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Looking for English Language schools in Katowice [48]
They paid me 40 pln an hour. Took my money isn't exactly accurate but its like this:
I had an agreement for one year where they paid ZUS (Polish health insurance) Then they didn't renew it. They wanted me to form my own "company" so I would pay ZUS this is a very common practice saves the school a ton of money.
Then I worked black and was taxed at a higher rate than I would normally and I would also have to find my boss and somedays he wouldn't be there with my pay.
It wasn't a lot of money but after 6 mos it adds up. I then found a better job at Empik but Top is a good place to start as you can learn how to teach and also the prep. time is almost zero so if you go to Poland for some fun Callan schools are good, but boring after a while. I just have bad feelings for the Katowice Top English School.