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From: mexico
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7 May 2009
UK, Ireland / Getting married to a Polish Citizen in the UK [371]

hi evrybody please i need your hellp

im mexican i live at new york for 4 years

i met a polish girl 3 year ago we lived toguether all this time
but now she moved to uk i tried ti go whit her but we dont know how
she thinks if she gets married with me i have to live a least a year at poland
for me is not problem but for her it is because i dont speak any polish and she says how i gonna survive there all the time i kidding whith her and i sais a least i know how to say give money, give me water, im hungry you know the basic she leaved last may 4

and i miss her so much im so sad all days she is calling me to cheer me up but is not the same.

she went to uk because she thinks is gonna be better life over there and i believed her

for that i decide to go after her i dont care leave evrything i just want to be with her please i need somebody to help me to find out any way to we can married and we can lived together at uk please please.