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Posts by isthatu2  

Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 2,694 / In This Archive: 501
From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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15 Apr 2008
History / Ancient Polish History thread [180]

Reconstruction drawing by Gerry Embleton, showing a Sarmatian in Roman service, based on the Chester stele as well as the 'dog' draco from Trajans Column.

But wait,I thought it was only us false westers that were Romen lackey's? :)
Keep up the posts crow,spot on.
15 Apr 2008
Language / How Many of you love the Polish Language? [79]

Its such an education this forum,keep it up guys,thanks :)
Cant say Ive come across the drink though S',at least,not that I can remember :)

btw S' is it me or does Upierdliwy sound like some sort of drunken Scots insult? :)
15 Apr 2008
Genealogy / Kochan and Mokowo, Poland [14]

Has anyone every heard of Kohan, Poland

Could it be an old shtetl? being as Kohan is a distinctly Yiddish sounding name? If so,well,maybe it just isnt there anymore.
15 Apr 2008
News / Polish Japanese relations (history and present time) [90]

I don't see the reason why we should talk about English occupators robbing and raping Asia who ended in Japanese camps ...

so lets just pish on all the poles who had been occupating lithuania /western belarus etc then sent to stalins camps then eh? your a sick bunny lukasz.If I didnt know you were such a low life when it comes to matters like this I would attempt to educate you ,but,that would be pointless as you think only your nations suffering counts.

Once again your just publicaly demonstrating your ignorance about the pacific war again lukasz,the raping and looting had been going on by tojos regime from 1931,the vast majority of japans 30 million plus victims were asians,so,grow up."england" didnt occupy any of the lands bar hong kong that japan invaded,"englands" boys did however die in huge numbers liberating Burma et al from the japanese though.
"Only six Australians of the 2400 prisoners survived the "death march" "

"Japan did not call the Sino-Japanese conflict a war, but an incident. The Chinese troops were labeled bandits, which meant that when they were taken prisoner they were not prisoners-of-war and thus did not fall under any of the protections of that title. The book says "many of them were massacred, tortured, or drafted into Japanese labor camps." It cites one camp where half of the prisoners died of starvation or torture."

sound familiar?nkwd?
"1936 -- Unit 731, a biological-warfare unit disguised as a water-purification unit, is formed. Ishii builds huge compound -- more than 150 buildings over six square kilometers -- outside the city of Harbin, Manchuria. Some 9,000 test subjects eventually die at the compound.

1942 -- Ishii begins field tests of germ warfare on Chinese soldiers and civilians. Tens of thousands die of bubonic plague, cholera, anthrax and other diseases. U.S. soldiers captured in Philippines are sent to Manchuria.

1945 -- Japanese troops blow up the headquarters of Unit 731 in final days of Pacific war. Ishii orders 150 remaining 'subjects' killed to cover up their experimentation. "

To acept a county youhave to acept its past,never forget,but see that its never repeate,just remember lukasz,the poles arnt the only people with a "forgoton" holocaust.
15 Apr 2008
News / Polish Japanese relations (history and present time) [90]

just take five minutes to look at a couple of the links Ive posted and you will see just how offensive and plain wrong you are lukasz. Are you man enough to do that?

as I said I find Chinese, Koreans ... vicitmies of WWII in Asia.

NO,VICTIMS OF JAPAN!! or were all the poles killed just victims of ww2?not stalin and hitler?
15 Apr 2008
News / Polish Japanese relations (history and present time) [90]

I know that some Chinese (historicians) feel symphaty towards Poland because they find our WWII stories very similar.

Yes,nanking,warsaw...awfull tragedies both.

I think we are coming close to an understanding here lukasz.....but,understand,the british victims died fighting in counties that were not "our colonies" and had NEVER been robbed by "us",its as silly as saying you have no sympathy for the poles who died in North africa or italy because they wernt fighting in Poland. Just like "you" "we" also lost hundreds of thousands of young boys(not bloomin imperialist gennerals or rich bankers) fighting to free other lands and crush what were at the time countries in the grip of very nasty dictators.

AGAIN,IT WASNT OUR COLONY..japan never got to india ;)
And,whats more,I have no doubt had the atomic bomb not been developed the war in the east would have dragged on longer and Im sure "our" boys would have eventually had some help from "your" boys out there.
15 Apr 2008
News / Polish Japanese relations (history and present time) [90]

(I have notcied that English people like to talk about Britsh and some Scots avoid this word ;)

hate to remind you AGAIN,Im SCOTTISH not english...:)

OMG lukasz,are you really that thick or is it just your english letting you down? wtf has japan invading 3 quaters of asia(free countries,NOT british colonies) got to do with the opium wars of the 1840's? No one said you thought japan was a british colony...Japan has NEVER been anyones colony...:)

Sorry cro' Japan commited its worst atrocoties well before America put the oil blockade in place(part of the reason for the oil blockade was those atrocities).

And I do think you are insulting Japan saying they are under America..I dont think a single Japanese person would agree with you there.

Americans only needed an excuse to enter in war,

america was looking for any excuse NOT to enter into ANY war mate....why do you think they didnt get involved until december 1941?

how it would again secure a place in the world which to it belongs.

Its already got that place,its called Japan........anything else is just becoming the sort of evil invading empire you claim to hate other nations for.
15 Apr 2008
News / Polish Japanese relations (history and present time) [90]

That is why I don't consider your people dying there victims.

you really are the most imature,pathetic excuse for a "man" Ive ever come across on the internet..go burn a few shtetls you nasty little retard,you are the exception,you definatly are an UNTERMENSCH!!!

btw,dont expect any sympathy off admin if you go bleating to them,The Americans know all about this part of history even if you are so full up your own a rse to see things.

How would you feel if i said i dont consider the Polish dead at Mote cassino victims becase they invaded Italy...or the plain fact that Poland invaded and conquered western lithuania etc in the 1920s,by your logic all those Poles killed by stalin wernt victims because Poland invaded there earlier,yes,Poland invaded those territories centuries before so by your logic they deserve no respect....your a warped little man lukasz and no mistake!
15 Apr 2008
History / Is anything but Polish history taught in Polish schools? [50]

From the shocking lack of knowladge displayed here by certain forum members regarding history that doesnt directly involve Poland Im wondering ;
Do you get taught world history in your schools or is it all Polands great and Polands always been the big victim?
Serious question here,looking for serious replies.
As an example every British school kid gets taught about what happened in your country during the last war,we get taught about Vietnam ,the Arab /Israeli problems etc etc not to mention the flippin holocaust,none of which,with the exception of our ignoble part in the screw up that is the middle east has anything to do with britain or british people.

So,please put me right on this.
Is it a wide spread thing this rather narrow minded view of world events or are some people on here just,well,a little slow?
16 Apr 2008
History / Is anything but Polish history taught in Polish schools? [50]

It's shocking that you would build a picture of the entire country's education based on a few posters on PF.

Thats why I hoped for a few more posters to clarify things

And before you open your mouth again

I can type without moving my lips thank you :) (reading,thats another matter :) )

or are some people on here just,well,a little slow?

that's gotta be the one mate.

Yep,I was tired and hacked off when I posted this thread.
A better thread title wuld have been simply what history is taught in Polish schools,but,when one is faced with some fool saying the thousands,millions in fact of Japans wartime victims were not victims because of some crap that happened in 1840 you may see where I was coming from.
16 Apr 2008
News / Polish Japanese relations (history and present time) [90]

???are you denying that centuries ago Poland expanded eastwards???
Thats all Im saying,every country on earth that has been capableof expansion in the past has tried to,this doesnt mean that their desendants were any less victims of murder.
16 Apr 2008
History / Is anything but Polish history taught in Polish schools? [50]

So when you teach the history of 18th century India, are British kids in fact taught the history of India, or the history of their own country?

Right,I had written a near essay as a reply but got disconected, suffice to say that in my day,just over 15 years ago, the history that was taught in schools regarding India was obviously intertwinned,but,with a definate pro india/anti empire stance.Ghandi is a name that will trip off any britons lips where as Robert Clive is not. We were taught all about the indian struggle for indipendance and also,surprise surprise the fact that Ghandi attended university in England where he recieved his law degree(not the picture of an evil represive empire that some on here would wish to paint) the Amritsar massacre was covered in some detail(without I might add the background or the fact that,in the eyes of the commander responsible he was crushing what could have been a re run of the previous centuries mutiny which had caused the death of countless thousands of indians at the hands of fellow indians).

BTW lukasz,Im not even going to bother answering to your points as they are so pathetic and factually inacurate as to not even really warrent this paragraph.
16 Apr 2008
History / Is anything but Polish history taught in Polish schools? [50]

Dont be silly,just as you are far from the shinning example of Polish manhood there are for sure plenty of idiotic Britons on here and pucking up on your lovely streets.....

British and their colonies: was it beneficial to the colonies or to the Brits?

You would have to say a bit of both if you are looking at this dispasionatly. Of course Britain did not build such a huge empire on the grounds of doing it all for the "poor natives" but,and this is a big but,if you look at the reasoning behind much of the expansion this was exactly the raison d'etre.Much the same as the Christian missionaries,infact,much of the empire was intertwinned with Christian missionary thoughts and ideals.

As to the present day,lets look at the third world,in general which countries are the ones doing the best? Yes,it has to be stated,those that were former colonies or in fact members of the present commenwealth. India is the power hous of central asia is it not,this can clearly be laid at the door of the infrastructure left behind when Britain pulled out in 1947,it is or has been untill recently the same for the African nations.
16 Apr 2008
News / Yitzhak Shamir - prime minister of Israel with anti-polish sentiment [41]

The problem with anti-semites is that nothing Jews can do is ever right.

yep,I keep my eye on their barmy websites from time to time...these people really need to get a life. Nothing like people with superiority complexes running scared of little old Mrs Goldberg and her scary world domination plans run from her bagel shop in leeds :)
16 Apr 2008
History / Is anything but Polish history taught in Polish schools? [50]

yes, iraq is one of those shining examples, isn't it? lol

this was one of those league of nations jobbies,we were only there between the 2 world wars and then not for the full time,Iraq ended up with a pro nazi government thats why we had to kick some butt in Basra in 41...and dont complain too much,anders army fled the soviet union via iraq and iran :)

I was taught universal history, i.e. from the beginning of civilisation, through ancient Greece and Rome, medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Enlightenment, Romanticism, The Rest Of The XIX Cent. (whatever you call it), I WW, 20 years in-between, II WW, and the rest of modern history.

WOW,now thats what I call comprehensive education :) Was this only in high school or through out your schooling? We touched on the Ancients(ie shiney stuff ) in our primary education then tended to "specialise" in high school.

So, back to the question, were colonies beneficial to the Brits ?

Nah,back to the question,Whats taught,was taught in POLISH schools :) Is there a "national curriculum" or is it down to individual schools,areas etc?
16 Apr 2008
History / Is anything but Polish history taught in Polish schools? [50]

How about Canadian schools? :)

tsk,lukasz will start complaining about "primitive kanadyans takign over pf and raping indyans" (sic) . :)
Bart,the schoolings probably opposite now,In my day primary was 5-9/10 then middle school untill 13 then onto comprehensive/grammar school. but apart from that,not much different.:)

However private schools are considered much better than public ones (which of course is reflected in fees).

aint that the truth brother,though maybe they are better Because of the fee's,ie funding.
16 Apr 2008
History / Is anything but Polish history taught in Polish schools? [50]

Its six of one half dozen of the other sometimes isnt it,you find with those who deeply specialise from a young age that they dont have a wide basis of knowladge,but on the other hand there is a lot of people who know a little of a lot but not a lot of anything :)
16 Apr 2008
History / Is anything but Polish history taught in Polish schools? [50]

the french were way nicer then the english in dealing with the injuns

both used and abused them when they saw fit...there is a reason why the natives fled to the WEST of Canada from the US in the 19th century.....

And often they have sooo much to say, if you catch my drift :)

I do,and indeed,do :)
16 Apr 2008
Travel / Krakow going down the toilet! [184]

they had all **** in their rooms before leaving.

Now do you see any other nation behaving in this way?

er,yes,but Id better not mention which,dont fancy a hooded trip to the mid east via shin bet airlines :)

The British low lifes find it cheaper to spend there money than to go to a class venue in London, The Police should have a zero tolerance and put these scum bags on the next flight back to where they come from, of course after a rest in a prison cell and after a decent hidding from the police.
The british scum are not welcomed in Poland. I wonder what whould the reaction if Polish people behaved that way in London.

well done lukasz,your spelling is improving(you pathetic w*nker.)
16 Apr 2008
History / Is anything but Polish history taught in Polish schools? [50]

Now could you feckingly enlighten me about any Chinese company (not necessary army) which actively fought in Viet Nam-American War?

Yes,they were the main stay of the RF/PF and operation Pheonix assasins...oops,wrong side,you meant AGAINST the americans....mind you,there was a company of local force VC in the Cholon distrect of Saigon during Tet ',yes,Chinese pretty much mixed up,but,victory belongs to the peoples of Vietnam,not to the Chinese.

mali,not to bring it back to us evil brits again(seriously,I dont come here to talk about this crap!!) but,Im rather talking about the 2 main econamies being India and China,china has never fully been anyones colony.....not to mention being in east,not central asia...

anyway,can we get back to the Polish stuff please?????