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Posts by isthatu2  

Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 2,694 / In This Archive: 501
From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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3 May 2009
Travel / What is a milk bar and are there any still remaining in Poland? [14]

An "outsiders" view,I was touched by having to clear my own table,the stocky armed matronly ladies with severe faces and smells of long simmering cabbage reminded me of my old primary school canteen,only with kasha and borsht :)

This was in a suburb of Warsaw in 05.
3 May 2009


Please stop calling Dannyboy "boyo",thats what Welsh people say,not Irish,if Dannyboy really was an Irish "Boyo" you'd have something to worry about old fella :)

pro Soviet education until 1989

What a pillock,What pro Soviet education do you imagaine was taught in NATO member states schools you muppet. Fact,80 % of arms shipped to the soviet union from the US were kept in storage untill the 1990s,still in origional US factory wrapping. You gave them shermans,the soviets thought they were crap and only used a handfull in the final stages of the war. The only advantage given by lend lease to the soviet union was in logistics,with the GMCs and Studabakers the soviets were able to get to Berlin in April 45,without them they would have been there a bit later. So taking your "what if " view of history,where the US ignored Hitlers declaration of war,I concede no Normandy landings,so therefore no "race for Berlin" ie,USSR could have taken its time and still crushed the nazis.
3 May 2009
History / An apology to Poland from Australia [55]


A few times,the old Chipmunk,you know,the aeroplane that looks like it belonged to the pre war Polish airforce(see,back on topic) all white and red and was ,I think,made under licence in Austrailia ;)
3 May 2009
History / An apology to Poland from Australia [55]

I have to ask, were you ever stationed in Ireland?.

No. Im sure Ive said it before but just to be clear the most Ive served is 4 years with the air cadets and 7 tuesdays and a long weekend with the TA (reservists) :)

Thats rubbish, Austrialia supported Hitler.

Lol, Was that bcause hitler was born there?

im not suprised why people describe you as boring

oh,dont pick on me,I dont want you to go and get a few lines from a book to hit me with....
3 May 2009
History / An apology to Poland from Australia [55]

always ready to drink and to kick some british asses.

Maybe a little less drinking and a bit more fighting germans next time eh?

ill post some quotes especially for you.

zzzzzzz and i'll post quotes where( english) Paras kicked (english)commandos butts,speaking of butts,stop talking through yours,maybe a spell in the armed forces might teach you that soldiers of different units always have and always will get pished and fight each other,usuall keyboard warrior crap again.

As for the other stuff, Donkey puts it so well :)
2 May 2009
History / Territories of eastern Germany should rightfully belong to Poland? [161]

Well I am from Wessex ;)

I think you mean " falsewessex" dont you?


really,your claims for terriotory go back that far? Your more insane than I thought. Didnt the Turks and byzantines run the balkans then, sorry crow,you'll have to move,the Ottomans want their lands back.......
2 May 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

what that old drunk Churchill did

He got the drink problem from his mothers side of the family oh retarded one.

Viet Nam was triple canopy jungle

Not after you boys got through dumping Agent Orange and Napalm on it,civilians and your own conscripts,d'oh.

Thanks for leaving us in Iraq,

Your welcome,we were a bit tired of playing Romania to Nazi germany anyhow. No shame in pulling out from an illegal and ilogical war of agression and raw gread now is there buddy.

But lets see, UK TAOR secure and fully in local Iraqi hands,hows it going in your zone?

and are about to lose South Africa.

I knew you were a touch backwards old chap,is it your advancing years or too much moonshine? In case you hadnt noticed South Africa hasn't been "british" in over 100 years,and prior to that the territory today known as RSA was never fully under British domination.....

thrown out of Rhodesia

hhhmmm,yes,Dont you mean UDI was declared,by white rhodesians, get a grip,the more you bang on the more insane and well,dumb as a drunk tomatoe you look......maybe if you folks lost the habit of marrying your sisters the inteligence gene might have a chance of fruition,give it a go,breed outside the family....
2 May 2009
News / Is Poland ready for the swine fever stuff? [59]

All masks do is incubate any virus and increase profits for a few pharmo companies.
Around 12 thousand people die every year in the UK of "normal" flu....
whats up with the world its not like its been a slow news week.
A quote from a Brit politicians aide made on 911 comes to mind, "a great day to bury bad news". With such a relative non story as this dominating global news coverage just what else is being dusted under collective carpets?
2 May 2009

(though British government did not play nice with Go home policy for Poles left in UK after the war)

The British certainly did have an active "Go home " policy post 1945,but this was for every nationality not just Poles. It was,with the exception of the Cossaks,not something enforced with real pressure though. I can say from personal experience in my part of England that at memorial Parades almost as many Polish veterens attended as local british born veterens. Sure times were tough for them here at first but times were hard for everybody here untill the late 1950s.

-Why government of the United Kingdom has given guarantees to Poland?
What was the reason behind that move?

It was a mutual protection thing wasnt it? The idea to surround germany with nations allied against it,it didnt work in the end but if it hadnt existed the only way the retreating Polish forces could have turned was east,and lets not forget the reception found there, as it was,tragic as being unable to come to substansive instant aid of Poland,atleast her forces had somewhere in France and Britain to plan for a future.
2 May 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

How on the hell can I compete with you..

You cant,so slip back to your plantation massa boss man and whip a couple a nigra boys before tea ya heah..

I have no idea what you are saying

Not really surprising,has nurse ratchet not brought your meds yet?

What language are you talking?

The last bit was Vietnamese ,of course why would anyone in America understand that,after all aggressive forgien policies didnt result in 2 million dead civilians did it. I love some of you guys across the pond,on the one hand damming the British for an imperial past but on the other speaking of the US manifest destiny as leader of the free world. The romans had the legions,we had the redcoats,youve got fizzy drinks and hamburgers colonising the known world,lets wait 50-100 years and compare legacies shall we.

Call me some more vulgar names.

Why fiddly dee,and I do declare,does my rough hewn language upset your delicate southern delicacies ma'am?Frankly my dear,I dont give a damm,Im sure it wont cause you to spill your mint julip or make you late for a good ole cross burnin necktie party,whose on the menu as strange fruit tonight,sorrytonite? Is it a jew boy or a papist or just a nigra?....

at least we weren't hiding in subway tunnels.

eh?who,what,er,left field random post alert!!! Who hid in subway tunnels?Are you talking about the Blitz? Women and children escaping nightly bombing raids by terror bombings. God yes,those bloody cowards,should have been out in the streets throwing stones at the nazi bombers........6 civilians were killed in the states during the war by enemy air assualt,and that was a classifed secret for decades because your government thought it would spread mass panic. Think about it.
2 May 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

hit a nerve in the MICK

not particularly IVAN,when your part Irish,part Scottish and part Welsh,living in England I dont think a few silly names from some redneck nazi wannabe is going to pentrate my shell,sorry bout that,or maybe if your also actually a former imperialist aggressor you'll understand,xin loi ma boy,USA No 10. We rive in caves an eat rats but stiw kick uncle sams buts off our roofs in 75......
2 May 2009

*wonder what that makes me as I am both ? *

lol,I feel your pain,dont metion the "troubles" or "the 45".
If I ruled the world Id make it ilegal for to people of the same nationality to marry or breed,the quicker we're all able to wear a selection of football shirts depending on which side of our genes is playing the better :)
2 May 2009
UK, Ireland / Poles flee N. Irleand homes after World Cup riots [70]

We are pretty much ignorant about it till this day.

Nothing to be ashamed of that,just be thankfull that you didnt HAVE to learn about it,the hard ways.

You lost me here so whatever you say mate...

yeah,what I meant to say begaun to turn into a four page essay so you got the abridged,super abridged is,walk a mile in my shoes before telling me you feel the pain of my bunions :)
2 May 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]



Tell me oh wise one,how many Presidents have been Slavic,Id say Polish but lets not narrow down the field ...and then lets compare that to sons of errin in the big white house in DC.

Oh beggorah, I see Im talking to a well balanced person here,ie someone with a chip on both shoulders.
2 May 2009

So tell me Master - Why Poland have been given guarantees?
Mr isthatu2, Sir?

Sorry Pan Ironside,wasnt ignoring you :),well,lets see,because thats what governments are,a bunch of self serving double dealing belly crawlers,their only redemption being that atleast most of the time they have their own,if no others ,countries interests at heart.

We could play the what if game here , what if the roles had been reversed and the west was attacked,Poland looked as though it may be left alone or atleat given time for full mobilisation and maybe a build up of its tank force, would the Polish government have decided to risk everything on an ill prepared assualt on Germany and if they had,and probably been slaughtered,what would your opinion of said Polish government be?


All good aint it ;)

Personally I'm of the opinion that if France was not involved and Britain was the only one the declaration of war would have never happen.

Agreed,and it would have just been another example of shamefull appeasment to add to Munich et al.

Calling Poland in 1939 a "20 year old nation" is as ignorant as it can get.

Yes,but a notion commenly held in the 30s,lets face it,as a free nation in living memory Poland had only existed for 20 ,sorry,21 years in 1939 hadt it. One created out of the mess that was the versailies treaty and wilsons backing down to about 2 1/2 points.....

little known piece of history amongst many of today's Brits

to add to the list of historical blank pages in most peoples knowladge,I cant stress enough,if your interested in history,rather than building jingoistic points,none of this is hidden or covered up in the UK, the fact we didnt spend 50 years wringing our hands about Poland was we had our own troubles to deal with,lets face it,who in Poland spent any time worrying about British food rationing in the 1950s? Or felt any remorse for not bothering to fight harder? Because thats what it boils down too,lots of Poles who were probably not born untill the 1970s bleating that the brocken nation of britain(as you keep pointing out we were in 1945) didnt come riding to the rescue in some suicidle equivelent of charging tanks with lances by starting a new war with the Soviets. Especially considering that as far as the British population as a whole was aware at the time Poland had been "liberated" by an allied nation and had not one but 2 "legal" governments,the prevailing mood would have been,"one bunch of poles say they want this,another bunch say they want that,best leave them to it,they're big boys after all.".
2 May 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

revert to vulgar language.. Does that give you some sense of power?

Nope,Im just making full use of the language of my ancestors ta very much

HB A lot of nations have gangs. look at the Irish. They are damn near the lowest form of life that you can find. They talk about rednecks, but they are a perfect example of WHITE TRASH, a bunch of low life MICKS

Sorry,is this an example of you spreading your fabled white harmony?
2 May 2009
UK, Ireland / Poles flee N. Irleand homes after World Cup riots [70]

Its funny how not a single one of the blow hards/usual suspects have ever lived with kneecappings etc.
I suspected for years that the Poles as a whole were pretty much on a level with your average American when it came to an understanding of the situation in NI,ie,clueless.

When youve lived with a civil war on your streets since birth come back and tell us how the residents of say Praga would have reacted,untill then,if your interested,educate yourself,if not,shush.

No doubt one of the plastic polish hussars will come back with "no,you dont know what your talking about",and Id say,yes,compared to the guys who have posted who live in Ireland,north or south,I dont, all I did was live in England during the troubles with a last name as Irish as Guinness and had a bomb go off 200 meters from me as I chatted with a girl and her 18 month old baby......
2 May 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

If Scotland and Ireland would be compatible. Then there would be no need for the IRA.

eh? wtf are you talking 'bout willis? Looky here folks,we got the brainbox of alabama here to tell us the straight story,sit back an listen people,the old fellas got a point,shame it seems to be lodged in his frontal lobes......

Every body wants to suceed from England.

Im Scots/Irish fella,Im quite happy living here in England and the locals seem quite happy with me.....most of the time...

you stick your nose into Americas business.

Sorry old bean,twas more a case of helping to educate you about your own history,something you seem to have real problems with,so a tip,dont try and tell other folks their history,you'll just end up looking more silly thatn you already do....

Your glory days are gone.

Aye,so what? S'funny,but the only time I ever seem to hear any mention of "Britains glorious/imperial/golden age" it seems to be from chippy sceptics who seem to constantly harp on about those times,day to day here in Britain weve got rather more constructive things to do than constantly refer to "yay,how great we are,leaders of the free world blah blah blah" a far more commen trait on you former colonials.

just hope that you young people

oh good,an old git,it'll be dead soon and maybe its barmy ideas about some mythical white harmony....ya dumb fcuk,you cant even see that its white folks fighting over this issue can you?
2 May 2009

which sooner or later you would have to do anyway.

well,sorry but historical fact and what ifs are 2 very different things,fact, Due to treaty Britian was obligated to declare war on germany once it was clear germany was continuing its invasion of Poland,and because of this historical fact Britain was bancrupted by a war . The what ifs are everything that didnt happen........Britain being sensible and saying"what the fcuk has this 20 year old nation ever done for us,lets see what this hitler chap does,mean time lets crack on with building those new fangled Spitfire thingumyjigs so if war comes our way we can give the bosche another bally bloody nose pip pip."
2 May 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

Aw bless,the lousy limey's having to teach the redneck his own history.Hey,Cleatus,if southern and northern "culture" had been compatible there would never have been the need for the divergent politics and war that followed ie,it was a clash of cultures.
2 May 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

It was a war stated to preserve the "unique culture of the South" ,ie the rights of states to set their own moral and legal agendas.....
2 May 2009

Your argument is based on the assumption that Hitler was going to attack Poland anyway, well for all you know his main target could have been France.

Sorry,but on 1st sept 39 hitler invaded poland ,may 10th 1940 hitler invaded france,facts old boy. So,to clear up the time line,hitler had been,well his troops anyway,in Poland for 3 days by the time of the Franco/British decleration of war.

Hitlers main targets were never France or Britain,documents prove that Hitler was quite willing,infact very keen that the french and british maintained their own empires to ,in his plans,act as future trade partners for the empire he wished to build in the east. Proof of this lies in the fact that only a fairly small section of metropolitain France was actually occupied by the germans and all french oversees territories,ie its empire,remained under full french Vichy control.

French and British guarantees simply directed Hitler against Poland and hve bought some time for western nations.

Wrong and right,Hitler,by the time of the invasion of Poland had already got the only territory he claimed as German to the west,the Saar and Rhineland,only teeny bits near Stasbourg were still coveted but he was prepared to sacrifice these for gains in the east.

Im interested in how much time you think it would have bought though,lets see,Hitler free in the east,allied to the soviets but only till some fancifull "what if" version of Brabarossa. How long do you suspect the war in the east would have dragged out? Would it like the first world war have taken part predominantly back and forth accross Polish and prussian lands or taken place further east? At what point would hitler have felt secure enough to take on the combined might of the western allies who,if at first slow to realise the full dangours of germany as witnessed by the admittadly paltry forces available to counter the actuall assualt in the west in '40, would have ,in this convenient parralel universe of yours built up sufficient forces to act as a block against anything the nazis may have planned. If it had worked that way I imagine a situation not unlike the cold war,only in that senario all Poles would have been wiped out by the year I was born rather than freed from a dictatorship when I was 13.
2 May 2009

My debate is not about declaring the war on Germany but rather about the British debt after it was all over. Like I said before, we paid our share so that had nothing to do with us but nice try anyway.

No arguments there,in financial terms,both our countires ended up shafted,but it is plain logic that dictates,if Britain had stayed neutral,which historical evidence proves Hitler would hve been more than happy to live with,we wouldnt have expended the millions of pounds and lives that brought about the collapse of our empire.Without the western nations ( Britain,France and Holland) being involved in a war that hitler plainly wanted to confine to the east the Japanese would never have felt in a position to expand outside of its china/korea empire.Pearl Harbour probably would have never been bombed and,well,you can guess the rest mate as your a very bright guy :)

Simply stating that if it was not for Poland, Britain would not be in the mass it found itself after the war just won't do, or that somehow it's all our fault.

It would be rediculous to state that "if it was not for Poland..." as though it was Polands fault for being invaded....a more accuratte apraisal would be,it was the fault of earlier western governments,britain and france cheiflly who failed to bring hitler in line when that would have been simple,mid 30s. But also,it still doesnt negate the fact that Britain DID declare war BECAUSE Poland was invaded(or rather,because the germans didnt retreat or stick to a fairly legitimate claim for a land corridor),I say again,not Polands fault,Nevile Chamberlins and the cabinet for declaring war.

And if your going to bring up post war again,not that old chestnut,please get it,in 45 no bugger in britain was going to go to war against the red army,sorry about that.



the Brits are mostly quite ignorant to Polish history

well,frankly,Poland doesnt register on many peoples historical radar outside of,well,Poland. But ,saying that,have you met all 60 odd million of us to back up your claim?

On the flip side plenty of Poles who seem to have an encyclopedic knowladge of Poland have about as much wider knowladge as the average American or British HighSchool kid, watching a movie about Custers Last Stand(the clue really should have been in the title,"They died with their boots on") I was asked midway through whether the nice cavelrymen escaped from the redskins trap!!!and this by a person who could recite for hours on detailed examinations of anything from obscure home army units to biographies of all the kings of Poland.

and they managed to liberate the English troops who had found themselves completely surrounded due to a huge mistake and the unwillingness to listen from a certain General who happened to be Montgomery. (This event got covered up shortly after the war because of politics and propaganda, but a while ago, the Polish finally got their reqocnition!)

What event is this specifically mate, Im guessing Arnhem 44 but your going to have to narrow it down a bit or Im going to have to point out that those same Poles were "rescued" by British troops of the wessex and Dorset regiments;),Oh,and no arguments,Monty was a tosser,and alleged kiddie fiddler to boot.,still kicked Rommels arse though :)

As for "cover ups" I doubt it,for those interested the Battles around Arnhem are probably the most widely studied and documented of engagements of the war.

It would have been incredibly hard to have a cover up,especially in my neck of the woods,considering that all or most of the Polish airborne veterens stayed on here after the war and socialised with their british airborne comrades.

The only way I could in any way concede a "cover up" is simple with a surfiet of memoires from British veterns of the battle,who after all outnumbered the Poles 10 to 1, those Polish stories may have been lost in the crowd,but again,only for those with little or no interest in the battle anyway,those like myself who have studied it,walked the ground many times and honoured the allied veterens of all nations at their various and combined memorial services both here and in the netherlands on numerous occasions, know just how well the Poles fought,and how tragic were the loses they suffered,and we know that those loses and fighting spirit were a part of every soldier in that battle regardless of nationality,and I do mean totaly regardless,yep,even the moffen SS behaved with (relative) honour and undoubted elan.
2 May 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]


Nuts! The US has hundreds of cultures,all under one flag.

Anyone with common sense can see that whites do not benefit at all from diversity

Oh really,lets see,some Scots were sent over to the US pre 1776 as indentured labour(basicaly slaves),there descendents became slave overseers.On the plantations Scots culture was practised which included Highland plainsong Hymm singing .The black slaves,slowly converting to christianity overheard this style of call and answer singing,developed gospel,blues sprang from that,then rock and role then the music that fills millions of white folks ears everyday.......Tell you what mate,Im as lily white as they come and i'll take Robert Johnson,Jimi Hendrix et al over some folks warbling amazing grace in gealic anyday.

England is a shining example of the weakness of multiculturalism. The destruction of cities, the increase in crimes, social problems, and destruction of freedoms.

Oh shut up you muppet,twasnt the blacks who "destroyed" any british cities,it was either the f ing Lufftwaffe or maggie in the 80s.........crimes have not increased,but the reporting of crime has and also the number of acts which are now blackman wants to take any of my freedoms fella,last time I looked most of the boss man types here were ,well,white.......

Many WN'sts just want to secure a future for our people.

Are you and other neo nazis really members of such a weak race and culture that rubbing shoulders with others will make you lose your sense of identity? Really? God,what "white race/culture" do you belong to,coz it isnt the same as mine,my "white culture" or self identification is strong enough for me to still consider myself white despite,shock horror,having gone to school with a black girl and indian boy!!!! I neither identify as female or Hindu,maybe you would ,I dont know,they do say the weakest minds are the easiest to change....... I can sit and watch Zula and happily cheer as Micheal Caine shoots a few dozen black guys without any feeling of white mans guilt,I know in those times,the 1870s Id have probably been marching around some far off land wearing a red coat and being beastly to the natives but seeing as its 2009 Id rather take a wander into town and for lunch have the choice of rice and pee's,maybe some jerked goat,or heck,some fish n chips.......
1 May 2009
History / Territories of eastern Germany should rightfully belong to Poland? [161]

yes, Serbs are evil. You didn`t know that? Go ask BBC and Al Jazeera Take your doze of brainwashing before going to sleep

well your the fella wanting to incite wars on the most spurious of historical links. Say what you like about us "false westerners" but were not planning to invade Normandy,gascony,sh*t,even Paris just because ,A, a hell of a lot of our ancestors come from there and B,we had " legitimate" claims on those areas due to legally treaties for most of the middle ages.......Dude,give it a rest will you,theres enough people from outside of europe coming here without all this pointless infighting amonst peoples so interbred that the differences are only carried in some deluded fools hearts.

meant to ask crow,did you enjoy your day out today throwing petrol bombs at the EU police? Or are you just a keyboard revoloutionary fighting your brave racial battles from the saftey of mummys house?

Turks but simple they aren`t my kind, they aren`t my choice for my children.

someone needs to teach this fella the birds and bees....Crow,if your not a turk your kids wont be turks...or do you just "want a brown baby,like all the other girls on the estate"?
1 May 2009
History / Territories of eastern Germany should rightfully belong to Poland? [161]

it is obvious that so called west have great interest to invest in power of Germany, to preserve might of that country.

yep,coz we just love a good war with em every couple of decades....Oh wait,no,thats you serbs that get a stiffy from war innit.

Its because Romans, Teutons and others from so called west hunted Slavs without mercy and when they found that captured people called each others `Slavs`

ballder dash and piffle, the romans enslaved any bugger they came across and considering they didnt get much further than romania,fighting dacians....not "slavs" I somehow doubt the might of the XXVVIIIC legion was used to chase down your mountain dwelling hobbit like ancestors crowie,they had to much fun chasing Gauls and Celts....
1 May 2009
News / EU regulations cost Poland 27,8 bilions euros so far [7]

" EU regulations will cost the UK £356 billion by 2018 –that is £14,300 per household in Britain. According to Open Europe’s study, EU labour marketlaws alone already account for over 20 percent ofthe total cost of regulation in the UK," (same source as the above)

Hey,no winners here,and Im not even playing the "we are worse off than you "card :)