6 May 2009
Language / dostawać/dostać vs dostawać się/dostać się [3]
the reason is that you have few meanings of that word.
1. dostawać się/dostać się is more like "to get in" or "to land". its like you manged to get to a place.
eg. Dostał się do więzienia. He has landed in jail.
or Dostał się do autobusu. He has manged to get inside the bus.
or Jak się tu dostałeś? How did you get here?
2 dostawać/dostać is more like "to get" but in a meaning "to receive"
Dostałam buziaka. I have recieved a kiss.
when you have a verb + się it stays in polish for a reflexive verb (if i'm not wrong about english word haha ;).
3. in slang dostać it also means that somebody has shoot you or that you have been beaten
hmm... hope I was clear enough ;)
the reason is that you have few meanings of that word.
1. dostawać się/dostać się is more like "to get in" or "to land". its like you manged to get to a place.
eg. Dostał się do więzienia. He has landed in jail.
or Dostał się do autobusu. He has manged to get inside the bus.
or Jak się tu dostałeś? How did you get here?
2 dostawać/dostać is more like "to get" but in a meaning "to receive"
Dostałam buziaka. I have recieved a kiss.
when you have a verb + się it stays in polish for a reflexive verb (if i'm not wrong about english word haha ;).
3. in slang dostać it also means that somebody has shoot you or that you have been beaten
hmm... hope I was clear enough ;)