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Joined: 5 Nov 2008 / Female ♀
Last Post: 27 May 2009
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6 Feb 2009
News / Israeli youths misbehave in Poland ceremony score [47]

Let's face it, till far after the end of WWII most people didn't like Jews! And most still don't but PC-rule makes them hide it better!

I am not trying to be PC. I never said people are not bigoted. I think most people are bigoted, at least a little. That's part of the human condition...but you have to respect universal human rights. I am not typing this just to appear PC.

For instance, there is one race I am not attracted to at all and can not seeing myself ever marrying into, I won't say which race it is. Even though that's the case, I don't hate them as a race or deny them the same rights I have. I don't think they should be denied anything based on their race.
10 Feb 2009
News / Polish engineer beheaded in Pakistan. [347]

The British are always apologists for these pigs

what a surprise...the british.

Now you see how fucked up these terrorists are and why Israelis want to dump the pigs into the ocean.
11 Feb 2009
News / "We buy out Poland, Hungary, and Romania!" - the President of Israel [74]

Another jewish paranoia thread? Can we not live together, peacefully, respect each other's culture? There is not ONE human civilization on this planet that is exclusive and is not influenced by many cultures.

If you are going to be so afraid of other cultures you might as well abandon catholicism because that is NOT polish. It did not start in Poland, it started in JERUSALEM. So you might as well become paranoid and abandon it as well because it's not "Polish" right?
11 Feb 2009
News / Polish engineer beheaded in Pakistan. [347]

I thought it over and my wise crack about the british was out of line and uncalled for. Like in the US, people from Pakistan are free to visit our countries and when they visit they are treated a hell of A LOT better in US and Britain than foreigners are treated when they are guests in Pakistan.
11 Feb 2009
News / Polish engineer beheaded in Pakistan. [347]

Well, I don't hate anyone but many Brits do hate the American administration. However, I think they hate Blair more for getting into bed with Bush in the first place. He sold us off down the river. I don't like what Britain represented.

I think everyone, including us Americans, was waiting
the Bush adminstration out. I think I heard only Nixon was more unpopular. As Americans, we were stuck between a rock and a hard place. We had to keep Bush because if we didn't vote him back in, it would look like weakness to our enemies since we were attacked on 9/11. We had to wait it out. Bush became this lame duck and very unpopular. Everywhere.
11 Feb 2009
News / Polish engineer beheaded in Pakistan. [347]

Bush was pretty friendly to the Israelis. They wouldn't have those expensive bunker busters otherwise. I wouldn't be too surprised if you didn't pull the lever for him.

I think he did a good thing there but it's important for the US president to be more liked internationally, IMO.
11 Feb 2009
News / Polish engineer beheaded in Pakistan. [347]

Unlike some on this forum, I do not buy the myth that Israel is the root of all problems in the world, I do not blame them for 9/11, the blame is on the pigs who hijacked the planes and the crazy fundies who create them based on stereotypes, paranoias, myths and lies. You are buying into it, Wahldo, I am not. The world would be much better off if people would stop believing the fallacies.
11 Feb 2009
News / Polish engineer beheaded in Pakistan. [347]

Most of them were goys.

Wahldo, what part of the US are you from? Don't you know NYC has more jews than Tel Aviv? They targeted WTC because they thought it represented ZOG rampant materialism.
11 Feb 2009
News / Polish engineer beheaded in Pakistan. [347]

That's what was said in the media after 9/11. The targets were chosen for reasons. They were meant to be symbolic to the world.
11 Feb 2009
News / Polish engineer beheaded in Pakistan. [347]

well yeah because WTC is the center for drum roll please world trade and they associate it with zionism for some reason.
11 Feb 2009
News / Polish engineer beheaded in Pakistan. [347]

Hello, it is not an excuse to hate innocent pakistanis who are in countries wanting to help out and be a part of a civilized society. That is the difference.

I read a lot of whining on this forum concerning the bad deal the Palestinians get. Well, WHY is it you think they get that bad deal????

And when they pull this kind of crap (and they do the same sort of thing when given the chance, same tactics as Taliban and other al queda inspired/trained groups, blowing people up, kidnapping of innocent foreigners who are only there to help their crappy little countries, make them better places to live) and there is retaliation from countries like Israel and the US, the countries that retaliate against them are labeled war mongerers or nazis. It's nothing but a bunch of BS.

How many Pakistanis come to the US, contribute, own businesses, pay taxes, participate in society and government in the US? NONE of them have to put up with this crap from Americans, they do NOT get treated like this when they come here. Americans do not kidnap them off the street, put them on television make them recite some BS and then execute them in the most barbaric of ways. DON'T YOU DARE SCAPEGOAT!!!!
11 Feb 2009
News / Polish engineer beheaded in Pakistan. [347]

The Dancing Israelis, wanna see it?

I don't see the connection between that and the Mossad. That, alone is not proof the Mossad was in on 9/11.
The question I have for you, Seanus, is: if the Mossad was in on it why is the US allies with Israel? Do you honestly believe the US would be allies with Israel after that?

As far as people around the world celebrating after 9/11, all I can say is what country takes in so many people from around the world, lets them participate in society, own businesses, protects them, includes them in the political process, lets them own properties? It's the US. And yet there are people who want to celebrate when terrorists do a hit and kill thousands? They hate the US because here we don't kidnap random people off the street, innocent people who do nothing and cut their heads off. For that we are hated.
11 Feb 2009
News / Polish engineer beheaded in Pakistan. [347]

Well, nrx, all I can say is fuck pakistan. Do you know if he would have come to America not only would he be alive today he would have a really good salary, respect as an expert in his field, probably a pretty nice home in a decent neighborhood.
11 Feb 2009
News / Polish engineer beheaded in Pakistan. [347]

Why were so many Jews warned not to work on that day? Why did certain Jewish

I don't know the specifics, but wasn't it close to Rosh Hashana? That might be it. A holiday. I just don't buy into the conspiracy theories. Let me tell you, where i live there are many conspiracy theories surrounding certain events I won't go into vivid detail about what they are. I am so fed up with conspiracy theories. They don't seem plausible. We had a grand jury here wasting tax dollars diving into someone's conspiracy theory sifting through mounds of evidence and after it was all over guess what? They reached the EXACT CONCLUSION that was reached previously. In certain cases, yes, a grand jury might be needed to investigate botched trials but these high profile cases are picked over so thoroughly I doubt there is much need for an investigation.
11 Feb 2009
News / Polish engineer beheaded in Pakistan. [347]

Well no comments. Like many, you probably also blame the whole population of 170 million for the acts of few. I am used to that now.

I don't blame the entire population.
12 Feb 2009
News / Polish engineer beheaded in Pakistan. [347]

Your governments have created such an environment of fear to legitimize their wars that this becomes a natural reaction.

This is ridiculous. If terrorists had never flown planes into buildings there wouldn't be this "environment". The last things Americans want to do is go into another country filled with head strong fundies and fight a war with them. What Americans want is to buy stuff, own stuff, eat lots of food, watch television, go to the occasional dinner party, movie, or out to a bar.

The governments do not create the fear. I don't believe for one second the US government had anything to do with 9/11. It was sloppiness. People were in this country that really shouldn't be here. They slipped through the cracks and because of American inattention they were able to hijack and pull off 9/11.

What I wonder, is, what do they want to accomplish? What is the point of it? I don't think it matters. That is what I don't understand about terrorists. They want to cause more problems on top of the problems that already exist. They don't want constructive, peaceful resolutions. They set themselves up by thinking they can get away with terrorism when it's so obvious it's going to make everything worse, not better.
12 Feb 2009
News / Polish engineer beheaded in Pakistan. [347]

you need to sit down and read up on this then. this is the main issue why america is pretty much hated around the globe. find out why because continuing being ignorant about this isn't going to get anyone anywhere.

What? I am the ignorant one? Wrong. I am the last person on this forum, probably, who would ever invade another country or terrorize. Why can't everyone be like me?
12 Feb 2009
News / Polish engineer beheaded in Pakistan. [347]

I don't support terrorism or invading other countries. If someone attacks your country I believe the one being attacked has the right to defend themselves and the one doing the attacking should be stopped.

This is why I question the wisdom of the US going into Iraq.
If you are refering to Israel, I have no problem with that country. One thing that anyone can figure out just using common sense: jews cannot possibly control the world. Think about China. How are jews in Israel going to control China? It's impossible! What about Russia? Where's common sense?

As for exploring the issue, it really is pointless because no one is going to be swayed by my opinions on it. They are hellbent on destroying one another they are not going to listen to me. It's up to governments to stablize populations.
12 Feb 2009
News / Polish engineer beheaded in Pakistan. [347]

You must put some of the responsibility on the people ruling the countries in the middle east. One problem is: we all want to scapegoat one another. We want to say: these people did it...those people over there they are to blame.

You have to take responsibility for how you contribute to your own problems. If your government is a crappy, corrupt one, YOU have to admit that. YOU cannot blame the world for it or anyone else.

Like, for instance, people want to blame US or infidels for terrorism. Think about it. What if suddenly every radical banded together and said "You know this isn't working for us. We are ready to be moderate, to cooperate, to work for the betterment of our people and the human race. We want a better future. We don't want any more random killings or destruction. We have decided to stop." What would happen then?

Do you know that if the Taliban were limited to ruling Afghanistan and not training terrorists to go out and kill people no one would care?
12 Feb 2009
News / Polish engineer beheaded in Pakistan. [347]

if you vote, you ought to know how you want the gov to represent you. US has not been dealing with the greater middle east properly. imho.

plk, how do you think the US should deal with the middle east? Do you know, in Saudi Arabia, a convicted terrorist found guilty is beheaded? Should the US be more like the Saudis?

Did you see the guy who threw the shoe at President Bush in Iraq? Do you know he was beaten up by the Iraqi cops, suffered some broken ribs?
12 Feb 2009
News / Polish engineer beheaded in Pakistan. [347]

I feel your sentiments here, Seanus, but while there are likely many terrorists who got their indoctrination from Saudi originated sources, and some may themselves be Saudi, the Saudi government is officially against the terrorists, even if it does not seem they are wholeheartedly into it

Part of the semetic culture is martyrdom. Christianity orginates in the semetics and has many martyrs as well.
Key components to semetic culture:
devotion to God
strict adherence to the law
12 Feb 2009
News / Polish engineer beheaded in Pakistan. [347]

Then you have a lot to learn about this subject. I advise you to look up what the criteria for the Catholic to become martyr is.

If you are a catholic you cannot reject semetic culture. My friend, it is a huge part of being a catholic. IT IS THE ROOTS OF CATHOLICISM.

These early martyrs were not much different from modern islamic martyrs. It's a part of the culture.
12 Feb 2009
News / Polish engineer beheaded in Pakistan. [347]

Like I said go and read up on the subject, only the name “martyr” is the same, hence your confusion.

I still think it's part of the culture. What other cultures have so many martyrs, for whatever reason? It's hard to put into words. I believe martyrdom is part of the overall semetic culture. This feeling of martyrdom...regardless of why the person is martyred or the circumstances surrounding it. The end result is the same. A sense of martydom exists. My death is not in vain I have suffered and died for something much greater than my small, petty life both my life and death will be significant to my people. Doesn't matter if the sentiment is there before or posthumously.
12 Feb 2009
News / Polish engineer beheaded in Pakistan. [347]

It's not my own set of beliefs, it's history. Did you know that in Judiasm there are many messiahs? It is also a part of the culture, this sense of the messiah, which Jesus Christ was, of course. The idea being the messiah will embody God and save my people. Jesus as the messiah showed everyone that we can all be saved by the same God through Him.
12 Feb 2009
News / "We buy out Poland, Hungary, and Romania!" - the President of Israel [74]

Joe, if you really want to get in touch with your Christian roots I suggest you book the next flight to Israel and take a tour and see the real Christianity like thousands of Christians have done. You will get a better appreciation. The Church of the Holy Sepulchre, known as the Church of the Resurrection (Anastasis) is a good place for you to start.
12 Feb 2009
News / Polish engineer beheaded in Pakistan. [347]

Maybe he wants to help out? Gets paid good money? Wants to make a difference in the world? Has the qualifications? Do not put the blame on him.

Poland, as a member of NATO would be obligated to send troops to Afghanistan, no?
13 Feb 2009
News / "We buy out Poland, Hungary, and Romania!" - the President of Israel [74]

We will both go, and the television documentary will be titled 'A Polish Journey for Peace to the Holy Land'.

It's a great idea, Joe!
But first I want to mention something about one of your posts. You mentioned jewish bankers and how they benefited from the bailout. But you did not mention all the others who also benefited. Yes, it's a mess but you have to look at the entire picture. One thing you have to keep in mind, 9/11. It dealt a tremendous blow to the US. Right after it happened, naive person that I am, even I knew that it was going to fuck things up tremendously sooner or later. Right after it happened people were flocking to the gas stations filling their tanks up because they thought there would be huge gas shortages. Anyone with half a brain knew that gas prices would go up. Question was, how much? President Bush assured people it wouldn't happen but he lied. It happened, just not overnight. There are many factors here. It's not just the fault of "them jewish bankers". They are merely a few of the actors in this play.

Why didn't you mention the rapid rise in the cost of barrels of crude? This kind of thing is what really annoys me and gets me so angry. You blame jews when it's so obvious it's OPEC that has the world by the freakin' balls!!!!

It is incorrect to single jews out and blame them for the entire mess that is, at times, the human race. You have to look at everyone's role, not just ONE ethnic group.
13 Feb 2009
News / "We buy out Poland, Hungary, and Romania!" - the President of Israel [74]


I think his last name had a lot to do with the path he went down. His last name sounds like "Made Off". It was a self fulfilling prophecy, IMO.

I think it would be much more productive to find out what it would be like if NO ONE had to depend on crude oil ever again :)

Let's fund projects that will lower the demand for crude oil, shall we? So we will never have to buy another barrel of it again:D
13 Feb 2009
News / "We buy out Poland, Hungary, and Romania!" - the President of Israel [74]

The video has been removed by Youtube because TOS violation but I checked the link. It's a nice tower and, actually, a good opportunity to get a decent building. Man, if they were building it here no one would complain! That is a moneymaker. Anytime someone wants to build something that is going to mean millions for the local economy it's worth it around here.

The chinese were going to build something here and had to back out because of the economy. It was unfortunate for us.
If Warsaw doesn't want that building, TELL THEM TO COME HERE!! We'll take it. Without hesitation.