25 Feb 2008
Travel / Torun, Poland - Good Restuarants [12]
If you want to eat well and not pay too much, go to the Czarna Oberża (ulica Rabiańska I think). If you have money to burn, you will pass loads of fancy restaurants anywhere you go in the Old Town. For an expensive but very fancy, fin de siecle experience complete with waitresses in almost period dress, go to Róże i Zen. :-) for coffee and cakes.
Enjoy! :-)
If you want to eat well and not pay too much, go to the Czarna Oberża (ulica Rabiańska I think). If you have money to burn, you will pass loads of fancy restaurants anywhere you go in the Old Town. For an expensive but very fancy, fin de siecle experience complete with waitresses in almost period dress, go to Róże i Zen. :-) for coffee and cakes.
Enjoy! :-)