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Joined: 22 Mar 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 2 May 2009
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Posts: Total: 75 / In This Archive: 61
From: USA,upstate NY
Speaks Polish?: no
Interests: science,medicine

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2 May 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

You have your low lifes . But that is everywhere. David Duke embraces all whites. He said himself that perhaps no other people resisted Bolsheviks and special interests than the Hungarians. A people that have no connection with WASPs. Many of us embrace all whites.

You need to stop have preconceptions of us. I get into little fights sometimes with some stupid so called WNs, but that is rare. You should not have a problem because you are from central europe. Italians and Spaniards sometimes have it hard, even if their skin is white as snow. Like I said only a few idiots make an issue. Most are educated and not ignorant.
2 May 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

I am not a Wasp and I am WN. I know at least two WNs living in Poland. I know WNs from all over. We are not all stupid. I know that most Poles are not jews. Poland only has 3200 jews now. There are many polish american WNs.

Hateful I thought you were a liberal. Why the change of heart?
1 May 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

Many WN'sts just want to secure a future for our people. That is basically it. We resist multiculturalism because it is blatantly obvious that it is a damaging phenomena for eveyone.

We are losing jobs in Europe and the U.S. to a corrupt administration. White births are below replacement level, while 40% of the population in the world is asian, even African births are above replacement level. Frankly we are slowly dieing out.

Hateful you make yourself look less intelligent by the post. I'm not even sure if your statement is worth addressing. Many of us are well educated. There are notable WNs with Phds, David Duke, William Pierce, Don Black etc. I don't know if Don Black has a phd per se. But you get the picture.

David Duke just had a book tour in Hungary and the Czech Republic. Many of us in Europe are waking up. Hopefully it will not be too late.

If you have a shred of common sense, WN is the only sensible choice for any white person. If you are not WN, you are simply taking part in the destruction of our people by doing nothing. It is however an umbrella term as many of us have differing accessory beliefs, but in the core, we believe in preservation of our race, perhaps even preservation of diversity on a world wide scale. We know that we are entitled to our own lands. And we don't take part in miscegenation.

But isn't culture a manifestation of the organism? The genetics produce the culture.

This is true. Genetics has culture on a leash. Many biologists believe this. You can theorize about environment having a say in cultural formation also human interactions. But the question remains, who formed the first culture and how? Perhaps each are us are predisposed to act a certain way, intelligence, and social interactions because of our ancestral evolutionary paths.

Sameness I suggest you get in touch with some other WNs. I can help you. No personal information is needed. I don't give out my info either. I have yet to meet anyone else in person, but I plan on going to one of those big local meetings in the near future. I hear that they are cool, mostly cultural celebrations, a few lectures, etc.
26 Apr 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

I don't see what is so hard to understand. These false diversity ideals are already leading toward our downfall as a race.

People support diversity, but support miscegenation? What? You enjoy different people, but support race mixing? Another PC paradox.

They enjoy different cultures, but support the unnatural process of third world immigration, which dilutes the native European culture and blood. Have you seen what the turks have done to Germany? How many hookah bars, kebab shops, have you seen there?

This PC phenomena is the most blatant anti white force on this planet. Right now in my country, a white man was shot in the chest by a black man. The man was asked if he was racist, he said no. He was shot for wearing the confederate flag. The black man is only charged with aggravated assault and possession of an illegal firearm!!? He should be charged with attempted murder + hate crime as well.

For heaven's sake, third worlders need to stop having sex and start building up their countries! ries. I swear they are a bunch of retarded rabbits.

But alas, whitey is always the bad guy.

Also here is an interesting fact. According to the Tuskegee institute, 1 out of 4 people "lynched" in the history of this country were white, and less than 4000 people were lynched, which puts it far below the number of people murdered every year in this country by blacks. Lynching has become a PC propaganda talking point and most of the people who use it as a talking point have no grasp of the real numbers.
23 Apr 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

We aren't ignorant.

Anyone with common sense can see that whites do not benefit at all from diversity. America has rich culture because it's European immigrants actually have a culture.

Just face it, I'm right. All the evidence is not in your favor. You antis rely on personal fallacious anecdotes and media bullcrap. No substance at all.

And yes, Krakow has many swamp rats peddling their cheaply made garbage. I'm sure your asian friend will blend right in.

How are blacks excellent musicians? The pinacle of their music is just degenerate rap and hip hop. The athlete myth is a joke. They dominate professional basketball and football because the owners choose to higher blacks. Which does not make sense because they represent a minority. I believe that this is purposeful indoctrination of the white majority.

Most white Americans gather every strand of information from the television, and broadcasting negroe super heroes, furthers this multi cultural agenda.
22 Apr 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

I guess I am preaching to the crickets. Well Poland will wake up soon enough. There are many nationalist groups already.

Hopefully they will wake up soon, and not later like Austria which has too many turks now. Poland's neighbors are getting the picture, so it seems.
21 Apr 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

You are not even able to express your thoughts.

Really? How so? What minorities? Asians? North east Asians have a rich historical and cultural heritage spanning thousands of years. Black Americans have no unique language or traditions. Black history is a speck on the time line. Aside from fried chicken, water melon, grits, hip hop, I see no real culture. Nothing unique anyway. Just remnants of European culture that you guys molested and called "black". Your so called black inventions are even a lie. I proved this before. I never said non whites were all degenerate. I meant third world non-whites are. Pakistanis, Turks, blacks, South East Asians ruin countries that they inhabit. North east Asians, not so much, but they pervert the host European culture nevertheless. The fact is they don't belong in Europe. They belong in their native lands.

What the hell is wrong with you Nathan? Every last paragraph you write is some attempt at being poetic. Popcorn? I hate popcorn. Listen, take the away colonial history, and you guys would still be eating each other, enslaving each other, fashioning dung huts, and basically being the Arab's play things. That's right your people were enslaved by Arabs for 14 centuries.

Listen Poles, don't believe this garbage they spout. They will ruin your country. The fact that they want to live in Poland is proof that they can't fashion a working state of their own. Due to their vast and endless stupidity, third worlders can't seem to muster the common sense to stop having kids and focus on developing infrastructure in their countries of origin. Like the savage retards they are, instead of solving the problem, they put the burden on first world countries like Germany, UK, etc. Which ever country has the most welfare basically.
19 Apr 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

I am a man. I'm a junior in college. Don't call me dear. Non-white culture is degenerate. We are inundated with it 24/7 in the U.S.

If non-whites were so advanced, What happened? What about now? Were they hit with a retardation plague? Because from what I've noticed is that they clamor to enter Europe and the U.S. Yet, they commit the most violent of crimes, petty theft, rape etc. You can't refute this.

You guys are a bunch of trolls seriously. Your arguments are so stupid. You rely on insults, patronization, and just presumptions about myself. You offer no substance, no proof, you just dance around and pick at me.

Africa? North Africa isn't even sub saharan African. They are not black. They are semites.

We don't need multiculturalism. Whites benefit in no way. We just get cheap labor, and less money in our countries. Big industry benefits. Crime rates increases, European culture gets tainted.
19 Apr 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

Your point? We had wars because we could actually fight them. The primitives had no knowledge of science. Instead of bombs and guns, they scalped, raped, and stabbed. These people didn't even have a written language or the wheel. What is so savage about having political disputes?

But we had to show for our transgressions was culture and progress. You can't refute anything I've said. Just admit it.

I never said Europeans were angels, I just thought I'd mention that Indians were not.

You picked on what you perceived as the weakest link in my post, instead of the whole thing. I made some excellent points you can't even touch. So you make this shoddy post about myself being a 5 year old. Go put on your helmet and count your marbles retard.

The savage part may be viewed as a matter of opinion, but we were the first in this continent. However that is a different issue than the one at hand. And I may have gone off topic by mentioning it.
19 Apr 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

Not too many. But you sometimes get those liberal college types that want to rescue Africa. These are a minority though. My friend knew one girl that went to Tanzania, she was found beaten, raped, and dead in the street.

Yes, we did build this country. Cotton picking does not equate "building a country". You were unpaid day laborers. If some poor Mexicans pick grapes all day, are they makers of fine wine? No

And the fact that there are non-whites on this site is proof of their cultural inadequacies. They want to relish in European culture, while ignoring African culture.

The number of non-whites here hounding after polish women is comical.

And in the likely chance a black here tells us that my people stole America from the Native Americans I will say this.

The Native Americans were not the peaceful creatures of the history books. Most were violent, stupid and savage. There are countless stories of tortures and cannibalism. We Europeans were the first to inhabit this continent. Our forebears were here at least 5,000 years before any asiatic native americans. Watch Ice Age Columbus. =view&current=ChitzenItzablondsacrifice.jpg]Solutrean sacrifice current=ChitzenItzablondsacrifice.jpg
18 Apr 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

You can't think of an southern American, redneck, racist, the same as a European.

You are right, however I'm not an uneducated hick. But I do agree with your post. You can't compared idiots that yell N*gger and produce no substance to us.
18 Apr 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

We know many things. I'm not trying to buy slaves. I just think we as whites are entitled to our own lands free from foreign influence.

This is the internet, not an oak tree I can rest under. I'm atheist, no bible either. We don't have guns.

My people don't shoot your people, you guys do a fine job of that yourselves. I am not bitter at all.

On a different note, thanks for your response southern.

Also Arien, we are all products of mutations. But to believe that we are just a cosmetic morph is naive. Mutations aren't exclusively cosmetic or confined to below the neck.
17 Apr 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

Whites have nothing to gain from diversity.

Here is a nice little link about black inventions.
17 Apr 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

Hell, I live with a white man who happens to be Polish. As we start to move toward a country where there is enhanced equality those with closed minds will be in the minority because they will feel as though something is being taken away from them.

Awesome the traffic light. Listen I don't care about Black accomplishments. I really don't care about the peanut butter, the super soaker, or the traffic light. I'm sure there are more, but the fact remains that blacks in sub sahara never passed the stone age in terms of developement. They did not even have a written language.

Honestly, what I do know for a fact is that if slavery or colonization did not happen, you probably would still be in Africa and sold by your father to the wealthiest slack jawed bushman for the price of two cattle.

But thats a different issue. The fact is the rest of the world is infecting primarily western europe and the United States. It is a fact that parts of Paris are not safe because of African immigrants and Muslims. Anyone can tell you the turks are a problem in Germany.

It is a fact that whites are encouraged to race mix by the media. It is a fact that black culture is the most vile filth to ever grace the television screen. What was traditional European dance and music has largely been replaced by grinding and rap. It's gross to see little kids humping each other to little john.

As far as being from a village. Yes racism is natural. We did not need diversity then and we don't need it now.

Gee, I wonder what Leornardo Da Vinci would of accomplished if his neighbors were Patel, Akmed, Jamal, and Jun Wang?

The places with the highest crime rates are places with high diversity that is a fact.

And there is nothing wrong with dating someone of the same race. There is no inbreeding. Hateful you are a retard who has no understanding of biology or genetics if you think this. Whites have been seperate from Blacks and other races for 60,000-80,000 years. If we were inbred, we would of died out long before the last ice age.

Just another pathetic excuse to convince us to forfeit our blood.

Why is it that Moldova, one of the poorest countries in Europe, has lower crime rate than the U.S.? Maybe it's because of the low diversity.

Yea Europe did colonize some countries, rather founded nations. Rhodesia was a great nation ruined when it became Zimbabwe. So? your point? A brief period of colonization grants the right for immigration? If they are so opposed to us, why do they come live here?
15 Apr 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

Yes, all those tyler perry movies focus on wealthy blacks. Family Matters, Fresh Prince of Bel Air. Stop complaining.

Yes whites are. If we were not indoctrinated by the education system and the media, there would be no reason for us to allow coloured people to immigrate here and the rest of Europe.

From a behavioral standpoint and sociological/cultural standpoint; there is nothing more natural than ethnocentrism and not associating with foreign people.

If there is anything unnatural in this world, it is placing people from all over to world to live in one country. This is like some sick reality show.

It's amazing how only whites are expected to embrace multiculturalism.
14 Apr 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

Think. Think of who is the easiest target and the generation of fear. Think for yourself...not what you were taught or biased...think.

That's nice. However I don't believe the media doesn't make your people out to be scape goats. Many blacks do a fine job of doing that themselves.

Are you serious? We are taught to be tolerant, incredibly tolerant in the United States. Many times I have seen a successful white girl dating a degenerate black hood rat .

Black men are portrayed as exotic by the media. They are people that can dance, play sports, make music etc. Why are all our professional NBA players black? This is only a recent phenomenon. Yet, they often get beaten by European teams, during exhibition games, "majority white players".

I'm going to pretend for a minute that you are not a troll. If you have any fraction of intelligence and granted you do watch t.v., and have attended school, you will know for a fact that whites are indoctrinated to accept foreigners into their misguided hearts.
14 Apr 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

There r bare racist ppl on this thread!
Ouch! Big ouch!

Then who is in power then according to you? Obama? Black people?

Are you just another naive sheep who actually believes Obama has your best interests at heart?
13 Apr 2009
Love / I can't trust Polish women any longer - where to meet a foreign girl? [123]

Stop thinking so much and just go out and talk to people. Just talk, no pick up lines, just talk. Talk about anything.

Don't obsess over dating foreign. There are many idiots/players of both genders in the states and everywhere else.

By the way, I'm 20 and I've never had a serious girlfriend. Its no big deal. You are so young. Keep getting help learn to love yourself.
12 Apr 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

What? That black is getting paid. She is not a slave. If a white works minimum wage I guess he or she is a slave too? Oh right no. Lets all feel sory for the black with a job.
12 Apr 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

The world belongs to us, the human species and to other species we share it with. It's time for everyone to do their part and start treating the world like an equal. In this new world "slaves" are obsolete. There are no longer any "slaves". We all work together for the good of mankind and we all get paid for the work that we do.

Hateful you are a living joke. Your multicultural psycho babble is a large steaming pile. There is a plethura of evidence against your stand point. Crime statistics, common sense, evolution, cultural differences, history, university studies, behavioral studies. You and your contemporaries have been discredited time and time again everday.

The only reason people like you continue to vomit these lies is because of your media and educational indoctrination.
6 Apr 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

I totally agree. Did you know that males account for 94% of the prison population of Great Britain. Animals the lot of them. I'd go as far as saying that British jails are like "Club Med" for men. Kick them all out of Britain I say...

Who's with me?

What kind of men?
6 Apr 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

Crime statistics don't lie and prison statistics. I guess all the muslims and africans in french jails are just on holiday. After all French jails are like Club Med for minorities.
26 Mar 2009
Love / How can a black man get a Polish women [248]

This does not change anything. The conflict was still in part sparked by immigration. Anyway history can be disbuted but certain facts remain intact and undisputable. There is no dispute that the U.S. invaded Iraq for example.
26 Mar 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

Yes, and your race is the same as arabs and those living in the middle east :)
Blacks and Asians aren't same race as you but Arabs sure are :D

Have a nice night!!!

No, Arabs have distinct genetic markes. J (Y-DNA) is the marker most carry on the paternal line. It is most prevelant in Saudi Arabia and is prevelent in smaller concentrations in the outer middle east.
26 Mar 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

Alright, now you're just recreationally abusing the meds the doctor gave you for pain! You have to be healed by now! Lol..

Randal we should talk off this website. It seems we agree on many things. We could talk with other people with similar views.