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Posts by TheKruk  

Joined: 14 Apr 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 16 Jul 2009
Threads: Total: 3 / In This Archive: 3
Posts: Total: 308 / In This Archive: 267
From: Oceanside ca.
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: Many

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28 May 2007
News / Polish/German/Russian relations [304]

Its common fact regardless of the survey nobody really likes Germans.
Why should Poland hang its head when war is spoken of? Poland has heroes!
Germany well ,I'm afraid the losers of wars only have well... Losers.
(I know I couldn't follow my own advice)
28 May 2007
Life / New English Language Magazine for expats in Poland? [24]

I agree too, great idea. I live in Katowice and sometimes I am starving for English language news about people in my situation. Forums are great but I can't take my computer into my bathroom in the morning. I would love also to have the opportunity to have my articles rejected. It could also be a great network to help solve our unique problems we sometimes encounter. Even a united voice for us ex-pats.
28 May 2007
Life / What does faith mean to people from Poland? [30]

Faith in God and organised religion do not necessarily go hand in hand. I hate to raise an old argument but seriously is the world more peaceful because of organised religion?

And how many murders were justified with the words "because God is on our side"
29 May 2007
History / Jews...and their Polish experience [520]

oi vey back to the stone age again. This is why Polish people have problems in the world TheKruk cries in his beer.

Seriously I think this forum is really depressing. only Nazi's and anti-semites anti gays anti this anti that. who is allowed to live as they like?
29 May 2007
History / Jews...and their Polish experience [520]

However there would be no antisemitism if there were no semitism.Jews failed to integrate and be accepted in almost every european country

So your message is kill everybody who is different? Or since these nations killed or expelled them hey its ok we have precedent. I have long hair no other man at my work does so I should be sacked.

Elvis didn't assimilate he was white and sang black music, kill him.
Maybe its time to evolve mankind has used this way of thinking since Cain offed Abel maybe its time to try something new like another guy who didn't integrate so well during his time who preached "love thy brother" now what was his name again?
29 May 2007
News / Tinky Winky from tellytubbies outed in Poland [145]

often the most ardent and ruthless anti-gay people lean that way themselves they just can't admit it. The confusion with their sexuality causes anger.
29 May 2007
History / Jews...and their Polish experience [520]

They blamed the plague on Jews too, when people need a scapegoat they choose those who are a minority and are different to rouse the common man against them so they won't rise up against the king or president etc. and the most common target was jewish people because they work together earn money and help each other and thus they have power its called business if the rest of the world followed the model they could be rich and powerful too, maybe.

And not all jews are rich and powerful. Someone said jews run America did they steal it? and who helped form Israel ONLY JEWS no. Many troops who fought to form Israel were trained by Polish officers its in Microcosm by Norman Davies (most recent version i could find) Well I do agree you shouldn't be imprisoned for research no matter how idiotic.

for the future lets learn from the negative qualites in jews... lets better ourselves

I think I'm going to puke please tell me your not Polish
29 May 2007
News / Tinky Winky from tellytubbies outed in Poland [145]

try to turn straight men into gays

How does one "turn" gay? do you wake up and say hmm I think I'll be gay today!
You either are or you're not one doesn't just become gay. No matter how pretty the man if you arent gay he can't magically make you gay you gotta want to.

See all anti Jew anti gay all night and the stereotype goes on thanks for making me proud to be Polish
29 May 2007
History / Jews...and their Polish experience [520]

not everything is about money and power.

and you should help anyone and everyone

and how does being anti-semetic help anyone?
My point was You and Southern make it seem like only jews hunger for money and power.
29 May 2007
News / Tinky Winky from tellytubbies outed in Poland [145]

If they approach you they see something that invited them Southern.
I was an actor for 10 years pal I know all about how they work, once they know I don't fly that way they leave me alone. You should be flattered they like you.
29 May 2007
News / Tinky Winky from tellytubbies outed in Poland [145]

New York, Los Angeles. Blatant I would say but if your not gay why the big deal?
and yeah it is a little flattering a little creepy too but I am comfortable with my sexuality so no harm no foul.
crap its late I gotta go the baby will be up at six.
30 May 2007
Life / What do Polish people think about Americans living in Poland? [48]

I can tell you what I feel They think though, I teach english so I know a lot of people some students love my classes some think thay are ok a few I am sure think I am an Idiot. But I have had no negative experiences with people because I was american They usually ask" What the hell are you living here for" and often"Poland sucks go back to america."

They love that I am interested in polish history and cannot get enough of me when I speak Polish they say i sound like a baby and occaisionally the words I string together have caused non-stop laughter. The trick is you must be yourself, yes i am more animated and a little too forward at times as is an Americans nature to make people feel at ease. you will be fine. There is a guy Freebird on this site he has a school somewhere near you. You can e-mail him just sear for freebird you'll find him.

sear I mean search
30 May 2007
Life / What do Polish people think about Americans living in Poland? [48]

freebird is American forgot to say.

oops sorry long day well then freebird should be easy to find.
i wish I could go to the party but I will be visiting the USA in July maybe when I return in Sept. I hear its beautiful up ther. i live down south in Katowice.
31 May 2007
News / Tinky Winky from tellytubbies outed in Poland [145]

You know it this same BS we get everywhere with gays, same arguments, they do not hold water and are not true, just a bunch of people who want what they do as acceptable as normal

Well God-boy read the news from all over the world Poland is the laughing stock because of its backward and old fashioned ways. By the way thanks for being so condescending. I have two kids so I have had some practice and every time someone has sex its for procreation? You are dreaming if you believe that. Didn't Jesus say love your brother or at least preach love of all? its not very christian of you to pick and choose, and judge not lest you be judged and don't quote Leviticus at me punk because it also says slavery is OK. As well as mudering philistines and other rot.

Finally ask your local Priest where he puts his outy, I'm sure the altar boy knows.
31 May 2007
History / Jews...and their Polish experience [520]

Grzegorz if you included the next sentence in your quote I think that was the point she was making

What people living near there could do ? Call the police ?

The fact that the camp was there making sense, with this camp there, the polish people could see what will happened to them too if they help Jews and in this way to prevent it.
I don't think I would risk my life and my beloved people life's in order to save a stranger's life. I think I can understand the polish people that done nothing.

1 Jun 2007
News / Tinky Winky from tellytubbies outed in Poland [145]

Adilski I will take your point to heart, you are right. Formal apaology for "god-boy" and "punk" to Mr. Casula. It was a knee-jerk reaction to a very condescending post.

But the meat of the comments stand. I will strive to express myself in a less abusive tone but I can't promise anything.
1 Jun 2007
History / What has Poland contributed to the Western civilisation? [69]

didn't Josef Pilsudski stopr the Bolshevik army at Warsaw in 1920, preventing Commu-
nism from overunning all of Eastern Europe at that time

You bet he did ! Viva Pilsudski
And it pisses me off there is a huge statue of Joe in Katowice with a spot for an eternal flame and it is never lit!! Pilsudski looked like he could put his head through a brick wall without batting an eyelash wouldn't mess with him on a bet.