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Posts by Spavo  

Joined: 1 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 28 Jun 2010
Threads: Total: 3 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 18 / In This Archive: 12
From: Viareggio, Italy (Włochy)
Speaks Polish?: a little

Displayed posts: 14
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13 Sep 2009
History / Is there a good recent film on an important Polish battle/war/history fact? [11]

mmh i think i'll have to see lotna
by the way, i knew some of those but i intended a recent movie, after 1989, when they could put what they wanted without censure. Katyn is an example, but it shows polish victims and not something great that poles did in their history like a battle , or maybe the signing of constitution of 3 may. is there something like that?
10 Sep 2009
History / Is there a good recent film on an important Polish battle/war/history fact? [11]

so I know they were to make a movie on Battle of Vienna but it seems it will never be produced (Victoria). they will make hardkor 44 on the Warsaw uprising but not before the next 3 years. Tajemnica Westerplatte had to be ready this 1 September but it didn't.

isn't there any well-done movie about a Polish epic battle or something? there are a lot of things in polish history which can be made in a wonderful movie but i still didn't find any.
27 Apr 2009
News / Non-Polish members - what knowledge does your country have about Poland? [35]

I have been to Italy (A little tourist city)
Allmost nobody could speak English, and when I was asking some boys (15-17) they didn't understand a word! I was truely shocked! Ive also seen dubbing of Movies!
In Norway everything is subbed!
It was so wierd!
In Poland was like in Italy long time, but now it's all getting better

Yeah english is a problem, I think it's because they teach it sooo bad, only gramatical rules and no speaking or listening real english.

i think dubbing is normal, i don't like subbed movies and think polish dubbing is terrible... one man who dubs the whole movie @_@
27 Apr 2009
News / Non-Polish members - what knowledge does your country have about Poland? [35]

Most of my friends say they didn't know Poland existed before meeting me. (well, they met me when we was really young)
In history books polish history is wrong or "not so exact", for example my history book talking a little about the ottoman empire says that it was really a great power and in battle of Varna or something like that it defeated a polish-serbian-hungarian army killing polish king, there is written that it continued expanding until 1683 but not what happened in that year.

about WWII everywhere you can read "Poland surrendered after some weeks because it failed in modernization of its army" and bye bye for the whole war.

they also asked me if in Poland they talked english or russian.
on the other way older people who lived in the '80s knows Lech Walesa and Solidarnosc
P.s. I'm talking about Italy
21 Dec 2008

I don't know the level of germanic countries, but in Italy it's really low... I know people who at the liceum still read "w" as "v" and yes, southern Italians have a lot more problems than northerns. As a Pole here my level is higher than my friends' level, but my cousin (who is now at Wroclaw university) speaks badder than an Italian who for example plays online games. I think a problem can be that the teachers tend to semplificate their spelling, so I understand very well what they say but when I try to watch an english movie I've got a lot of problems in understanding it, and a lot of my classmates wouldn's understand a single word...
27 Nov 2008
News / What did Poland get out of the wars and struggles for others? [1108]

nor did we send you a bill for all the planes you crashed after we allowed you to use them to regain some of you wounded pride

you send us a bill for the equipment we used during the war, i don't know if planes were included.

I see that you are Italian - I'd keep out of this since the Italians are hardly know for their valour!

i'm not Italian, I just live in Italy and I got a lot of offences in my life for beeing a Pole.
27 Nov 2008
News / What did Poland get out of the wars and struggles for others? [1108]

See what unrgateful bastards are the nations the brave Poles have saved or aided!

that's because if you write in austrian books that Sobieski saved Austria from the turks in 1683 they will ask you why Austria invaded Poland 100 years later, if you write in european books that Poland saved Europe from communism in 1920 they will ask you why nobody helped us, and if you write in british books that Poles saved Britain they will ask why Churchill left Poland to Stalin, so it's just better don't write about Poland in books and this is what they actually do...
20 Nov 2008
News / Poland's Most Quoted [22]

How is this said in Polish? It's all well and good to have an Italian translation. Did Pilsudski speak Italian?

I can't find the polish version :/ but it should be in wikiquote somewhere, i saw it a lot of time ago...
i wrote italian translation because it's a really popular quote in Italy, i don't know if it is in english-speaking countries as well :P
18 Nov 2008
News / Poland's Most Quoted [22]

Pilsudski: "to want to, is to be able to"
In Italy it translates "volere è potere" and a lot of people say it every day, i didn't know it was a Pilsudki's quote before i started to read something about him
12 Nov 2008
History / Did they want to give an island in the Mediterranean Sea to Poland? [9]

Hello, my father says that in 1918 the winners of first world war wanted to give an island in the mediterranean sea to Poland, but poles refused.

I searched but I can't find anything about this, is there anyone who knows something more?
26 Aug 2008
News / Where did the respect for Polish president go? [28]

I live in Italy and a lot of people make fun of the Prime Minister Berlusconi, only young boys like him. maybe because this is the third time he is PM, or because he changes evry right for his own businesses. But nobody talks about the president, i discovered we have a new one only 6 months later XD

maybe in South USA they respect Bush, but a lot of people hate him and make funny videos on youtube.
In Poland it's the same, and in my opinion Kaczynski cannot be respected, as I don't know a single person who likes him and I don't like a single thing he has done: sometimes it's like we have a child as president :/
26 Aug 2008
History / Why did Poland remove the Eagle from the Flag? [26]

Maybe because the communists removed the crown and it wasn't so cool without it :D but i see a lot of flags with the eagle, and in the movie Katyn there is a flag without eagle in ww2!
25 Aug 2008
History / What was poland's best epoch in history? [26]

the interwar period 1918-1939 has been nice too, maybe without nazi aggression or be betrayed by all the allies and have 50 years of communism we could do something nice...