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Polish men vs German men: Who is hotter? [513]
It's kind of funny the poles on here are so hateful then again I haven't really expected much from my people. I'm kind of ashamed to be Polish. The Jews moved on and yet us poles are still stuck in 1939!! I guess the Jewish people are better than us Poles.
Well, it's obvious from all the hate and jealous on here that the German women/girls are waaayyy better looking than most Polish girls.
I mean, whats the point of hating an entire group of women because they are a certain race or ethinic group if its not due to their own insecurity??? LOL
I know many of you WISHES you were German, it sooo obvious from all the hate here.. LOL
Also, I am in the military right now and I have been all over Europe and the hottest girls are from Germany.. sorry guys!!
Most Americans dont really know anything about Poland or Polish girls but most of them know a thing or two about Germany and their girls.. most prefer German chicks.
I haven't met any American or any guy for that matter who like Polish girls or think of them as "hot" or even "pretty", that says a lot about polish girls. LOL
Yes, keep dreaming.. maybe one day there will be a top Polish model but for now... GEMRAN CHICK ROCKS! =)
ALSO.. as a pole I'd rather back up Germany than Poland.. it's only because I dislike the Polish government and how they handle things..
No i'm not ignorant, Gisele please, i don't think a girl with a jaw line like Arnold is sexy. I live in eastern PA where there are many German Americans i've been to Hamburg Germany, i saw Germans in Denmark, Finland and most German girls are ugly. A manly face and poping out eye balls is not sexy. As for Polish girls what i've noticed in Poland is that half are hot the other half are ok or ugly, which is much more than German. A girl is supposed to have gentle feminine facial features, like most Polish girls, as for Polish men have u noticed most look younger and have a boyish look? I'm not saying all German girls are ugly, but to say they're pretty it has to be the majority, which in their case it's not. Here are more pics of Polish girls.
You call those girls "pretty"??? Dude, they're AVERAGE looking.. you know what??
Even Russian chicks are better than them.. LOL
Also.. I highly doubt you know or even see most German girls considering the German population in the world is like.. 100 million.. You know.. there's a large German-American population in America??? You probably saw only like 50 people LOL
Plus, I highly doubt you went anywhere since you spend most of your time in your parents basement. LOL
Franka Potente - same thing
Pretty ugly.. almost made me blind. =(
Germany is not a whole Europe... (remember?
But its Germany who the whole of Europe is looking at to save their sorry butts. =)