn.

I agree with most of your above posts, but thought this part was hilarious....years ago I had some friends who could have been Calvin Klein models (I am in the military, fitness goes hand in hand) who were desperate to be "hooked up" with my sisters. I know these particular guys, and told them "over my dead body". Not going to introduce my sisters to some 20 year old guy looking for a month or two (to him a long relationship) of fun.

anyway, thanks for the laugh

John P.
11 Feb 2009
News / Polish engineer beheaded in Pakistan. [347]

seems US didn't really have jack shit on most of them.

Now YOU are making things up.

you would to if you were caged up in a 6x6 "cell"

who says this is the "condition" there? again...?

dude. US shipped a bunch of them back without charging them with anything. thus bw's comment is TRUE.

Wrong again. One of them is allegedly head of AQ in Sudan, now. They weren't kept to be tried for crimes, initially...that is something that has been invented by people trying for their release. They insisted they are POW' we let them stay til the war is over. German POW's in Pennsylvania during WWII...did not get tried for crimes, but nor were they released back to German forces until the end of the war. Some of the people at Gitmo no doubt are terrorists of the worst sort. Perhaps they will be tried for this. Others were merely participating in other roles. When they are deemed by some court somewhere to no longer be a threat, they are released. As in the case of the people you refer to. So again....wrong.

they aren't pows, remember?

I don't think they are, but because they demand protection as the same under Geneva conventions, they have to be treated as such. Remember that argument from the past? it has come full circle. Terrorists have never been covered by Geneva conventions nor have combatants hiding amongst innocent civilians...but people insisted they be treated as if they were soldiers. You can't have it both ways, even though our government is trying to give it to them that way.

no, US is hated for meddling in others' affairs. get it straight.

So we've established your feelings about Americans...but ultimately...your country does it too, and did before America was anything more than a struggling nobody on the international scene. By your measure, ALL countries should be hated.

just because YOU view them as such does not make them untrue, just unproven for now.

Ahhh I see now. Good luck avoiding those mind control transmissions...if ours don't get you, the Russians' will ;)

John P.
11 Feb 2009
News / Polish engineer beheaded in Pakistan. [347]

Its such a coincidence that whenever there's a dictator in Pakistan, republicans are in power in US.

Maybe so. Also alluding to your other post, mentioning that the biased policies of the government create hate...maybe maybe not, I think the problem we as Americans have, is that there are two massive parties controlling everything, and they spend years now in campaigns, and mountains of money on the media...all to convince the populace that the other party and its administration is the center of all that is evil in the universe. Both parties do this. Unfortunately, they forget that when they are successful, they also make America as a whole appear to be this center of all that is evil, as well. So, after years of this, they start believing their own stories, as do the thing one knows, the election has been won, and they promptly throw out all the good policies as well as the bad, if only because the other party supported them.

I imagine if this frustrates me, as an American, it must be doubly so for other nations looking for our support. We no doubt seem somewhat schizophrenic as a nation. There are things both parties pay lip service to, but in their rush to bash the policies of the opposition, the baby is thrown out with the bath water it would seem.

This no doubt makes it difficult to feel secure in an agreement with the U.S. knowing that the next party may use it only as so much kindling, or friendships with nations are dropped, etc... It is silly, perhaps, but this is how I see it.

John P.
11 Feb 2009
News / Polish engineer beheaded in Pakistan. [347]

Pakistan army has also used aerial bombings but before they do that, they have to evacuate the place from civilians. Already there are close to a million refugees living in camps as a result of such evacuations.

reading your post it must be truly frustrating to put up with a lot that you do, and people wonder "why doesn't US invade Pakistan". It is because Pakistan is at least TRYING to do something, and just because some of the public doesn't know this, there are people who do. Every little bit helps. It's just a mess is all. When people say that I wonder why they don't say, well, "why doesn't the EU/US/UN whatever invade the UK, or the US or whatever, because there are criminals there (gasp!)"

er... or didnt...

Not that you would know one way or other anyway. I'm sure all prisons theoretically house one or two innocents. However most of these were not captured pending some civil trial for a crime...but were captured in the act or some such, and used to gain information on others who were still out there killing. POW's are NEVER released before the end of hostilities, and last I checked, there hasn't been a message from OBL or any of those calling for the end of attacks. Methodology may be distasteful, but I'm sure most of the people released from basement "prisons" awaiting their video recorded executions...are not concerned that one of the leaders of their captors was put through discomfort to disclose where he or she could be rescued.

John P.
11 Feb 2009
News / Polish engineer beheaded in Pakistan. [347]

you're way jumping to conclusions. what US has been doing at gitmo is just beyond words.

You have no idea what the US is or isn't doing at Gitmo, other than what they've told you they did. IF playing bad music, or scaring specific known terrorists that we are going to kill them unless they give names or places.....somehow bothers you, it only shows you are human. It doesn't take away from the fact of what these particular individuals did to be put there in the first place.

Having talked to people who were guards at Gitmo...perhaps this stuff happened somewhere else or something, because they (the guards) did not get to lift a finger toward the prisoners, and even had to wear gloves if they had to pass something in like a Koran etc. which they were considered "unclean" to touch.

Also the inmates were being treated so badly that they are getting fat.
As posted above, don't believe everything you hear. Some is true, some is not.

John P.
10 Feb 2009
News / Polish engineer beheaded in Pakistan. [347]

He has made the point that other countries are allowed to pursue nuclear energy. We can't indict people based on suspicion unless there are compelling mitigating factors which demand close scrutiny and may raise the level of proof.

While he is correct that other countries did do this, I have a few objections. First, I understand he was ONLY interested in methods which would result in him having weapons grade plutonium, and is doing so on an almost frantic scale ominously coinciding with increases in missile looks bad. Would you allow an arsonist to have a book of matches-he claims he only intends to build a cooking fire, and not burn down your house (as he's told his friends) but insists that you give him the matches and leave him alone, rather than watch him.....?

This man does not need nuclear matches; my understanding was he was offered technology that would not produce weapons grade material...and refused it. Am I incorrect on this?

John P.
10 Feb 2009
News / Polish engineer beheaded in Pakistan. [347]

Wanting them to vanish does not mean that he'd nuke them

I'm not so sure...
While his quote might not have been "wiped off the map", you are correct in calling me out on this, his intent is ambiguous enough to make one nervous. I don't speak Farsi, either, which compounds things...but.... Add in the speed with which he is increasing his nuclear purification (for peaceful purposes) and the (claimed at least) successful launch of a satellite...say that he already has technology to reach MUCH farther than people previously thought, and while his Manhattan project may indeed be for peaceful purposes, I'm not against holding a gun on him just to make him stay honest. If he DOES indeed wish to destroy another nation, or bring the coming of the Last Imam, or some such (sorry, I'm not as well versed in Islam as others here) then I would rather him die a martyr than innocents somewhere else whose only crime was being alive in an area that spited Ahmadinejad in particular.

John P.
10 Feb 2009
News / Polish engineer beheaded in Pakistan. [347]

Noone knows for sure really. You are right about that. Sometime ago I heard that the guy is writing a book on his achievements these days. And if obl is such an ambiguous thing then probably allies did lose their original objective. All we do know is those tapes that appear occasionally, verified by CIA.

nrx, I have been following your posts with interest, as you are in a position to have a fairly informed viewpoint (esp. with respect to Pakistan and things happening there). I think in general the case was made that Afghanistan under Taliban leadership had become a state supporter of, or at least harborer of terrorist groups (Al Qaeda, esp.) so capture of OBL is a prime mission but it is not the only mission, nor the reason for the war. I simply think it is interesting that the same people who scream "LIE!" when the CIA believes Saddam had WMD's or that Iran's purposes might be less than respectable...then listen to a supposed tape of OBL, and assume it to be gospel because "well, the CIA verified it". Perhaps I'm the only one who sees humor (albeit tragic) in this.

yeah? where are the guys who chopped pearl's head off? what about all the others?

If they are not dead they are on a list. Perhaps they are in Guantanamo...but don't worry if they are,
they'll be tried by people who think they are simply poor farmers fighting an evil invader...and released.

John P.
9 Feb 2009
Language / How do people mispronounce your Polish names? [60]

My last is name is also Pokrzywa. I didn't find out that I had been brought up pronouncing it wrong until I was in high school. My grandfather was from Poland but my poor southern grandmother could never say it right, so she just said "Po-chee-va".

Send me a PM. I think we are related....

John P.
9 Feb 2009
News / Polish engineer beheaded in Pakistan. [347]

Funny, poor Chinese, Mexicans, etc don't practice beheading.

This is true...
Yes must feel sorry for the salt of the earth types; they behead people (even their own) because no doubt of some oil deal the US made...never mind most of them have never seen an American, many simply hate because it is what the Wahabbist Madrassahs apparently teach them to do. Is this true (I've not been in a madrassah, but have to admit I am suspicious of some)? I don't know.

The massive media coverage in favor of the "freedom fighters" (which apparently now means people from anywhere who come to lop heads, not just Afghans or Iraqi, etc) even seeps into our ranks sometimes, I understand there were complaints made about how many times the man who beheaded Nick Berg was shot, for instance, never mind that he fired first rather than be captured. Not sure how true this is, of course, but rumor has it there were complaints that they fought back too well.

If you can imagine.

what a world.
As an aside, having had Poland's GROM work with a unit I was in a few years ago, if Poland does send these guys after the murdering "freedom fighters" in that your men do not play games, and will do an excellent job. We were glad to have them on our side back while they were still here.

John P.
9 Feb 2009
News / Polish engineer beheaded in Pakistan. [347]

As far as the drug trafficking, the USA military does not have a clean history concerning heroin trafficking if one inspects their actions in the Vietnam War...

Assuredly, it's the same now 60 year old men who were drafted in 1968 who are fighting our wars now, too.

FWIW its nobody's business what the US military is doing in Pakistan or Afghanistan...but the US, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. Soon as public opinion starts deciding things again, people will scream for mercy for the guys who were recently lopping heads, they will complain loudly if these men have to endure any discomfort in efforts to find OTHER head loppers etc out there, and ultimately they will receive trials with highly paid lawyers that any of the citizens of our own countries could not themselves afford. Shortly thereafter, the US or Polish or whoever captured these men...will be made to be the bad guys.

forgive the sarcasm, rant concluded.
That said, people ARE going after the people who did these things. Forgive us for not inviting a news crew to go along this time, so they can call their friends at Al Jazeera who then call THEIR friends, so ultimately...the news crew can film a bloody fire fight, which could have been a quiet capture leading to a trial.

Of course, in certain cases, one almost hopes for a fight, just so the gloves can figuratively come off for certain of these.

John P.
9 Feb 2009

Honestly, I don't know...but I would imagine the millionaires in those places have no idea, either. So they portray what they *think* looks realistic. wouldn't surprise me if mobsters like that...did not use so much foul language, but rather were very smooth. They are businessmen, after all, even if they deal in things not quite legal. Hollywood might be more accurate on some of the smaller more violent gangs which were founded almost as much on hate of rival gangs/ethnicities as they were business... but still I think you know where I was going with this.

John P.
8 Feb 2009

I think the media has a huge part in it.
Film and other media are just a reflection of life, if you will, and they are ever grasping farther and farther to make their product interesting. So, how do you make a group of overweight millionaire actors passable as murderous gangsters, for instance? Add a lot of cursing. It wouldn't surprise me if some of the types running Hollywood and its many worldwide equivalents are so out of touch that they believe regular every day people curse like that. They think it makes their story somehow "more realistic".

As it becomes less shocking, it takes more to draw attention to a particular show, movie, etc and so they test the boundaries even more....

Meanwhile...people watch television then mimic it, to a large degree. Teenage girls go out and HAVE to have a 400$ designer purse, for instance, regardless it was made in China on the same production line as the $20 one, but without certain initials on it...same thing I think.

Also there is the rating system. Many people won't bother with a "G" or "PG" rated film, thinking there's nothing interesting to if a movie drops into that area, add some profanity, maybe some gratuitous (nudity/violence/whatever) so its entry rating is a little more restrictive.....and people buy tickets.

Probably not making any sense, but perhaps someone knows where I'm going with this.

John P.
8 Feb 2009
News / Stealing electricity in Poland... being resourceful or theft? [21]

I used to hear about people running a coil next to a main transmission line to steal power, but hadn't heard about taking it from a traffic camera. That's pretty neat.

Yes its stealing, but you still have to respect the inventiveness of the thing...

John P.
7 Feb 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

Some people are never happy eh?

I do see the irony...sometimes I think I start losing my sense of humor through various political arguments, and it has to be pointed out to me again, from time to time...

John P.
7 Feb 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

Sorry, too late. All of those involved were retro-actively executed for their crimes.
Still, if you want to fault the various European nations for sending colonizing forces to America in the past centuries, good luck.
All nations have been conquerors and also been conquered themselves at some point in their history. Likewise in the Americas. We have enough 1,000 year old grudges without adding a few more.

John P.
7 Feb 2009
News / Poland aids the world [37]

Well, stating the obvious somewhat, John. I can't see a Hamas militant saying, 'well, party at my place Mr Rosenbaum?'.

Fair enough....perhaps I got carried away a bit. My apologies for having the blinders on for a bit.

I did read the article finally; it was the UN claiming Hamas raided them, not the Israelis; Hamas spokesmen said of course that they would never operate as the UN claimed they did. You are also correct, a ship was also reported as stopped by the Israeli Navy in the same paper, which they claimed was going to give supplies to Hamas.

Oh what a world we live in.

John P.
6 Feb 2009
News / Poland aids the world [37]

Makes no difference to me, Seanus. Hadn't heard the Israelis were doing this; I simply saw a headline that mentioned Hamas.
Hamas, incidentally, is a terror organization; they are not one and the same as saying "Palestinian".
No doubt there's plenty of blame to go around, as there's no love lost between Hamas and the Israelis, for sure.

John P.
6 Feb 2009
News / Poland aids the world [37]

We can hope, although just noticed a headline in the paper claiming Hamas has seized much of the aid intended for Gaza, which doesn't bode well, at first glance anyway.

Will read it next time I go by there and see what the article says.

John P.
2 Feb 2009
Love / Dilemma, Flight School or beautiful polish women????? [19]

Glad to have helped.
be greedy (I've even been told it's the American way...but we didn't invent it!) take BOTH.
Good women are NOT dime a dozen.
Sounds like she might be a "keeper". Might as well have a job you like, while you're at it, right?
6 months in Arizona is NOTHING. If she can't be there with you, a good woman (sounds like she is) will wait for you.

John P.
2 Feb 2009
Love / Dilemma, Flight School or beautiful polish women????? [19]

If you love the girl...I'm not sure how serious you are, but stake your claim, man! if she is the one, I mean. Take her with you.

I also thought I would mention, I don't know how it is with European air carriers but I work with a lot of people who on the outside are airline pilots (mobilized reservists, that sort of thing) and they say times are tough and there is not much hiring happening. Of course that is just the big US air carriers, it might be completely different for European airlines. Still I agree sounds more interesting than working an office unless you get some REALLY interesting cases.

If you are in love with this girl, don't give her up when you don't have to. You CAN have both a great woman and a great job. There are plenty of people who will tell you "There are plenty of fish in the sea" but there are also quite a few who for the rest of their lives wonder about the one that got away.

Hopefully you find the path that works best!
Good luck
John P.