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Joined: 28 Apr 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 9 Feb 2010
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Posts: Total: 829 / In This Archive: 509
From: US, California
Speaks Polish?: no
Interests: naps.. boobs.. moms who don't play hockey.

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2 Dec 2009
Life / What Do Poles think of Finns? [50]

but I do believe guns are bad for people.

When citizens can arm themselves maybe certain things don't happen.. like the Holocaust, Communist take overs, for example :-))))
2 Dec 2009
USA, Canada / Thinking of relocating to Boston from NYC [9]

I was reading recently that if you make $50,000 a year in Chicago you would need to make $100,000 just to live the same way in NY. Now that... is nuts.
28 Nov 2009
News / What is a Polish Nationalist? [47]

Scrappleton, most of the jobs the legal Mexicans have are the ones cleaning motel rooms, picking vegetables, working at McDonalds, restaraunt ownership/working in a restaraunt.

Those jobs should be going to our college kids, highschool kids who always filled them before. LOOK, WE DON'T HAVE JOBS HERE ANYMORE.. PICK UP A NEWSPAPER. WE CAN'T AFFORD IMMIGRATION ANY MORE. These immigrants have kids here and demand benefits.. demand housing.. start drug gangs. This isn't the 1990's any more.

I don't know if you're being argumentative but if your not your naivete is astounding.
28 Nov 2009
News / What is a Polish Nationalist? [47]

we share a continent
Should they be denied living here? After all, we share a continent. What about Canadians? Should they be denied lving here because they are simply Canadian?

Yes they should be denied living here. Do you have any idea the burden 20 million addl Mexicans will put on the American economy? This directly effects YOU.. You're own job prospects. There are scarcely any jobs for the people who were born here. Here's an idea why don't Mexicans stop being baby making machines and re-invest in their OWN people instead of pawning them off to their neighbors to the north. This isn't Candyland, it's real life..

Share a continent, lol. Neither Europe or the US can afford these hippy dippy sentiments. Those times are over. This is like walking around on a winter's day seeing someone without a coat, giving them your coat.. 3 days later you die of pneumonia. :- S
28 Nov 2009
History / The Poms who stood by the Poles in WW2 [156]

For me, the best voice in rap (Nate Dogg)

.. there's a true reason to hate the US. I feel like taking a screwdriver to my ear when I hear rap.

Not gonna happen. The latest from the Moron Report is that we are in til 2025.

Nahh.. GB's there another 3 years tops. It's too expensive and waste for the rest of NATO. Nobody would fault you if you wanted out. Remember, this isn't a clear cut winnable war with concessions etc... it's more about containment and basically disrupting cells.. it's not perfect, but it's better than sitting around. That's the way the US sees it.
28 Nov 2009
History / The Poms who stood by the Poles in WW2 [156]

Let's just face it, Scrappy, the UK and US are pathetic warmongers.

Well, we're both pretty much broke and nothing stops the warmongering like no money. Obama is being told by his own party he will have to raise some tax to pay for 40,000 addlt troops he wants put into Afghan. A surge worked in Iraq for the most part, this might actually be effective. Here again, if I was G. Britain, I'd just leave now. You'll at least save face with the EU.

However, the taliban aren't an army per se.. all this talk about you got defeated and humiliated, blah blah.. Excuse me? These dizzy bastards pop in an out of caves like a gopher does his hole. They look the same as the rest of the population. <<shrugs>> what do you expect? They're still stuck in the 14th century mentally. How would one even measure success there?

Yes lot's of French civilian casualties.. however Eastern front had around 13 million civilians killed. But yeah, sure the US will pay for those sins eventually, it all comes around eventually. That's why so many are preaching isolationism now.
28 Nov 2009
History / The Poms who stood by the Poles in WW2 [156]

Yet one more nationality that helped out but he lapped up the accolades.

Well sure, he was a british blueblood, born priviledged into that ridiculous stratified society of yours. You want to fix things (after immigration of course) get rid of that peerage bullsh.t once and for all. It's stupid and anachronistic beyond belief.
28 Nov 2009
History / The Poms who stood by the Poles in WW2 [156]

Without Scotland and Poland (and the US, of course), that fat buffoon would have been stuck. Many of his best pilots were from those 2 countries

I read recently that a lot of RAF aces were actually Canadian.
28 Nov 2009
History / The Poms who stood by the Poles in WW2 [156]

Churchill was a fu**ing war criminal who should've been executed for Gallipoli during WW1.

Hmm damn good movie that one. Okay why do you say that about fat boy?
28 Nov 2009
History / The Poms who stood by the Poles in WW2 [156]

Well, as they discovered, our RAF had a good deal of bite.

Churchill put a good bite on our wallets. Drunk old blueblood should have used his own money.
28 Nov 2009
History / The Poms who stood by the Poles in WW2 [156]

They came in after substantial weakening of their resolve.

Their resolve to shell the UK wasn't that much diminished.

Payments bring debts with them and debts take different forms ;)

Per your own admission, ecomomics is not your strong suit. Internet "Theories" yes, that is where you shine.
27 Nov 2009
History / The Poms who stood by the Poles in WW2 [156]

America did what many great predators do, wait for a timely movement to make their move.

Bullsh.t.. typical sensationlism from Lord Peanus. Predators don't loan money to wrecked economys.
27 Nov 2009
History / The Poms who stood by the Poles in WW2 [156]

Well who's fault is that?? Europeans try to commit suicide <<AGAIN>> and yes somebody took advantage of it. However , it was not an easy sell to the American public by any stretch of the imagination. Besides we were asked for help, not the other way around.
27 Nov 2009
History / The Poms who stood by the Poles in WW2 [156]

Can you remind me of the date on which the USA declared war on Nazi Germany?

Somebody needs to remind you that Nazi Germany declared war on the US.. not the other way around. I've said this once I've said this 1200 times. Hitler was Europe's and Russia's problem. Not the Yankee. The Yankee was not in direct danger from Hitler. How often do I hear some dippy European shrieking at the top of their lungs, "Well the US was late, well the US didn't do enough.. bla blah.." YOU'RE LUCKY THE US ENTERED THE DAMN THING TO BEGIN WITH! Roosevelt had to fight the Republicans tooth and nail just to get Lend Lease off the ground. For Chrissakes, you let Hitler come to power in the 1st place!
16 Nov 2009
Life / Prices of Computer Hardware In Poland [8]

Since PL is cheap for just about any Westerner, I was just wondering about the prices of computer stuff like processors, motherboards and so on.

Not sure but I don't think so. Whenever Poles visit the US / Canada they always seem to buy a lot of electronics. It might be cheaper than other EU countries though.
10 Nov 2009
History / 9th November 1989: And the wall came tumbling down [113]

are the military hats of the eastern german guards...

That's a clever racket..Oh yeah, I can see some Yank handing over some bucks for that. Ends up being a bus driver's hat or something.
10 Nov 2009
History / 9th November 1989: And the wall came tumbling down [113]

Well, I was stationed in Germany in the early 90's. All these vendors around base were selling pieces of the supposed 'Wall.' Amazingly, chuckleheads bought these little hunks of spray painted concrete for $5, $10 bucks. Hilarious. Probably came from some construction site in Frankfurt.
8 Nov 2009
News / Poland's place in changing world order? [74]

we like it! But in case of Poland, it would be Judas's kiss.

For all I care, comrade.. all of Europe can give you a smooch.
8 Nov 2009
News / Poland's place in changing world order? [74]

As to the current West ... honestly saing it sucks. I prefere to spend my hollydays in Ukraine or Russia ...

What a surprise that is.. Of course, "the west sold us out" rhetoric won't change. Nobody sold you out and you can't wait to kiss Russian cheeks again. Who in the West doesn't know this?
8 Nov 2009
Work / I'm 19, born in Poland, raised in the U.S. Moving to Poland..or not? [25]

It was acceptable to be Roman Catholic if maybe you were French, but defiantly not Irish, Italian, or Polish etc...

This is true.. My poor grandma got called a Cat licker in hillbilly South Carolina. They even threw rocks at her for being Catholic.
8 Nov 2009

We mature quicker in Scotland ;0 ;)

So do your teeth apparently. Typical British.. slam Americans all the time and then want to be stuck to our shoe. Canucks like you.. we don't as a rule. BTW: "That special relationship" you love to chirp about doesn't really exist.

Ahem.. Ron Jaworski - Polish American quarterback.

8 Nov 2009

was describing QB's, read above. In 1986, he was a major rusher. His overall roundedness secured him a place in the 1987 AFC Pro Bowl. I loved those events, all the top dudes.

You loved these events?? You would have been a toddler.

Yeah Seanus, you know your way around Wiki like a veteran. Congrats. Quarterback sneaks do not a rusher make.

Look, get off this thread.. this is an evil yank thread. Go play tiddly winks with Crow or your own people. Why are you so damned fascinated with America? You're not American!

Grrr.. I can't stand limeys.
8 Nov 2009

Randall Cunningham of the Philadelphia Eagles was a brilliant runner.

You enjoyed watching him while pi.ssing your nappies did you?

John Elway was in a class of his own at the top of his game. A super rusher with great vision.

?? Elway wasn't a rusher at all, man. He was a quarterback, he hardly ever ran with it.

You don't know jack sh.t!
7 Nov 2009
News / If Poland is attacked by Russia will N.A.T.O help defend Poland or not? [171]

It depends how much your society values outsourcing too. Agencies stand to gain from from cutting wages.

makes no sense whatsoever..

It is arms firms that will cash in the most.

Which don't represent the bulk of the middle class, dickhead. BTW: Are you under the belief that only the US engages in arms sales? You are an amateur on these forums. Blah , blah.. congrats on pontificating daily about absolutely nothing.

2. Using derogatory language is strictly prohibited (unless necessary to explain the language's nuances). Posters who use derogatory language towards other users will be banned. This mod gives no quarter.
7 Nov 2009
News / If Poland is attacked by Russia will N.A.T.O help defend Poland or not? [171]

but, you would soon found that high standard of living in USA depended from killing a lot of innocent people all arround the globe by USA troops.

No Vietnam, the balkans, Iraq.. cost money.. they don't really make money for the general public at all. The middle classes have to pay for it but get nothing... they don't create jobs whatsoever.
7 Nov 2009

They want to erect a statue of him in from of Solider Field the only problem is that the only statues or plaques allowed are of war veterans only.

Payton went to war every Sunday ;- ) Maybe something in Grant Park?