History /
Ancient Polish History thread [180]
Hello Crow,
I notice that you have made reference to the rig-veda manuscripts in your articles #190. This tells me that you are obviously well educated or, just deep
into history, as i am. Have you noticed that one of the dieties in rig-veda is promoted as being the man called Noah who had three sons according the biblical scripts. In my country a man called Walter Bower who lived on an island situated on the Forth river spent his whole life devoted to history and the translation of ancient manuscripts. He was in the service of Rome so as you can imagine he was a holy man. He died in the late 14th century but, left a remarkable work called the SCOTTICRONICON which is based on scriptures that go way back before the Celts. I suggest you read about Noah and his 4th son then see if you can find the connection to Poland and where he says it began for us all. It is a trully fascinating piece of work based on the "CORPUS CRISTI MANUSCRIPT" now held in Oxford University.